Celebration and Goblins

The family ordered a lot of delivery food from a couple of famous restaurants in their town.

Bob was so happy tonight that he had drunk too much and was lying his head on the dinner table while mumbling something incomprehensible, while Harin had already gone back to her room after she had taken a shower as she still had school tomorrow.

Leaving Michael and his mother alone in the kitchen to clean up.

On the other hand, Hao is in the living room, and weirdly enough, she's actually watching some cartoons being broadcasted on the television like she could actually understand what they are saying.


Hao suddenly performed a back flip due to excitement while watching a cartoon of a kid who could turn into different kinds of aliens with various abilities.

"It seems Hao is having fun"

Michael's mother couldn't help but let out a smile when she saw Hao while she picked up the plates from the dinner table.

"But can she really understand us?"

His mother leaned towards him and whispered.

Michael chuckled and looked at his mother, "Of course mom, even though I'm the only one who can understand what she's saying all the time"

His mother laughed and gestured, "Anyway, you can leave the clean up to me, and instead, why don't you help your father in the bed"

"Alright, let me just drop these plates in the sink"

Michael nodded to her and placed the plates on his hands onto their sink before walking up beside his father.

"Come on, let's get you to bed dad"

Michael said as he slowly bent down and grabbed one of Bob's arms and placed it over his shoulders and slowly helped him up.

"Uhmm...I'm..really...proud of you...son"

"Haha, thanks dad, me too"

His father mumbled in drunkenness, while Michael can only chuckle as he slowly assisted his father towards his parent's bedroom, just at the other end of the house from the kitchen.

Arriving at his parent's bedroom.

Michael carefully laid his father on the bed, and then he took off Bo's socks before making his exit, and closed the door behind him.

Then he just stood outside of his parent's bedroom and looked at his hands.


Michael smiled as he snorted with a chuckle, "I still can't believe that our lives is slowly changing"

Placing his hands on his waist, and staring at his mother's back, who's busy doing the dishes.

"This must be how it feels like to have a lot of money, and it feels…kinda good. Now, my parents don't need to work that hard on the farm anymore. Harin doesn't need to worry about going to college anymore because of the problem with money, and at the same time, my parents doesn't need to worry about it too because I'm already here, doing his thing as a Terran, and that's making money planting various crops with amazing effects"

"And it's all thanks to this cutie!"

Michael laughed as he dove towards the sofa and picked up Hao, and started hugging her while rubbing his face against her soft fur.


Hao also rubbed her head back like a cat, her face showing obvious affection.

'So soft~'


"Do we have any news of where those crops came from?"

Marcus, who is seated on his leather chair, turned to his secretary who is having tea and reading some documents on one of the two sofas before his desk.

But not only did his secretary answer, she even berated him coldly.

"Did you not read the documents I sent you last night? Were you so busy doing something that you didn't even notice the email I sent?"

"And also, I seem to remember that someone didn't come home last night? I wonder where they went yesterday night? Hmm..."

Marcus was suddenly stumped as he was suddenly speechless at the sudden fiery attitude of the person before his eyes.

He hurriedly stood up from his seat and quickly made his way behind the sofa where the beautiful woman was sitting on and placed his hands over her shoulders and started softly massaging her shoulders.

"Come on deary, don't be mad now. I didn't come last night because I joined the subjugation quest with the Arthdal Army to subjugate a goblin village that was causing trouble to the surrounding villages around the Town of Rockpeak"

"And? Was it worthwhile? Did you get something good from them? And have you gone too stupid? Why did you join such a dangerous task knowing how dangerous goblins are?"

The woman snorted and coldly said after taking a sip of her tea.


Marcus snapped his fingers when he remembered something as he hurriedly walked over to his desk and pulled out something from his drawer and handed it to his wife.

"What a big piece of mana crystal!"

His wife couldn't help yelping in surprise while looking at the spherical octagonal sides object on her hands with amber like color with a purple tinge.

It was a mana crystal that's commonly seen on the other side, but the one in her hands is quite big around two inches in a diameter.

After all, the biggest mana crystal they had ever seen so far is only as big a toy marble and doesn't even come close to the one in her hands.

His wife turned towards him and quickly asked him something of importance!

"Don't tell me you stole this from the corpse of a goblin chief under their noses? They would arrest you and might even behead you if they learn of this! Have you gone nuts or something!?"

His wife stood up in anger and grabbed his collars and started shaking him furiously while yelling at him in frustration and anger!

Marcus grabbed the beautiful hands holding his collar and slapped it down, and quickly took a couple of steps back from his wife and looked at her in exasperation!

"Calm down! I didn't steal it. It was my reward during the subjugation because I was the one who strategized the attack. The Captain personally gave it to me, jeez!"

Marcus started fixing his clothes in frustration while looking at his wife like she had just committed the gravest sin!


When he heard that yell full of anger, Marcus quickly bolted out of there, fearing for his life!

On the subject of goblins, this name of a certain creature is already something very common to any RPG games or stories related to fantasy.

While on the other hand, Earth Humans have the misconception that the awakened, otherwise called Terrans are a bunch of strong individuals because of their skills that looked like they came out of a game.

But what the ordinary civilians don't know is that the physique of Terrans are actually somewhat lacking compared to the natives of Terrane, and this makes it hard for them to hunt monsters like goblins by themselves.

After all, their bodies weren't nourished by an environment full of mana during their childhood and teenage years, unlike the native Terrans.

Fortunately, they can easily kill horned rabbits, slimes or any other monsters of similar size, but goblins are a different matter.

Unlike the usual belief that goblins are only dirty and mindless beasts, and very lustful like what we had learned from the various stories circulating on Earth.

The goblins on Terrane don't even come close to that description.

They are actually intelligent, just below human standard of intellect, and they have a functioning society so unlike the stories.

They are not dirty to the end that they would actually wear dirty rags that look like they haven't been washed in years!

Instead, they have proper clothing, armor and weapons on them just like any regular civilian, army or militia.

As mentioned earlier, they are also smart, although they are only a tribal race. They can also form armies and are certainly not afraid of confrontation against humans, and they are also capable of using magic like any other race in the world.

And this is what makes them dangerous.

Of course, human armies will only have a small trouble facing them, but a small number of adventurer teams or mercenaries should be very careful when they stumble upon a village of goblins while out in the wild as they certainly are not easy pickings.

This is the reason that even though Terrans have lofty status on Earth, they can only be regarded as regular people on the other side of the Rift Portals.

And our impression of goblins are also not wrong as that only applies to goblins that can be found in Instant Dungeons, which we have called it.

Unlike Rift Dungeons that are connected to another world with limited time, Instant Dungeons are an independent space that aren't connected into anything, similar to a leaf in the middle of a glass of water.

Every monster in that place are all mindless beasts that would attack any humans on sight, and the only place where you can see mindless goblins.

---written by Mick Doley.

"Wow, so aside from Rift Dungeons. There are also Instant Dungeons? This must be the reason why I was asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement when I went to register at the Terran Association"

"I wonder why they needed to hide this much information from the public eye? Is there something valuable inside an Instant Dungeon? Like probably a dungeon core or something like those stories that I have read before? I wonder what an Instant Dungeon looks like"

"But it kind of sucks that the Terrans who picked combat classes aren't actually that strong on the other side. Hmm...I think those people who took the path of production class are probably even living a better life than them"

Michael couldn't help say those words while reading some very important information on the website that he had just gained access to.

Over a week after joining the Terran Association, Michael finally received an invitation link to access a website that's only accessible to Terrans and the rich who could afford the things that can be bought on that marketplace similar to a well known website before the pre-cataclysm event called Wumazon.

"And bloody hell, everything is so damn expensive here"

And at the same time, he couldn't help but curse and sigh in amazement at the same time while browsing through the countless products that's listed on the website, as even the cheapest item he saw sells for five million pesos or over one hundred thousand dollars.

"I wonder if there are any plant seeds from Terrane that's listed here" mumbled Michael to himself as he started typing the letters "seeds" on the search bar.

And not even a second later, numerous kinds of seeds came out and bombarded the screen.

Terrane Apple Seeds

This tree seed came from trees similar from the Apple Trees on Earth. They can fully grow in just a year as long as they were given the best conditions during their growth phase.

They can be planted all year round.

They produce amazing fruits, which is one of the staple foods in Terrane, especially to the Elven Race.

Price: P10,000,000


Michael's eyes bulged in shock as he pulled his phone near his face as he couldn't believe how expensive an apple seed is!

Then he quickly covered his mouth when he saw Hao squirming in her sleep beside him.

"Why is this so expensive, does it bear the legendary golden apple fruit or something? It's just a f*cking apple, why the f*ck is it so expensive?"

Michael ignored and looked for things cheaper than an apple seed.

"Wow, everything is too expensive for me"

Michael kept swiping on his phone before throwing it to the side, and just stared at the ceiling of his room before sighing helplessly.

"I'll think about more money making options tomorrow, but for now. I'll have get some sleep first"


With the moon shining down on half of the world, a convoy of various cars from military grade vehicles to SUVs are currently driving through a mountain path, and two minutes later, the convoy passed by a very familiar lake as they drove deep into the mountains.

On a forest region of the mountain, a military encampment was erected with soldiers patrolling around the area, and in the middle of it, there's a large circular tear in the space that keeps flashing like there's lightning inside while producing a soft humming noise like the sound of bees buzzing around.