In the city of Coimbatore district, a group drug mafia gets caught by police officers (dated 23.09.2019) consisting of: ASP Ram IPS, Circle Inspector Ravi, Inspector Sudhir Krishna, Sub-Inspectors Keerthi Rahul and Ashwin respectively.

But, the mafia guns them brutally and escapes with the drugs. Two years later, everything becomes normal and all leads a secluded life.

4 bereaved women [Yamini(an employee and Ram's love interest), Dharani(a college going student and Sudhir's younger sister), Ruhi(a small girl and Keerthi's daughter) and, Ganga(a 50-year Old women and Ravi's mother)] and an old man Sarathy(Ashwin's grandfather). They all plans to avenge the death of their loved ones after joining together. Because, police officers seems to be careless and irresponsible in this case and are not serious about the five IPS officer's death.

But, to take their revenge, they plans to seek the help of someone, who is strong in both physical and mental aspects. So, Dharani comes up with an idea to meet a famous novel writer named: Vaishnav Tej.

"How you are confident that, he is suitable for helping us?" asked Yamini.

"Sister. When you go there only, you could know how famous is he!" Said Dharini.

They all reluctantly agrees and goes to meet him. But, as they steps into his big house(surrounded by closed windows, a City car and a big terrace).

"He lives in this much big house ah! Wow" said Yamini.

"Let's go into the house, sister" said Dharini.

As they steps into the house, Yamin and the old man sees several books of Sherlock holmes, revenge stories and crime novels besides a few romance, comedy and dramedy novels.

"He reads these many books ah!" said Yamini.

"Who is that, ma?" asked a man, after he sees them.

"Sir. We have came inorder to meet Vaishnav" said the old man.

"Oh! Vaishnav ah! He is in upstairs. Go and meet him" said the guy.

"Bro. Who are you? May I know please?" asked Ruhi.

"I am Joseph. Vaishnav's close friend" said the man.

"Is that very important now? Come. Let's meet him" said Dharini.

As they goes into his room, Ruhi senses a bad smell, from the room.

"What's this? Such a bad smell" said Yamini.

"He is an alcoholic, madam. That's why the smell comes from the place. Please don't go inside. He won't allow anyone into his room" said another man, who wears a coat suit and have a thick moustache with a smiling face.

"Ok. Who are you man?" asked Ganga.

"I am Akhil Sakthivel. Vaishnav's close friend" said the guy.

"Now, what we should do? Stand here itself ah" said Sarathy.

"Cool down sir. I will bring him out. You wait outside" said Akhil Sakthivel.

As Akhil enters inside the room, he wears a mask and black sunglasses, in order to get rid of Alcohol smell.

Vaishnav now looks at him, who wears black jeans pants, thick blue coat suit and have a thick beard and moustache. As Akhil enters inside the room, Vaishnav shouts, "Hey. Who is that? I told that, for next three hours, no one must disturb me, right." He further threws the glass in anger, which is heard by those six people.

"Don't get anger Vaishnav. It's me. Akhil" said Akhil.

"Oh! You only ah! Come da. I am really sorry" said Vaishnav.

"It's Okay da" said Akhil.

After consoling him for a few minutes, he tells him, "Vaishnav. Some people have came to meet you. They have to speak with you, itseems."

Vaishnav refreshes himself and goes to meet them. However, as he came out, they goes missing. He gets mad on Akhil.

However, they have went inside a secluded room thinking that, there are few books. But, it's army uniform and two M16-A2 and Dragunov gun. They are shocked to see this and meets Akhil, in order to know more about Vaishnav.

Akhil asks them, "Why did you come to meet him? And why did you all go missing again? He asked me to learn the reasons. Tell me."

They reveals about their revenge mission and further tells that, "To take their revenge, they have come to seek the help of Vaishnav."

"But, as we gone to another room, we found his army uniforms, a gold medal certificate in gun shooting and two guns. And how he became a writer?" asked Yamini and Dharani.

Initially, Akhil refuses to tell his dark past and secret. But, as they forces him, he agrees to tell the truth.

"Outside world thinks that, story writers are always happy and they write a lots of novel. But, in reality they have dark secrets in their life, which are not unveiled or known to anyone. Like that only, Vaishnav also" said Akhil.

(It goes as a narration by Akhil)

I and Vaishnav were orphans and grew up together in an orphanage. We worked hard, strived up and finished our college degree.

Becoming an Army man and joining the Air force became a passion and dream for Vaishnav. He vigorously got trained in NCC and finally got selected in Army.

Then, he came for a leave of one months to Coimbatore, again. We planned to enjoy our leaves together. As Vaishnav becomes 23 years old, he planned to get married and tried to find a good girl.

During such instance he met a girl named, Aadhya(when they goes for a work in Ganapathy, they met her) and instantly falls in love with her. The duo met frequently and eventually, she reciprocated his love.

Their engagement was also over and her marriage was fixed with Vaishnav. However, one day, while she was travelling to her house in her scooter, she sees a few drug gang(planning to sell the drugs) in 21.09.2019 and immediately informs this to a few police officers.

But, she saw them killed and fearfully, ran away from the place. The next day, she gets brutally murdered by the gang and this shatters Vaishnav.

Unable to bear the pain of Aadhya's death and being grief-stricken for failing to save her life, he indulged in alcoholism and later his life for one year.

(Narration ends)

"Like you only, he too is a victim of that drug mafia. In order to bring him back for normal, I suggested him to take a break and write stories, which he wished to write. He wrote stories and is peaceful. Further, he takes alcohol whenever, he goes upset" said Akhil.

"His life is worse than us. How painful is it when we lose our beloved ones!" said Sarathy.

Akhil asks them to take shelter in the house and later that night, he meets Vasihnav in the terrace.

"Come Akhil. See. What a nice air!" said Vaishnav.

"Still for how many days, are you going to spoil your life and health, Vaishnav. It's enough. We have to move forward in our life. Life have many steps da. You are still thinking about your old past. Come out from that da" said Akhil.

"Which is old past da? And what are all the old pasts? The memories that I shared with Aadhya, the moments of romance that I shared with Aadhya. Is that all old? Ah!" shouted Vaishnav, in anger.

"I realize how painful is that, Vaishnav sir. Because, I too lost my love interest Ram by the same drug mafia, who killed your lover Aadhya" said Yamini.

"Oh! You are the one, who came to meet me. Where are the other 5 people, who came with you?" asked Vaishnav.

They too comes and sees him.

"Can you see this child? She is Ria. Small girl only. But, she is still more bold and happier, besides losing her father. We should not think about our past. Rather, we have to think what to do in the present" said Dharini.

Vaishnav feels guilty and remorseful. He apologizes Akhil for his bad behaviour and they all reunites to take revenge against the drug mafia.

Vaishnav gets back to make himself trained physically and starts to mend back his old ways of Army training.

In addition, he gives up a rigorous army training to those four people, except the old man and child. Initially, several comic situations happens in the house.

As Vaishnav gives the training to those four, they sleeps, while getting trained. Vaishnav pours cold water to wake them up and several of incidents happen like such for a few days.

Later, after getting trained up, Vaishnav, Akhil and the five people reunites together to investigate about the drug mafia.

"Vaishnav. What's your plan now? How are you going to find about those Drug mafia?" asked Yamini.

"By using the method of Sherlock Holmes" said Vaishnav.

"We are not able to get you, Vaishnav sir" said Dharini.

"He is telling that, he is going to use these three methods of Investigation: footprints, decryption of ciphers and handwriting analysis" said Akhil and he further says, "Vaishnav. I have a friend in Police department. He is Inspector Bala IPS. He would help us in this regard."

They goes to meet him and asks about the drug mafia's case details. Most importantly about the fingerprints and decryption of ciphers.

Initially, Bala refuses to give the case details. Because, the Investigation is still on progress. After Akhil bribed him, he gives the case details reluctantly, asking them to return the files, as soon as possible. Since, DSP Abdullah would come and asks about the case details anytime as he is the one investigating about the murders, at present.

Vaishnav decides to check the CCTV footage of 23.09.2019 and asks Akhil to bribe the officer incharge of that camera inorder to get the footage.

But, that man Shankar have ladies weakness and henceforth, Vaishnav comes up with a plan and turns to Yamini.

"Why are you looking at me?" asked Yamini.

"Yamini. You go and get the CCTV footage, please" said Vaishnav.

"What? How could sister do like such? She won't do that" said Dharini.

"What nonsense? She is an young girl, going to get married. Are you asking her to do like such?" asked Ganga.

"Ok. It's all your revenge. I will go and take my individual step to avenge him" said Vaishnav.

However, she accepts to go inside and removes her button, after going inside the room.

He however, sees another man's waist and lusts at him.

"Ah! Is he a guy?" asked Yamini.

She goes and tells this to Akhil and Vaishnav.

"Story got this twist ah! Hmm" said Vaishnav.

"Why are you looking at me?" asked Vaishnav, when they looked him for help.

"You have to go, Vaishnav brother. We believed you and came" said Dharini.

"No. I won't go. Akhil would go" said Vaishnav.

"You only should go. You are beautiful" said Akhil. He reluctantly goes, opening his button.

After seducing Shankar, he manages to get the CCTV footage and returns back to home.

While seeing the CCTV footage, Vaishnav is terribly angry and broken after they failed to get the evidences of Drug mafia. However, he comes upon a van and turns to Akhil.

"Akhil. Squeeze that van alone da" said Vaishnav.

"Okay da" said Akhil and he shows the van.

"Karthik Eye care hospitals, Ondipudur" said Vaishnav.

"What's the link between this hospital and Drug mafia leader?" asked Dharini.

Vaishnav recalls about the murder time, that he viewed in the case details and types 8:30 PM, after recalling about the time and in that, the brutal murders of five police officers plays.

But, the murderer have wore mask in their face and it's not clear. Later, Aadhya's murder also plays and this angers and irks Vaishnav, who goes to the extent of breaking the video.

"Vaishnav. What are you doing, man? Are you mad? That's the main evidence for us" said Akhil.

"I am sorry. I got angered" said Vaishnav.

"Akhil. Rewind that camera alone da. I saw something in the hands of the murderer, who killed Aadhya" said Vaishnav.

He rewinds the video and upon seeing the camera, he notices an ID Card[showing him to be a Opthomologist], that holds the name of Karthick Eye care hospitals, Ondipudur.

"He is a man, with left hand habitualization. See. He is killing the girl, by using left hands" said Dharani.

"Exactly. We will go to the hospital and get lead about this case" said Vaishnav and Akhil.

On going to the hospital, they investigates about a man, who have become rich by starting his profession as a successful Opthimologist, with several doctors.

One doctor named Dr. Anurag Krishna reveals about Dr. Karthick Narain. He hailed from a middle-class family of Karamadai and studied hard for pursuing M.B.B.S in AIIMS university.

In addition, he completed a course in Opthomology as a post-graduation degree and joined Ganga hospitals. There, he became famous among patients, due to his way of handling them.

Aftermath, he left the hospital and started his own hospitals in Peelamedu. After some initial struggles, he got settled and became rich.

Vaishnav and Akhil records this conversation and proceeds to meet Dr. Karthick, who is attending a meeting with a media.

"Sir. From the profession as a famous surgeon to the present CEO position, you have enjoyed a big and huge success. But, besides that success, there are some painful struggles and challenges. Could you please share with us, regarding that?" asked the media questionnaire.

Karthick tells that, he was born in Ooty to his parents. After he born, his mother died and his father raised him up, facing all types of struggles and challenges. After finishing his course, his father died in a road accident.

Though being shattered, he moves on and joined Ganga hospitals. After becoming a famous surgeon, he left from the hospitals and had set up his own hospitals, facing all types of struggles and challenges.

"It's really inspiring to hear about you, sir" said the media questionnaire.

Later, Vaishnav meets Karthik in order to confirm his suspictions by taking his autograph. He confirms him as the murderer, after seeing his left hand habits.

"How could a doctor be a drug trafficking leader and a brutal murderer? I couldn't be able to believe this" said Akhil.

"For this itself, you are getting shocked Akhil. See these photos. I took it in my college days. They are all small time drug mafia leaders. They sold drugs to 15-25 years of aged people and earned profits. Like that only, this doctor too. When I went inside the hospital and investigated in further(secretly), I learned that he is still more selling drugs and earning money" said Vaishnav.

"First, we must stop these kinds of activities and then we must kill these kinds of traitors for spoiling our country" said Yamini.

"What you said was correct, Yamini! It's our first duty now" said Akhil.

They unites and creates an awareness among the people to stop using drugs in several College with a few friends of Vaishnav and Akhil also, accompanying him. Initially, they are mocked by several associations, groups and students.

However, when Vaishnav told about the importance of parents, their struggles to bring the child and their pains, many realizes their mistakes and starts to stop using drugs and are given anti-drug as a medicine to cure them up.

Drug mafia earn huge losses and Karthik goes mad and furious on Vaishnav, Akhil, his friends and the five people.

Karthik goes to the CCTV footage house to get the camera, suspecting Vaishnav, Akhil and the five people. However, guessing this already, Vaishnav have managed to fool Shankar and replaced his position.

Karthik meets Vaishnav and asks about the camera footage of 23.09.2019 to which, he tells him that: "A man of 6 feet height and 75 kilos weight, similar to his looks, came and got the footage telling him that, he is in a revenge spree against his lover's murderer."

Karthik asks Vaishnav to inform him about the murderer if he comes and meet him, without knowing that it's Vaishnav himself. He agrees.

Vaishnav have now taken the photos of drug pockets and a few group in Karthik's hospital. He further, took a drug box for sampling and researching about it.

Meanwhile Dr.Anurag Krishna meets Karthik and tells him that, "A few days back, an interviewer named Vaishnav have came and questioned about the man, who succeeded in his life, starting doctor as his profession."

"Sir. I have investigated about those groups to their neighbours. They told that, he is a novel writer and his name is Adhithya Vaishnav. He was an ex-army man and lost his lover itseems. And hence he is continuing as a writer and became an drunkard. But, for a few days, he is leading a normal life itseems sir" said one of his trusted aide, Raagul Prakash, who investigated about the matter.

"Do you have his photo?" asked Karthik.

"Yes sir. It's there in the internet browser itself, sir. View this sir" said Raagul.

The photo is shown to Anurag, who confirms Vaishnav as the one, behind interrogating his background.

Confirmed that, Vaishnav is targetting him, he goes to his house. But, many surrounds him and asks him to be, Dr.Karthik. They all takes a selfie with him.

Later, Yamini tells to Vaishnav, "Vaishnav. It's enough. Let's stop taking revenge against our loved one's death. There's no use in doing like such. I doesn't afford to lose you also, like my love Ram. He lost his life, by trying to catch those criminals" and she hugs him, crying.

He consoles her. But, becomes confused.

"Still more, aren't you able to understand ah, da? I love you" said Yamini.

"I too, love you Yamini" said Vaishnav.

He kisses her forearms and tells her, "I am taking this revenge not only for my sake. But, for you and for those four people too, who lost their loved ones."

However, they too begs and pleads with Akhil and Vaishnav to stop the revenge telling that, "They have got two people as their family member."

Vaishnav eventually accepts.

The next day, Akhil, Vaishnav, Yamini, Riya and the rest goes to a fungal residency in order to free up themselves from the stressful works and jobs.

At that time, Karthik calls Vaishnav and tells him, "I knew who are all behind me and your identity. Try to save yourself. Because, police officers are in a spree to raid your house, where the drugs have been kept."

Panicked, he goes to the house and sees everything gone empty. While he sees Akhil, he smiles and recalls what happened before they came to the funmall.

Akhil have sent the drug samples to the police department and have further added the evidences of Karthik's hospitals, being responsible for it and now, the police officers are in a spree to catch him.

But, Karthik calls Akhil and asks him to put the phone into loudspeaker.

"Hey. You smart Vaishnav. If you send the evidences to police, is everything over? Where are those five people man? In funmall only, right. I have assigned my henchman to watch them all. Did you call them now?" asked Karthik.

Vaishnav calls Yamini, Dharini, Ganga, Sekhar and Ria's mobile number. Everything rings in the house of Karthik.

"Vaishnav. Please save us from him" said Dharini, Yamini, Shekhar and Ganga.

"Brother. Don't give up your revenge. I support you. Avenge him for killing your lover and our beloved ones" said Ria.

"Besides being tied up, you are brave and confident. That much training from army men, right" said Karthik and he slaps Yamini left and right.

"Hey!" shouted Vaishnav.

"Don't shout man. Come to the place, which I share you as a location. Orelse, Yamini would be raped to death" said Karthik.

He agrees and goes with Akhil to an abandoned Lakshmi Mills, near Malumichampatti(the location, which was shared by Karthik).

There, Vaishnav saves Yamini and the other four from Karthik. However, he gets hit by Karthik fatally. While Akhil too, is heavily injured.

"Why are you all keen to take revenge against me, da? What wrong did I do? Is selling drugs wrong? Or is dreaming to become rich is wrong? I wanted to earn money for building my hospitals. For that, none came forward to help me. That's why I joined drug mafia and did these business activities, to pay money for building my hospitals. When your love interest Aadhya interfered, I killed her and in addition, killed those police officers. Finally, I am going to kill these people too. See" said Karthik.

When he is about to stab Yamini, Vaishnav stops him. He rises steadily with Akhil and the duo beats up Karthik severely and overpowers him.

When Vaishnav is about to stab him, Karthik pleads him, "Hey Vaishnav. Don't kill me. Please Spare me."

He spares him telling him, "There is no difference between you and me, when I avenge you by killing. Hmm" and throws the knife asides.

However, Karthik tries to kill him with the knife, when he is going back. But, the police officers, who have just arrived there sees this.

DSP Abdullah shoots Karthik in his shoulder and tells to Vaishnav, "I have seen several murder and investigative cases. They didn't stressed me a lot. But, this one stressed me a lot. Because, our police officers were killed by this guy. Thank you Vaishnav. You can go now."

Vaishnav, Akhil and the other five return back to the house. Meanwhile DSP Abdullah tells to the media, "Dr. Karthik is a criminal, who have been involved in killing five police officers. He was allegedly killed in a shootout, when he tried to kill us." Vaishnav and rest feels elated to hear this news.

Shekhar tells that, "God have punished Karthik by himself" to which, Vaishnav smiles.

Few days later, Yamini and Vaishnav gets married and they leads a happy life, along with Akhil and the other five people also as a family. He writes the story "Absconded killer", based on Karthik's case history and publishes it. He is waiting for its response from the editors and readers. Hence, he didn't write it's climax. As it was already gripping and planned to unveil it's climax, when the readers and editors asks about it. 

While refreshing himself, Vaishnav gets a call. The editor tells him, "Sir. Your content "The Absconded Killer" got widespread response from the readers section. They are more keen to knew about the climax of the story sir. You didn't write. If you tell about the climax..."

Vaishnav tells him to write this as the climax: "After Karthik got arrested by Abdullah, he was brought back to Kabinesh(his character, which he changed like this for the story) and there, he was tied up and got beaten severely.

Later, he was suffocated to death by Vaishnav(with the help of a poisonous sulphur as an injection. To hide this, Abdullah shoots Karthick's body and frames it as an encounter in the public. Aftermath, they returned to lead a normal life with their respective families."

"Wow. That was an interesting climax sir" said the Publisher and he hangs the call.

Now, Akhil hears the climax part told by Kabinesh and asks him "whether it's true or false." For that, he tells that it's true.

Dharini, Yamini, Ganga, Ria and Shekhar also hears about this and they initially got angry against Vaishnav for killing him.

Seeing their angry words, he tells them that, "Abdullah also supported him and asked him to kill him(As he killed five police officers to death), he killed him brutally to death."

They feels bad and apologizes to Vaishnav. He gets appreciated by the five for killing Karthik. 

When Akhil asks about the hospitals of Karthik, he tells him that, "His hospitals was took by the government(considering the welfare of several people, who works there) and works are going for rebuilding the hospitals."

Everyone comes back to peace and Vaishnav calls a photographer after a few days and asks him to come for his house .

They all takes a photo with a smile in their face (showing the signs of happiness, after a long time. As they have killed the absconded murderer (who have been absconding from everyone for several days).