9. Conversation

So Augustus is finally getting close to someone who knows something about his powers. But the problem is that he doesn't know what to do next. He didn't think ahead, it was just an impulse, but as he understood, fate had other plans for him.

Here she is, the one who knows. But how to start a conversation ? Augustus had never been much of an expert in such matters, and it was mostly someone else who set the subject, but now he would have to take the first step. But let's find out where they are first.

After Stephen, August and Pearl decided to "hang out", it was necessary to choose a place to go. And of course Stephen started first.

--- An Amusement Park ?

--- No

--- Slot machines ?

--- No

--- Donut shop ?

--- We just got out of there.

--- Well, where is Pearl then?! I tried everything, but you didn't like anything !

--- I don't know ! This is the first time for me !

" If this continues, we're not going anywhere. "

They didn't come up with anything until a friend of Stephen's came out to see them.

--- Yo, Steve.

--- Kefir !

A teenager approached them. Blond, blue hoodie, orange pants, and hands always in the pocket. It was Kefir.

--- I've been listening to your conversation, and I'm ready to make a suggestion.

--- ???

--- My father is taking a boat out to the ocean today. Says there will be a jellyfish journey that happens once every five years. But I can't, and I don't want to, so how about you go instead ?

--- Only if Pearl finally agrees.

--- All right, all right. We're going to the ocean.

--- Yes! Let's go to the pier ! Go ahead !

--- Steven, don't run so fast !

And now they were standing on the dock, in front of a huge yacht.

" I think he was talking about a boat. Then why is there a yacht here ? "

--- Yellowtail ! It's me, Stephen !

After a while. a rather strange man appeared. He was fully clothed in a yellow vest, even his hat was yellow, and he had a huge beard on his face, such a beard August had never seen before. But the strangest thing is not his appearance, but how he communicated.

--- Ma - ma - ma - ma - ma - ma.

--- Yes. Kefir sent us here. He said he couldn't go with you, but he said we could go with you instead.

--- Ma-ma-ma ?

--- He said he had important things to do.

--- Ma-ma - ma-ma....

His eyes immediately turned sad, but he still let them on the boat. But August, and Pearl, were interested in only one question.

--- Can you understand what he said ? x2.

--- Yes. Don't you understand him ? It's easy.

They looked at each other and decided to remain silent.

--- Okay, whatever. Come on, get in !

Everyone quickly got on the boat and left the pier. They moved away from the pier and swam along the river where the jellyfish ferry would be. Stephen went deeper into the boat, and August and Per were left alone. There was a very awkward silence.

--- So...are you traveling ?

Pearl was the first to break the silence.

--- Eh ?

--- Well, a journeWhat ?y. Stephen told us you were traveling.

--- Well, yes.

--- How long ago did you start it ? Journey.

--- Well, if you count the time that I spent in Beach City, then somewhere 3-4 months.

--- Weren't you scared ? Leave your home ?

--- More like yes than no. Well, what about you ?

--- What ?

--- Have you traveled ? Or have you lived in Beach City all your life ?

--- Oh, no, no. I used to travel, too. I left my home and went with my friends. And Beach City...it's like a second home to me...why did you leave your home ?

--- I had no choice.

--- What do you mean ?

--- Well...

--- Guys ! See what I found ?

They were interrupted by Stephen, and in his hand he held

--- Fishing rods ! We can all go fishing together !

--- Oh well. Only I don't know how to fish.

--- Don't worry August ! I'll teach you ! So first you have to...

As soon as Stephen taught Adam, they started fishing. August had never been on a fishing trip, it was a new experience. As Stephen explained to him, it took a lot of patience to get the fish hooked. Augustus had plenty of that. The fresh ocean wind beat against his face, and the sun warmed his face. On the other side of the boat, Stephen was trying to be patient and catch a fish, and Pearl was sitting next to him.

--- So what was your reason for leaving the house ?

It seems that a new batch of questions has arrived.

--- I got tired of sitting in one place and decided to see the world.

--- And how is it ?

--- Well, I met a lot of new people. I saw a lot of different things, some I want to forget as soon as possible, and I thought a lot. In general, this is a useful experience.

--- Mmm.

--- How was your trip?" I answered, now you do it.

--- My friends and I chose the wrong time to travel. There was a war. It lasted a very long time, and we came to the end of it. That time was terrible, there was fear and despair everywhere.

--- Aww..sorry.

--- You don't need to apologize. It was a long time ago, it's not your fault.

--- Then why did you decide to leave Pearl's house ?

--- I had my reasons...

--- Why is nothing being caught ?!

Stephen interrupted them. It seems that he still did not have enough patience.

--- August, Pearl. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of fishing. Let's eat

--- I don't mind. I'm tired of sitting in one position. Let's see what you can find in the refrigerator.

The next few hours passed quietly. Nothing interesting happened in the past. Except that Yellowtail had let August run the boat, which had nearly run them aground. There was also a conversation with Pearl. Each time they got to know each other more and became closer.

She told he about her first love, he said that he was considered a monster. She told he how hard it was for her, and he told me that he had no friends. Step by step, conversation by conversation, they grew closer. And so the time flew by until the evening, where they saw a picture that August would never forget..

The journey of the jellyfish. It was more like a dance. It was night, but the jellyfish illuminated everything with their light. They moved in their own rhythm, dancing under the moon. It was beautiful. They danced, intertwined, as if couples were coming together and starting a dance. For this, it was worth waiting so long.

--- Wow! It's so beautiful.

--- I agree

--- I've been here for many years, but this land holds many more secrets.

--- Ma- ma -ma -ma.

It was fascinating. Jellyfish attracted the eye and took their soul into the beautiful. Leaning on the railing, August noticed that he and Pearl were alone.

--- Where are the others ?

--- They went to another part.

---.....you asked me what my reason was for leaving home.

--- There was such a thing.

--- I lied to you.

--- In what sense?

--- I don't travel. I'm running. I don't consider the place where I grew up to be my home. For me, it was a prison, and I'm a prisoner there. I ran as fast as I could without looking back. So I'm more of a fugitive than a traveler.

---I understand your feelings. I was locked up once, too. But I was saved by my loyal friends. They brought me out of the darkness and helped me find light and meaning in my life.

--- Ha. It seems we are very similar.

--- Well, I think so. Do you want to talk about it ?

--- Let's do it another time. Stephen's been gone a long time. We need to check it out.

As he started to move away from Pearl, her hand quickly grabbed his shoulder. He almost fell over in surprise. Turning around, he saw that Pearl's gaze was serious and gentle at the same time.

--- If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. You didn't have anyone around when you were feeling bad. But now you have friends. Stephen, Connie, I. If you need any help, ask for it, we'll do our best.

---...Thanks. I really appreciate it.

He took her hand gently in his. Her skin was very soft, but there was also a sense of tension.

--- Pearl, I'm glad you consider me your friend. It's an honor.

Holding hands, they looked at each other. His eyes were looking into her bright blue eyes, and her gaze was directed into his diamond-shaped eyes. She took his hand and put it to her cheek and smiled. Her smile in the moonlight and the dance of the jellyfish was delicious.

--- No, it's an honor to be your friend.

They got a little closer, and when they were about to embrace, they were abruptly interrupted by a voice.

--- Ma - ma -ma -ma.

They abruptly moved away from each other and turned to see that Stephen was lying asleep in Yellowtail's arms. Apparently due to extreme fatigue, he fell asleep abruptly.

--- Oh, Stephen. Apparently, he fell asleep as soon as the jellyfish appeared. It's already late. We should go home.

Pearl picked up Stephen and put him to bed in the cabin, and they headed back to Beach City. Slowly they swam to the dock. When they had all got off the ship and were leaving, Augustus was hailed.

--- August ! Do not forget. You have friends.

It was Pearl. And with that, she quickly disappeared from his line of sight. August shrugged and headed back to the mansion.

" It was a strange day. There was conversation, jellyfish, fishing, a yacht, and Pearl. It was a good day. And now I know I have friends here. My first friends. "

Entering the mansion was quiet. After all, after meeting her friends, Miss Peregrine went to bed without waiting for August. And with a shrug, Augustus went to bed and fell asleep. Apparently he was having a good dream, because he had a smile on his face.

[ Meanwhile, in the temple ]

After slowly putting Stephen to bed, Pearl left the house and went to the other gems on the beach. They were waiting for her.

Garnet started the conversation.

--- A week passed. What have we learned about August ?

--- Nothing. We don't know where he lives, how he's connected to HomeWorld, we don't know anything about Garnet.

--- Hmm, Pearl.

--- ...

--- Pearl ?

--- ...

--- PEARL !

--- Ahhh ! What happened?!

--- Nothing, you just didn't answer.

--- I was thinking about something.

--- About what ?

--- It's none of your business, Amethyst.

--- Hey !

--- That's enough! Pearl, did you find out anything ?


---....good. Continue your surveillance. We need to know something about him. The meeting is over.

And now the first connection is established. An invisible line connects August and Pearl, although it is still fragile and small, but their connection will grow stronger. He would make many such connections in the future, and they would all be put to the test. Each connection will bring him closer to his cherished goal. What will happen next ? I'm just as excited as you are.