3. Wanderings

August has been traveling for a month. Traveling turned out to be quite difficult, because you need a lot of things for this, and for them you need. Augustus didn't have any. He certainly took a small amount from the house, but for a long time they were not enough. Food, water, miscellaneous equipment, and other things were expensive. Augustus has run out of money and will soon run out of provisions. But he was lucky, on the map that he bought, he was near the city of Holbrook.

Holbrook was a town at the intersection of Arizona and New Mexico. From Holbrook, you can get to New Mexico by river in just moments, but you need a boat, and you need money for a boat. Money, Augustus already hated it. But to get money, you need a job, but who would take him like this, suddenly they will be afraid of his eyes and run away in fear ?

Entering the city was noticeably strange. The city was completely empty. It was the afternoon, but there were no people in the city. Cars were abandoned on the road, windows were broken in houses and shops, and there was fog everywhere. This worried Augustus.

--- What happened here ? Ow ! IS THERE ANYONE HERE ?

His cry was answered only by his own echo.

--- Well, I need to look around, in case I meet someone .

Walking through the streets of the city, he did not see a single living soul. There aren't even any stray animals, and then there are no animals, there aren't even any insects here ! And just like that, he noticed the store.

--- Well, I think I can come in...isn't that right ?

The store was as empty as the city.

" Well, there's food and water here. Even electricity, which is strange. But where are the people ? I don't think anyone would leave a store full of groceries and money unattended. "

--- Hey ! The seller ! Is there anyone here ?

He stood for a while and decided to take some food and a little bit of different things. After a while, after filling his backpack, he went to the cash register.

--- If there's anyone here, I left the money behind the counter !

Without waiting for an answer, he left the store and noticed a light in the distance. He decided to go for it. As he got closer and closer, he noticed people. They wore black robes, carried staffs with a skull on top, and had animal skulls on their heads.

As he got closer, he could hear them muttering to themselves.

--- O Great One ! Visit us with Your presence ! Give us Your grace ! Let us bring You our gifts !

--- O Great One !

They began to sing a strange song, two of the same people brought the box and when they opened it, he saw that there was a goat inside. The chief man took a dagger and slashed at the goat's throat.

--- O Great One ! Accept our gifts and give us Your blessing !

Then they started dancing, shouting, laughing. And then August realized that it was time to make his feet, but when he managed to take only a step, a voice was heard.

--- Stop, child !

Augustus froze abruptly. He turned around and saw that all the cultists were looking at him. Their leader smoothly stepped forward and held out his hand.

--- Come forth, child, out of the darkness into the light, out of the shadow into the sun. Come to us. We won't hurt you.

Cautiously stepping out from behind the tree, Augustus slowly began to approach him. Augustus somehow thought they wouldn't hurt him, he just felt it.

And when he was in front of everyone, he could hear their sighs. He felt that everyone was looking at his eyes. They stared at them.

--- Come here, child ! Give me your hand.

When he slowly brought his hand closer, he quickly grabbed it. His grip was strong, Augustus felt that he could get out, but he had never met such strong people.

--- Let's see...oh, you have a great destiny waiting for you, child of diamonds, and your eyes confirm it

--- You know something about this !? Tell me, please.

--- It's not within my authority. But I can only tell you your way.

--- Please

--- Head south to Delmarva State. Find the city of Beach City there, there you will start your journey, I can not tell you more.

--- Thank you, but why are you helping me ? How do you know that ?

--- The Great One told me to help you, He gave me knowledge, and now go. You've got a long way to go.

Suddenly, August's vision blurred, his head ached,he fell and held his head with his hands and sat there for a few seconds and the pain disappeared. When he got over the pain, the city was gone. In its place was only a road, as if the city did not exist.

--- Delmarva, I have to go there.

And I don't turn around, as if he had a terrible dream, Augustus went to Delmarva, where he will find answers to some of his questions.

[ We are approaching the beginning of the story. Did you think this was the beginning ? No, no, no, no. This is just the beginning. All the most interesting things are ahead. ]