Chapter twenty - nine

There were many worlds in this universe and within this world, earth was freshly born and form along with Xiang Ni, there was only one peach tree accompanying him. Thousands of years pass seemingly like one blink and Xiang Ni finally choose to be asleep as he does not want to face the endless day and nights alone. After more and more humans were born on this world after going through the river, flowers started to spring from where Xiang Ni is in his eternal sleep.

The flowers that sprung were equally beautiful and ugly. They were the flowers that represent sin and goodness. Among them were the flower of hope. Hope was without any physical form, but she lingers among humans to try and encourage them even during the hardest time. Along with hope helping humans, there was something trying every way to undo whatever hope do. It was the peach tree who while following Xiang Ni had developed into the physical form of a spirit as the peach tree was infused with Xiang Ni powers as an ancient god.

Finally, the flower of hope had gathered enough good karma to be reborn as a human named Xi Wang. But the first lifetime as a human was a failure for Xi Wang. Xi Wang died in her home full of great regrets of not doing well enough in her life. seemingly it was like her great regrets had woken her parent Xiang Ni from his eternal sleep. Xiang Ni awoke to find himself beside Xi Wang's cold body.

Xiang Ni knew Xi Wang was born from him, he closes her eyes and kiss her forehead before going to the river of sin and forget for rebirth in hopes of seeking enlightenment. Despite being an evil doer and still a spirit, the peach tree was still a powerful being. The peach tree was around Xi Wang and was jealous of the fact that even when she is there on the scene, Xiang Ni attention was on the girl. Xiang Ni did not even choose to acknowledge her before going to the river of sin and forget.

The peach tree decides to infuse Xi Wang with her power that will stop Xi Wang from rebirth. the peach tree just does not want Xi Wang to go through rebirth and have the chance of being with Xiang Ni. This power developed into the main system that allowed Xi Wang to be reborn into five worlds and the final sixth world where she is supposed to retired.

But what the peach tree spirit did not know was that the kiss that Xiang Ni has left on Xi Wang also has infused her with his power. And this power developed into the sub system that Xi Wang is used to following her throughout the sixth worlds. The sub system did not even know its origins and had unknowingly help to defuse a lot of bad things that was supposed to happened to Xi Wang. It was like a permanent communication breakdown between the main and sub system.

Lady Meng look at the couple lying on the other side of the river of sin and forget. Lady meng knew the couple's history. Lady Meng had look at the whole process of what was happening on the other side of the river. She was the one who push the man through the barrier. Thousands of years have passed, and it was extremely rare that lady meng had seen a couple passed through the river of sin and forget successfully. Lady Meng could count on one hand the number of couples that have successfully pass through the river together in the thousands of years that she had been guarding the river. Even many well-known human couples in history could not successfully go through the river together. The pain will have normally pulled the couple away in the river. And this couple was still tightly clenched together now even when lady meng try to pull them apart.

Lady Meng shook her head in wonder at why people still attempt to be bad when everything is fake and the only thing you could take with you is your good or bad karma. But after thousands of years patrolling the river, lady meng knew better then to console the souls that pass through the river. Never being in the spirit shoes, it was not fair for her to comment on the spirits deeds.

Actually, if the peach tree spirit had not tried to go against nature, Xi Wang may not even have the chance to be in the same world again even if she was born from Xiang Ni. It was the peach tree stubbornness that ensured them being born together in all the worlds and in the last world to fall in love. Ironically, Xiang Ni was not fated to go any form of love trials in the original version she read from hades book before he achieved enlightenment.

The first world Xiang Ni was a high-ranking ancient god that look in amusement at Xi Wang who was a low-ranking god that fight countless battles that allow her to be a high-ranking god when she passed away.

The second world Xi Wang was a mafia boss and Xiang Ni was the police commissioner who personal mission was to catch Xi Wang misdeeds in an attempt to land her in jail. But Xi Wang was still the flower of hope and she did too many kind deeds until it was too hard for Xiang Ni to catch her misdeeds. Every time Xiang Ni wanted to catch Xi Wang for some misdeed, the public will protest so badly until Xiang Ni have no choice but to give up.

The third world Xiang Ni was the emperor while Xi Wang was his female general and his emperor teacher. Xi Wang also died in the process of saving Xiang Ni from an enemy country.

The fourth world Xiang Ni was the boss and Xi Wang was the company best star and an international well known best actress.

The fifth world Xiang Ni was still a police commissioner trying to catch Xi Wang as she was a famous black hacker. But Xiang Ni still failed as Xi Wang change to be a white hacker instead.

Lady Meng was thinking of the couple's past that is reflected in hades book that she regularly steals to have a look at an interesting soul past. If not, how do she pass the thousands of years patrolling the river of sin and forget. Her only other hobby was growing the special flowers named rebirth that dotted the side of the river where the couple has washed up on.

If any soul washes up on this side of the river of sin and forget. It means the river had deem them not worthy of rebirth. there were a variety of reasons and the major reasons were that souls were full of great resentment either of hate of regrets. Normally Lady Meng will let them drink down rebirth flower juice and they will forget their resentment no matter how great it was and pushed them back into the river for its judgment. But for this couple, lady meng let them drink rebirth flower juice to heal their souls as she knew based on her calculation of their fate, they still could go back into their bodies. Lady meng touch their tightly clenched hands in blessing and throw them back into their bodies after they have drunk the rebirth flower juice.