Chapter forty- seven

Xi Wang read into the woman mind and knew that she had said out everything she remember about her drug taking history and how she harm Sima Yu. Also, Xi Wang saw that Yu Yi had already cut off her hair in a nice uneven shape and all her clothes cut off. So, Xi Wang gestured for the two members of team deadly to throw her outside of the hotel. It will be nice to let the woman to have a taste of what she had treat Sima Yu to. To Xi Wang, this revenge is barely a start as she treats her son's family members in this world like her own family members too.

As Xi Wang had opened her senses to read into the woman mind, she also has brief glimpse into the what the media on scene was thinking. So Xi Wang knew that she could retreat without fear knowing that unless she wanted it, no people on scene will report about what had happened today.

Xi Wang stood up from her chair and turn around, wanting to walk out of the room when she felt someone pulling her. Xi Wang turn her head to see who is pulling her when she saw two reporters as seen from the media staff card that were wearing kneeling down in front of her.

The reporter couple recognize Xi Wang and the gentleman standing beside her when they saw her fighting and they knew by hook or by crook, they must speak to her today. What a pity the celebrity, Hou Yi is not here today. Especially they already had investigated on their saviors.

It was really hard as there was no recording available about the hijacking attempt on the flight. If not, the reporter couple knew that they would regret it as it was the first time in three months, they finally knew who all of their saviors were. It was a pity that their investigation did not even dig out an inkling about the two people who bought the hijackers in economy class on their flight. The reporter couple had actually wanted to visit all of the saviors of their flight once they identify them.

Both of them said in unison "savior, if not for the fact that we see you today. We will not know that you and the gentleman standing next to you are the couple who took down the hijackers on the flight that we were on three months ago. If not for the fact that our recording equipment suddenly do not work on the flight. We will already have recorded your glory and release it to the public so you will be known as heroes that both of you truly are. As both of you and Hou Yi had save both of us and our children. From your behavior on the flight with Hou Yi, we knew you were quite close with him. That is why we see you today, we must seek your agreement so we could visit you and Hou Yi with our children to thanks you for saving our lives."

Xi Wang bend down and pull the reporter couple up and said to them while pointing to Tang Yan. "my husband and I are quite busy today so I cannot speak much today. If you want to visit us, speak with my manager, Tang Yan, he will arrange on our meeting at a time convenient to me and Hou Yi."

Xi Wang knew that since it was already known to the media that she and Xiang Ni were the people who bought down the hijackers on their flight. So, Xi Wang decide to make use of this fact. First it will be good publicity for her new drama. Second, knowing how evil people could get up to, so in case if there is any media who broadcast on her doings today. Her heroic attempt will divert the public attention effectively.

So before leaving, Xi Wang left orders for Tang Yan to deal with the reporter couple. And of course, to let Tang Yan to emphasize to the media on scene today that whatever they record today, they could only broadcast the fact the heroic attempt of Xi Wang, Xiang Ni and Hou Yi.

The reporters on scene were shocked when they realized that the manager that was speaking to them is the wealthiest man in the world for three years running. the fact that the new actress, Xi Wang could get the world richest man to be her manager only add to the mystery that was this new actress. This fact adds to their firm belief that it is better for them not to get on Phoenix and the mysterious new actress, Xi Wang bad books.