
A week has passed since then.

The army did discover a new dungeon on the back mountain, but thankfully, there were only a couple of monsters that came out of it and all of them were hunted down or was captured for their meat.

And regarding the creature at the bottom of the lake, the army did discover a monster living on the bottom of it, but it wasn't a monster that came from the dungeon, but instead, it's a native animal that turned into a monster due to its humongous size that's similar to a four-wheeler truck, and it seems that there's a large tunnel below the lake that leads to somewhere where it allowed the creature to grow to that size.

In the end, the army didn't bother the lake monster which turned out to be a large turtle, and instead, they just left a squad of soldiers to watch over the lake just in case something happens.

In one particular field among the many farm fields that surround the small town of Bakara.

Michael can be seen tending the fields along with Hao whose busy eating something that her face is stuffed full like a chipmunk.

A lot of things happened this past week, but the most important thing that Michael noticed was the changes towards the crops that were ready for harvest next month.

Ever since he had awakened, the crops he had taken care of significantly grown taller by another two to three feet, and their fruits, especially the corns and rice stalks have grown twice in size which was a startling discovery that a lot of neighboring farmers and friends alike even came over to see them.

And taking care of the fields had become significantly easier thanks to the elementals that Michael was able to befriend and ask for their help.

The elementals came from various shapes and sizes, and their color depends on their elemental affinity.

An Earth Elemental comes in brown color, one Elemental comes in the shape of a turtle, and another in the shape of a squirrel.

They take care of the weeds and nutrients of the ground.

While another Elemental is in the shape of a small sparrow, but it comes in green or azure color because of its Wind affinity. Its job in the field is taking care of bugs and insects that destroy the crops.

And lastly, there's the Water Elemental who waters the crops and comes in the shape of fish that's made of water.

On another note, Hao's job in the field is chasing away animals that destroy the crops, especially the wild boars in the area which has amazingly good meat.

While on that subject, Michael's ability [Rancher's Touch] allows him to talk to a monster, which surprisingly regards ordinarily animals as monsters too, which weirded him out because of how he's able to understand them.

Thankfully for him, the skill allows him to turn it off like a light switch.

Because if it doesn't, then he can go say bye-bye to meat from now on because he wouldn't be able to stomach eating them.

Because no human in their right minds would be able to eat something that can talk and converse to them!

It's like how humans don't eat other humans!

With exceptions of course, as there are still primitive tribes out there in the world that still practices cannibalism to this day and age!

Hao can't do any farming, so it's left to Michael and the Elementals to do most of the work in the field while the former would keep an eye over the fields.

The good thing is that the field is only one acre so it isn't that hard to manage right now.



Michael looked down and saw Hao leaning against his legs with his pair of paws as she stared at him with those pairs of blueish with a tinge of green eyes!

"You still want to eat after all that? You've at least eaten food enough for two people, aren't you feeling full at all?


"Alright, alright, let's head home after a minute, then we'll eat something, okay?"


Then Hao started running around in the spot in anticipation and excitement.

'I wonder where the food goes. Is her stomach actually connected to some kind of space that can store a lot of things like a certain cartoon character?'

Michael can only smile at that, then he watched the field for a minute before feeling satisfied as he picked up Hao from the ground and walked towards the car after saying his thanks to the Elementals for helping around.

Arriving home, Hao quickly jumped down from the car when Michael opened it and ran towards the small barn where the cows are and started talking to...them, while moving in circles, clearly excited about something.

"Mom, we're back!"

Michael shouted from the front door as he opened the door after taking off his boots while Hao quickly rushed inside from behind him excitedly when she smelled the scent of food that tickled her cute nose.

"Welcome back son, and you too, Hao. Are you hungry? Then give mom a couple of minutes, then we can eat soon after, okay?" replied his mother from the kitchen, busy preparing lunch while smiling at Hao who quickly came over to her side and softly pawed her legs to get her attention.


Hao uttered a cry of agreement before jumping on top of a chair and stood on her hind legs and leaned against the table as she watched Michael's mother cook with excitement.

"Where's dad and sis?"

Michael sat down comfortably on the sofa and asked.

"You already know the drill son. Your father went over to his friends, and your sister is inside her room doing her homework" replied his mother from the kitchen while she was stirring the pot.

When Michael heard what his mom said, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Dad is still going around bragging about me? I'm pretty sure his friends might have already gotten sick hearing the same thing over and over again from dad's mouth!"

His mother also chuckled, "Well, your father can't help it. After all, his friends were also bragging a lot about their children being successful lawyers or nurses before, and now your father has something better to brag about son, and it's you!"

Michael can only smile at that when he thought how sad his father must have looked whenever he heard his friends bragging about how their children had grown successful in their life.

'Well, I guess it's fine now because I'm even better than them because I've awakened!'

Michael couldn't help but laugh evilly in self-satisfaction inside his head thinking how his status is better than them now!

'But after lunch, I'll need to go Terran Association and get myself registered as an awakened including Hao as I don't want others to mistake her as a wild monster which could get us in trouble if it happens'

A couple of minutes later.

"Michael, can you get your sister? We're gonna have lunch now"


Michael then headed into one corner of the house beside his room and knocked.

Knock! Knock!

"Harin, come out and have lunch!"

"Coming! Just finishing this last one! I'll head over in a minute!"

The young voice of the girl came from the other side of the door and Michael can also hear the rustling sound of paper being moved.

"Okay, come quick and don't make us wait long, alright?"


Michael smiled and turned around and went back to the dining area where the table had already been set up and his mother is already sitting in one of the seats and waiting for them with Hao on her lap.

"She said she's just finishing up and will come over soon mom, but what about dad? Is he not gonna have lunch with us?"

Michael asked his mother as he sat down on the chair opposite her.