Chapter thirty

Xi Wang and Xiang Ni woke up with a jump with seemingly like a decade has pass and look around the environment they were in with blurry eyes. Multiple scents and sound attack them at one go after both were clearly awake. Scents of the antiseptic smell of the hospital and sounds of brother, mother, and daughter ring around them with crying sobs dotted in the middle of the sounds that were ringing around them.

Something falls on her from a few directions so fast until Xi Wang felt as if she could pass away again. Xi Wang brain was fully awake by now and recognize the something that falls on her to be her two sons and daughter.

"if you three unfilial things want your mother to pass away again, you could jolly well continue to lay on me" Xi Wang coldly said.

Xi Wang turn to look around the hospital room and saw her mother sitting down beside her with bloodshot eyes. Xi Wang pushes her three children off her and struggle to sit up and kiss her mother cheeks and apologize to her for making her worry. Since yudan mother treat her extremely well, looks like her own mother from her first life and she is using yudan's body, Xi Wang decide to treat yudan mother like her own mother. Of course, another reason was to address her own regrets that in her first life she does not have the ability to treat her mother well causing her mother and her to die of regrets.

Suddenly Ming Zhen, Ming Liang and Xiang Yang started to speak in unison causing Xi Wang to almost blush red right to her toes. "mummy, is it that you wanted that man to be your husband, why are you still holding his hands even after both of you have woken up."

Xi Wang saw that she was still holding Xiang Ni hands and wanted to pull away in embarrassment, but Xiang Ni refuse to release his ironclad hold on her hand.

But this time there were a difference and only Ming Zhen and Ming Liang spoke "this man still has not pass our test and we do not agree for him to be our father. We do not even know his occupation."

Xiang Yang weakly held up his hands and said softly "actually that man that you all are thinking without occupation is my elder brother and the de facto boss of Phoenix."

The members of team Deadly wanted to cry from all the feelings rolling in them. Relief that their boss has woken up. and happy that they do not need to hide from their future boss lady now that their second boss have outed their big boss occupation to their future boss lady. That time that their boss wanted to act as their boss lady gigolo, they were having such a hard time hiding from their boss lady. They do not know how many times they wanted to sweat when their boss lady looks around her suddenly, seemingly feeling their presence. Although with their boss medicine, team Deadly is still confident that they could hide from their boss lady. But their boss lady glance was so deadly sharp and poisonous, causing the members of team Deadly to be sweating when they were around her. Next step they could expect their small boss appearance in this world very soon now that their boss iron tree has bloom flowers and finally found a spouse.