Terran Auction

A couple of days later.

Michael, with Hao and Harin in tow, had just arrived at their local market on their truck with their recently harvested crops on the back.

And right now, Michael is currently talking to the person they always leave their goods to, and someone who had just taken the position of one of the auction managers.

Luckily for Michael, today is market day, and also the long awaited event every month in the town!

The Terran Auction!

Just as the name implies, it's an auction especially targeted towards Terrans.

It's an event that happens once a month to towns and cities in the country with the highest number of local Terrans.

It doesn't matter if the town is small or the city is the biggest in the country. As long as it doesn't have the highest number of local Terran in that particular city or town, and in that province.

Then it would not have the privilege of ever holding a Terran Auction.

The government had chosen the towns and cities with the highest number of local Terrans to have the special privilege of holding a Terran Auction, boosting their local economy and giving towns a chance to become small cities or small villages to become towns.

After all, special people always get privileges.

And right now, the Town of Bakara has two hundred thirty seven Terrans in total, including Michael who had recently awakened.

Beating almost all of the other competing towns, cities and villages, and had once again secured their spot for the special privelege to hold the event as one of the three places in the Province of Ilocos Norte.

"Woo! This is the last sack"

Michael wiped the sweat on his forehead after putting down the last sack of corn on the ground.

"Leave them to me! I'll make sure to sell them at a great price! After all, it's quite rare for B+ Rating crop to appear at the auctions"

After checking the rating of the crops with the Crop Tester on his hands, the auction manager smiled happily at Michael when he confirmed the ratings of the crops.


Michael couldn't help but ask because he has no clues about the Terran Auctions as he had never bothered going to one.

The manager chuckled looking at Michael's surprised expression, "Of course, items with B+ Ratings are almost as scarce as A Rating items, especially to high rated crops like yours"

"Those chefs would certainly love this. Anyway, leave them to me"

"Yes, we'll wait for your good news"

The manager looked at the time and saw that the auction would begin soon, so he quickly excused himself while the helpers he brought lifted the sacks of crops onto the cart and followed after the man.

The chefs he was talking about were also not those ordinary chefs, but Terran chefs who are able to cook meat of monsters and extraordinary ingredients, as ordinary chefs can't cook them because they can't use mana.



Suddenly, a loud commotion quickly attracted their attention.

"Bro! Let's go watch the exhibition show!"


Harin, who is carrying Hao in her arms, pulled Michael's arm and pointed towards the direction where a lot of people had crowded together, while the little furry creature was also somehow excited by the commotion happening in front of them.

"Alright, let's go see if there are new faces like me over there"

Unlike Harin who was just fascinated with the show, Michael was curious about the performers and their skills, who happened to be Terrans themselves.

The exhibition show that takes place once a month at the same time as the Terran Auction is a place where new faces, who had just become Terrans goes to, to show off their skills, and hopefully get recruited by one of the local guilds in the province, or maybe even directly work for the government.

Being an Awakened, and someone whose physical capability improved after the awakening.


"Stop pushing man!"

Michael just pushed through the crowd and safely escorted his sister and Hao to the front.

He might have been timid before, but his confidence in himself had slowly skyrocketed after his awakening, and so Michael had just glared at those people who tried to pick a fight.

But in fact, he didn't know that they weren't scared of him, but the people instead got intimidated when they saw Hao on Harin's arms.

After all, they weren't dumb enough not to realize that Hao is a monster pet with its already obvious appearance and so they thought that Harin is a Terran.

Sadly, it's a one sided misunderstanding on their side.

And they all just thought that Michael was probably Harin's bodyguard or something because Michael was also kinda fit from working in the farm almost everyday in two years.

When the trio arrived in front of the crowd, what greeted them was a large patch of space.

On the opposite side from them are a wall made of metal, and before that are three shooting targets.

And just in front of them are three people in different attires.

The people started cheering for the show to continue, as Harin and Hao also cheered along with the crowd, while the latter waved her paws in excitement even though she kinda doesn't get what's going on for the time being.

But Michael's attention was directed on the guy on the right and saw the person straightening his right arm followed by his hands.

"Wind Blade!"

Then the man suddenly whipped his right arm up, startling Michael!


And when the man shouted those words, what followed was a wind that slowly materialized and shot towards one of the targets and slowly formed into the shape of a crescent moon before it sliced one of the targets in half, but it continued shooting forward and crashed onto the metal wall, leaving quite a cut along the metal wall!

There was silence for a moment, before the place erupted into cheers!


"Dude! That was freaking awesome!"

"Did you get that on video!?"

"I did man, let's upload it on WeTube later! It will certainly become a trend for at least a day! Hahaha!"

"Kuya! Did you see that!? Do you have a skill like that too!?"

Harin suddenly turned towards Michael and tugged his arm.

Michael didn't answer her immediately because he was a little bit dumbfounded and envious at what he saw.

Harin frowned and saw that she was being ignored, and so she gave Michael another hard tug towards her direction, finally getting his attention.


"I said, do you also have a cool ability like that guy?"

Michael didn't answer her and glanced at Hao who seemed eager to do something, before turning his attention back to his sister.

"Nope! But Hao is hundred times better than them"

In fact, she's even scarier than them…

Followed by that thought inside his head, as he didn't want to potentially scare his sister.

"Really? But she's so cute though!"

Harin couldn't help but look doubtfully at her brother and then at the cute Hao hanging on her arms.

Michael just rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Who said that being cute doesn't mean that you can't be dangerous?"

Harin's mouth became round when she finally realized something, and when she turned her gaze to Hao, her eyes actually turned bright.

"Kuya, can I bring Hao to my school tomorrow?"

Michael looked at her with a questioning gaze and said, "And why?"

"It's a secret~"

"Tsk, you probably just wanted to show her off"

"Hehe, so am I allowed to bring her with me?"



"Because it's a secret~"



The two siblings and one cute furry creature slowly left the exhibition venue and started walking around the marketplace with a joyful atmosphere.

Anyways, I hope our crops will sell well…

Michael had that thought while smiling as he watched his sister and Hao looking around the various stalls filled with various items with excited expressions.

Terran Auction.

"Hmm...I hope there are good items this month"

A man with slick black hair and wearing a suit came walking inside the building where the Terran Auction is being held.

"I need something good. Something that could improve me and my guild's chances at clearing the recently discovered dungeon rift at the town's outskirts"

The man started looking around, but the only things he saw were the usual things he saw at last month's auction.

"Should I just buy the things I need from Terrane? But items on the other side are expensive as hell compared to Earth. Those people who had taken Reproduction classes should up their game so we're not behind compared to Terrane"

The person couldn't help but complain seeing the commonly seen items from the other side, like swords, sabers, potions and etc.

Whose quality is just a tier above or even worse than the items that they could have purchased in the stores and auction places in Terrane!

But for Terrans like them, the problem is money!

Items with great effects are expensive, more expensive or on par with the existing most expensive car in the world!

"Sir! You need to hear this!"

"Yes sir! Please quickly transfer the money as I fear that someone would beat me into buying them!"

"Ms. Reporter, you need to quickly come to the Auction Building and check this new item out! I'm telling you, it's gonna be a huge scoop!"

He was just about to be disappointed and was planning to leave the building when the man heard a loud commotion and saw a small crowd in one corner of the venue.

"What's happening? Did an A or S Rating item appear!?"

The man quickly walked over, and when he reached there, he couldn't help but stand on his toes because of the crowd.

"Rice and Corn? What's so special...what the hell!?"

The man was doubtful at first, but when he saw the description of the displayed product, he couldn't help but let out a shout of surprise!


Rating - B+

A rare commodity.

Available for single purchase, but priority for whoever buys them all!

Instant Purchase at ₱850,000



Rating - B+

A rare commodity.

Available for single purchase, but priority for whoever buys them all!

Instant Purchase at ₱1,000,000

₱10,000/per sack

"How does something of rarity appear in such a small auction event?"

The man couldn't believe it. It was because the last time he had seen a couple of items of B+ rating was when he attended the Terran Auction at the Nation's Capital.

Where the biggest Terran Auction is held!

I need to get all of them, our Terran Chefs would certainly be able to produce foods with amazing effects if they use those as one of their main ingredients!

The man had quickly decided, and immediately cut through the crowd and arrived before the transaction window.

"Give me all of them!"

"I'll take all of them!"

"I want all of them! Quickly!"

The three people who had squeezed through the crowd and yelled at the same time stopped for a second, and then they looked at each other.


"It's you!"

"All of them are mine!"

Crossing her arms, the woman with dirty blonde hair glared at the two men who are trying to compete with her, while the onlookers around them all stopped what they were doing and told the people they were talking on their phone to just give up because the three heavyweights among the local Terrans in the town had just showed up!

"I got here first, so f*ck off, especially you Braum!"

The woman glared at the two men.

The newcomer just snorted with a chuckle as he couldn't believe how arrogant the woman before him was.

"Nora, don't you dare order me around!"

And so the brute looking person of a man called Braum with tattoos on his face and all over his body like a gangster, yelled angrily at Nora.

"Hello, I want five sacks of rice and twenty corncob. How much for all of them?"

"Marcus, you bastard! How dare you cut in line!?"

"Get you of the way, you f*cking brute!"

Marcus, with the slick black hair had just ignored the two arguing people and had already made his way before the transaction window and calmly placed his orders.

While Nora and Braum who was in the middle of the argument, had belatedly realized that Marcus had disappeared from his original position and already beat them into buying the product, and the two people couldn't help but angrily yell at him.

"I wouldn't mind getting a thank you for not buying all of them though"

Marcus wasn't the least bit perturbed with their outburst as he just turned around and calmly faced them with a nonchalant look on his face, which just irritated the two.

"Move! F*ck! It's all this brute's fault! Goddammit"

Nora gritted her teeth in annoyance and couldn't help but want to tear Marcus into pieces, while glaring angrily at Braum beside her, who was also placing his order on the products.

"Shut it, you tomboy"

Braum turned towards her and growled.

"Ughh, you two. Grow up, will ya?"

Marcus couldn't help but start getting frustrated watching such a familiar sight almost everyday and rolled his eyes.

""Shut up, you clean freak!""

Both Nora and Braum turned towards Marcus at the same time, and yelled angrily at him.



"Really!? It sold that much!?"

"Yes, thank you very much for your hard work!"

Michael couldn't believe what he'd heard, and even when the phone call was over already. The shock expression on his face hasn't even disappeared yet.


"What happened son!?"

Hearing Michael shouting outside their house and raising his arms in the air like a madman.

His mother and father quickly came running out of their house, followed by Harin and Hao who ran after her.

Michael looked at them and smiled, while he took Hao in his arms who came running towards him.

"Our produce we're all sold out, and we made over two million pesos!"

"What!? Oh my god! We're rich now!"

Harin was the first one to let out a gasp of surprise while lightly covering her mouth.

"Our corn and rice was sold at that price? T-that much money?"

His mother couldn't also believe it as she covered her mouth, getting somewhat teary eyed.

Bob also couldn't believe it, and could only hug his wife in return.

After all, their family is not really well off and can only be considered as a lower middle class family, with only a decent income, and hearing that they had just made their first million made them really emotional, and that they could finally see the hope of becoming really well off and not worry about bills, bills and bills!

Something that every poor and decent family dreams of achieving in their lifetime!

Breaking off the cycle of being a poor family, and elevating their stature of life, so as that their future descendants wouldn't suffer too much during their time.

Michael couldn't help but also smile while looking at the joyful smile on their faces, as he felt that he's finally being a filial son and an awesome brother!

And it's all thanks to the little kid here.

Michael thought while looking at Hao in his arms who's also meowing along in happiness.

"Let's celebrate our first bucket of gold by eating a lot of meat tonight!"



With joyous laughter, the family of four went back inside the house, but now, maybe it's five with the addition of our cute little furry friend.