
[Michael Grey - Sentinel]

Strength: 7

Agility: 6

Stamina: 8

Magic: 10

[Nature's Blessing: Any plants you plant and take care or animals you raise will have surprising growth. Plant related monsters will not attack you.]

Rancher's Touch: You can understand and be able to tame any monsters.

-Tamed Monster(s): Hao

-Current Tameable Monsters: 1/2]

[Friend of the Elementals: You will be able to talk to Elementals. They won't be hostile towards you and instead treat you as a friend. (It depends on how you treat them too)]

"Sentinel, I thought it would be like a combat class or something because of how it's named, but isn't this just telling me to become a farmer and raise animals?"

"But somehow, it feels kind of awesome"

Michael doesn't know if he should feel sad or happy on what he got.

"But on the other hand, why can't I see my level? Shouldn't there be a Level or something like the people before me mentioned?"

Michael couldn't help but get confused when he realized that there's no mention of Level at all on his Status Panel.

"So, how am I supposed to get strong then?" said Michael while rubbing his chin.


Hao suddenly jumped towards Michael's and looked at him in a cute manner which can melt anyone's heart!

"You're worried about me? Thank- wait, I can really understand you even though you're only saying the same words over and over again. Well, it's the wonder of being awakened I guess" said Michael with a smile while rubbing the head of the furry thing in his hands.

'Looking closely, it's actually so cute!'

[Tamed Beast: Hao]

'This cute thing's name is actually Hao? What about its skills?'


Michael couldn't help but gasp in amazement when he saw Hao's status panel.

[Hao - Nature's Guardian]

Strength: 5

Agility: 100

Stamina: 20

Magic: 30

[Bestial Roar: A roar that can induce fear to monsters and humans alike.]

[Guardian's Aura: Gains respect on monsters weaker or stronger than itself.]

[I Can Hear Your Voice: Conversation with any elemental is possible]

[Guardian Beast: Looks after its territory and subjects carefully]

[I Can Eat Anything: Eats everything well. It has immunity to all kinds of poison]

"It also doesn't have a level, but it's also too OP for such a small thing"

Michael couldn't help comment with a familiar word while looking at Hao with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, let's go home, I also need to make a report to the army"

Michael quickly ran back home with Hao in his arms. He was so happy that he even did a hop, skip and a jump!

'I'll just worry about getting stronger later, but for now, let's enjoy this feeling!'


"So, you're saying that a large fish or something pulled you all round the lake and you happened to meet this furry little thing that's really cute at Bislak Lake soon after?"

Soon after coming home, Michael hastily drove towards the nearby military camp and reported what he had witnessed and happened to him, and right now, a soldier is recording his testimony.

The soldier looked at Michael sitting in front of him, then at the cute thing poking his head over the table as it stared at him cutely.

'So cute! I want to pet it so badly~! Ugh~ why does he have such a cute pet!?'

"So, will the army be inspecting the place then?" asked Michael as he's really anxious to know if there is a dungeon in the back mountain because he and his family and a lot of people lives nearby.

"No worries, I'll report this to Captain as soon as possible. So, why don't you head home first and get some rest and let us handle it, okay?"

The soldier turned his attention back to Michael, and when he said those words, he was already slowly standing up as the matter of a dungeon is something that needs to be urgently reported.

"Okay, thank you and goodnight"

Michael nodded with relief when he saw that the officer was hurrying him up to leave. So he quickly said his goodbyes and drove home.

"Let's head home"


Hao happily jumped on his lap and leaned on the steering wheel like he was the one driving.

'Such a curious little thing'

And Michael couldn't help but smile at that, but at the same time, he was also worried about something.

'So, what should I tell my parents about this?'

He was a little bit worried because his parents didn't even see Hao when he went back because he was hurrying to leave for the army camp earlier, and now, he's thinking on how he should introduce their new companion from now on.

Michael just shook off his worries for now and focused on driving at the dimly lit dirt road.

After a while.

"'re saying that you've awakened and this...little thing that looks like a combination between a cat and a tiger with horns is related to you?"

Michael's father looked at the furry thing sitting on his wife's lap, who looks incredibly intelligent.

"Why do I feel like it can actually understand us?"

"Yeah, I think so too"

His mother couldn't help but comment while petting Hao.


Hao replied cheerfully with a meow or something similar.

Michael rubbed his temple and said, "It's a she mom, and yes, she can understand us but only I can understand her"

Michael's mother looked at him and said, "What? I think that's a bit unfair that only you can understand her"


Hao purred, feeling incredibly good at the hands of Michael's mom.

"Mom, that's not the point! Aren't you guys happy that your son had awakened?"

Michael couldn't help but feel quite a bit disappointed because he wasn't expecting this lukewarm reaction from his parents who seemed more inclined to place their attention to his cat, instead of him and to what happened earlier that led to this.

"Of course we are happy son, you finally achieved the dream that you had always wanted for! Now, you don't need to be a farmer anymore and finally start your journey into a new world!" His father was obviously happy because he can't hide the huge smile on his face, but at the same time deep inside him, he was also a bit sad because Michael won't be anyone to help him with their farm anymore.

"Yes son, if you do this well, then earning money won't be a problem anymore! I heard that being an alchemist or magic engineer makes a lot of money, so make sure to do those when you get there!" his mother said with a serious look on her face, a typical mother who only thinks of money for the well being of the family.

But the problem with what she said is that being an alchemist or magic engineer is seriously hard because you need skills and a lot of money for that specific profession, and Michael knows that, and on top of that, he didn't awaken any related skills of either of those professions mentioned!

Which is a little bit of a let down for him.

"Uhh yeah, about that...I don't think i can become one of those two…"

Michael scratched the back of his head and started telling his parents the important parts of what transpired earlier today at the lake.

"Sooo yeah, I guess I'm still stuck as a farmer...hmmm…"

His parents just looked at him wide eyed in surprise, and a few seconds later, the two of them burst into uncontrollable laughter as they couldn't believe what they had just heard!


"Oh boy! So our son is still stuck as a farmer in the end! Hahaha!"

His father was laughing so hard that he bent his back over and started slapping the floor with tears in his eyes.

Michael just watched them with a dry expression on his face as he was already expecting for something like this to happen.

After all, he finally became an Awakened only for him to still be a farmer.

And while they were laughing their ass off, Hao jumped out of Michael's mother's embrace and went back to him.

Half a minute later, the old couple finally regained their bearings after laughing so hard.

His mother wiped the tears in her eyes and said, "Sorry that you had to see that son, it was just too funny you know. But still, I'm glad that you didn't receive anything dangerous that would force you to go to dangerous places that could get you killed because we'd certainly worry about your safety"

"But I won't really die on the other side mom" Michael couldn't help but say those words.

"I know, I know, but no mother out there would actually want to know his son had died even though it's just a temporal death, right?"

'Yeah~ dying would certainly hurt a lot if I die on the other side, but I still wouldn't die though, and would only receive a week ban from accessing the portals'

Michael could only keep those thoughts inside him, and didn't bother mentioning them in case his mother wouldn't stop giving him a lecture about life.

But after that, the family postponed the celebration of their son's awakening as they started packing up just in case, and Michael also packed up his sister's things after his and went to pick up his sister who went to a sleepover at her friend's house on the other side of the small town.