Chapter forty-eight

Xiang Ni held Xi Wang from behind, lying his head on her shoulder while slowly saying." I believe that my people from J country will already have arrived in C country already. I am behind you in whatever you do. I know your ability well but there are always exceptional circumstances and people so be careful. How I wish you can let me settle everything, my heart pains at the thought of you on purpose going into trouble. But I know if I really kept you in a cage is not the way to respect you so I still must emphasize that we have miss thousands of years, and I do not want to miss any part of our future anymore."

Xi Wang slightly turn her head to snuggle her face into the crook of Xiang Ni shoulders. "you do not know how much I love you. Look on the bright side, at least we can go into matrimony status now that all my children have appear. Taking revenge for my son and getting the best leading actress award for Asia is the last two things that I need to do, and I can focus on you and our family after that."

Xiang Ni continue to say while hugging Xi Wang "because based on mutual understanding, normally I keep a blind eye to what Jade is doing. But do not worry, I always have updated information on Jade's bases, financial records, doings and their members in every country Jade is in just to ensure that I could attack them if they break our mutual understanding one day."

Xi Wang and Xiang Ni look at each another and smile in unison. They do not fear revenge and already knew what to do to take revenge for their son, Sima Han. They could read each other minds easily, vice versa; they could also block each other reading their minds easily if they block each other from reading their minds.

Xi Wang look at Sima Han and said, "my son, I will speak to you after I have taken revenge for you. Your mother and your elder brother will teach you advance hacking skills after our revenge attempt on Jade."

Xi Wang bought out her laptop that she always carries in her system space. It is already linked to each of the camera pins that each leader of each team that will be sent to destroy the ten bases of Jade in C country today.

Just nice, the leader of Jade set up an inner web for their members. It is also another way for Jade's leader to control its members easily internationally. To Xi Wang, anything online will be hackable to her.

Xi Wang hack into the financial accounts of Jade for C country that were largely in overseas private bank accounts with a minor few bank accounts in C country. While the money was transferring, Xi Wang also done up a code that will broadcast the images that will be recorded by the camera pins that the leaders of Phoenix will be wearing today once she starts the code.

The images will be broadcast into the leaders of Jade mobile phones and their inner web. Xi Wang also record a video that will be broadcast after they have bombed all the bases of Jade in C country today. That video is actually to let Jade know who is behind the bombing attempt today and the reason for the bombing attempt. Xi Wang wanted the leaders of Jade to know who the person behind the bombing attempt is, so no innocent people will be harmed or be suspected to be the one behind the bombing attempt. Xi Wang also wanted to know that it is because of taking revenge for Sima Yu and that is why Phoenix will bomb their bases in C country today. To Xi Wang, it is only a weakling that fear reprisal, and she now have the background to not to fear any reprisals.

Among the team members of team deadly, there are one member who is an expert in the field of explosives. So along with the skilled doctor, they had few years ago perfectly learn the skill of calculating and modifying the explosives and medial bombs to cater to different environments. The medical bombs once thrown into the base of Jade will allow the people within the base to faint.

And Xi Wang's plan is to let the members of Phoenix go into the base and pull the fainted people out. Although she kills people and she could be considered an expert in the art of killing, but Xi Wang did not like killing people unnecessarily. This is a motto that she had follow ever since the first world that she went to for doing a mission.