Rishi, a General in the Indian Army(Under Air Force) comes back to Madurai because he had been given holidays for one month, which he gets for the first time in his two years of service. However, he doesn't care for it and indeed, wants to be patriotic for the country. Rishi meets his close friend Krishna, an officer working in the Intelligence Bureau of Madurai.

"Come da, Rishi. How are you?" asked Krishna.

"I am fine, da. How is your life in the Intelligence Bureau?" asked Rishi.

"It's not fine, da. I am totally fed up with my life da. Because for so many days I wasn't able to do anything. For some days, crimes against women had increased da," said Krishna.

"I thought there are problems in Kashmir borders only. But, now only, I realize that there are problems inside our country also. Give me the statistical reports of women abuse sooner da, Krishna," said Rishi.

"Hey. Wait, da. Now only you have returned from your duty, da. Be patient. Let's go out for relaxing ourselves. After that, let's think about our duty," said Krishna.

"Ok, da. Sure," said Rishi and the duo have a blast to Tirunelveli and they enjoy their day.

After that, Rishi reveals his plans for creating an app titled "Hello Women." He tells to Krishna, "The app is created for protecting women from dangers. But, let this be a secret one."

Rishi further prepares a GPS monitor system and Phone number tracker for learning the moves of every woman in the district. The guys manage to save women with the help of locals and almost finds success in their mission.

Later one day, Krishna asks Rishi, "Hey. Why do you want to do this unnecessary work da? What benefit do we get through this?"

"Because I don't want any women to suffer. You very well know, what happened to my sister. Do you remember?" asked Rishi.

"Yes, da. How could I forget it? Those animal guys had brutally raped your sister and also escaped by using laws. Because of that, your entire family committed suicide unable to bear the pain," said Krishna.

"Like me, no women and her family should suffer da, Krishna. Henceforth, I have created this app. Hope this will be useful for them, I think!" said Rishi.

"Yes. It will be highly useful for their safety," said Krishna.

All was going well and the duo was saving many women using the app. However, on one day, their plan goes into failure. A 17-year old girl named Harshita has been brutally raped and murdered by an unknown person. Further, her body was put into fridge cut into parts and later on, was disposed in a dustbin near to Madurai. Rishi feels frustrated and tries to destroy the app in anger. However, Krishna stops this and instead asks him to go on into a parallel investigation.

Krishna brings his journalist friend Akshara to Rishi for helping him in his mission of investigation. Because Akshara too is on a mission to create awareness about the safety of women.

Akshara falls in love with Rishi slowly after seeing his good thoughts, patriotic nature and his act of protection for women. She decides to propose her love on Rishi's birthday, 01.01.2021, on the eve of the new year festival.

Later on, Rishi collects the details of Harshita before her death. They learn that she used to visit the Saravana Bhavan hotel regularly after her classes got over. In further, they learn that she doesn't have any boyfriends and is a pure goldsmith through her parents, which was investigated by Akshara.

Rishi decides to check on the CCTV footages of Harshita in the Saravana Bhavan, where he learns that an unknown guy, wearing a mask had followed her frequently for the past one week and had gained details regarding her activities carefully.

But, before that, Rishi reveals his mission to his senior Commander R. Harshith Singh Ranadev, who accepts and encourages him to finish the mission as soon as possible, which Rishi accepts. After this, the trio conducts an investigation about the guy in all the sides of Tamil Nadu without leaving any places. However, everything failed after a search for one month.

Rishi is fed up with the failure of their investigation. But, at that time, he notices a guy wearing a chain, in which it shows the symbol of a church, and besides that, they notice a place called Pechiparai, near to Kanniyakumari.

Rishi meets an elderly man named Murugappadasan, a retired journalist in the place. He tells them that, the guy's name is George Christopher. Indeed, the main culprit is not George Christopher and he is only an informer. His elder twin brother, Joseph Williams is the mastermind behind raping women.

Their parents Mary Christopher and William David hailed from Britain and were victims of tsunamis that occurred in Chennai, after which they lost their jobs. For earning money, William David had come to Madurai and he had worked in a private company. Indeed, they were living in a house that was near his house.

One year later, they got identical twin babies. One is Joseph Williams and the other one is George Christopher. The duo grew up in a hostel and was studying well. But, at the same time, since their parents were unable to spend time with the duo, they indulged to lust for girls(their juniors to their classmates).

But, for that, they first decide to stay in an outside hostel instead of staying in the school hostels. After playing a tactful drama to their parents, the duo manages to come to the hostel. After that, from the outside hostel, they raped a 10-year old girl named Aaradhana, when they were 12 years after which, the duo has put her in a fridge, cutting her body into pieces. Later on, they disposed of her body in a dustbin. After this, they continued to rape six girls under 10-12 years of age and does the same process.

But, one day, a classmate of Christopher notices their act, after which, he runs away to inform this to his school principal. The principal comes to the room of Christopher and Williams and had found them of using drugs and cocaine. The duo's parents were called and insulted for this act after which, the twins were sent out of the school. Unable to bear the insults, Christopher's parents commit suicide by killing themselves in front of a running lorry. This fueled up the anger of the duo and their anxiety of lust increased against the women.

As a henceforth, they entered into the house of their school principal and brutally killed him, while they also brutally raped his 10-year old daughter with a merciless mind state. After that, the duo went on for hiding and lived a hiding life for so many years.

Having found out the reasons for murder, Rishi decides to capture William, in order to bring down Christopher. After learning from Krishna that he is working as a security guard in Madurai Museum Parks, Rishi goes there and captures William. After that, he brings him to Krishna and there, Krishna's friends like Ravi, Ritesh and Harish(his teammates in IB) has come for helping the duo. They want Christopher to be killed because he is an animal and has not been deserved to live a human life.

However, Rishi tells them that, "He is not Christopher and he is his identical twin brother Williams." Later on, Williams tells to them that, "His brother will come to save him at any point of time."

As told, Christopher has told this through a video, where he threatens Rishi to release his brother, because he has already raped three more girls under 18 to 21 years of age and has put it in a dustbin near to the bridges of Madurai entrance. If he doesn't release his brother, he threatens to turn down the whole Madurai into a graveyard, full of women.

Rishi pretends to return Williams to Christopher but kills Williams at the last minute, which leaves Christopher shattered as well as angry. Henceforth, he plans to kill Akshara, by raping her brutally as well as killing Krishna, in order to avenge his brother's death.

Later on, Rishi's close friend Daniel tells to him that, "The guy is suffering from Hypomania", which prompts him to have sex with women. In further, he requests Rishi to kill the guy as soon as possible, because he is very dangerous and might harm many other women's life.

Rishi's mission has been told by the Senior Commander(with whom he had shared about his mission) to his friends in the army. They all decide to help in Rishi's mission by giving him full support and lands in Madurai with the help of the Senior Commander.

At the same time, Christopher kidnaps Akshara from Krishna's house after beating him up brutally. In further, he also kidnaps Krishna after which, he calls Rishi.

"Hey, Rishi. I have kidnapped Akshara and Krishna. If you want them alive, come to the place that I am sharing with you," said Christopher.

In further, he threatens him not to do any smart works such as leaking down the GPS tracker since it may harm his friends.

Rishi agrees considering the safety of his friends. At the same time, a new DGP named John David has been appointed by the Government of Tamil Nadu, to catch Christopher as soon as possible. The DGP assures to bring Christopher before the eve of new year dated 29.12.2020 to 31.12.2020.

Rishi goes to reserved forests near to Madurai-Tirunelveli roads where Christopher beats up Rishi severely by hiding in the trees. Due to the severe beatings of Christopher, he faints. He(Rishi) further notices that the date is 31.12.2020 and time showing as 9:45. However, Rishi manages to beat him up severely after managing to wake up steadily. At that time, Christopher's phone accidentally falls down, which Krishna picks up and shares the GPS location to the DGP and Rishi's friends. Now, the time is 11:25 PM.

Rishi takes his gun(which he had hidden in his pocket secretly) and proceeds to shoot Christopher. But, before that, he notices a bomb, that has been implanted by Christopher himself around his whole body, which has also been connected to Krishna and Akshara respectively.

At the same time, DGP John David and his team come to the spot with Rishi's friends and the media groups, who also has followed them.

The time now shows as 11:48 PM. Rishi now remembers a book titled "Before he kills the girls" after which, he takes a nearby water bottle. With its help, Rishi shoots in the forehead of Christopher. Now, the time shows as 11:55 PM.

Before dying Christopher tells to Rishi, "My dear Enemy. Happy new year," and he dies.

"Happy new year, sir," said Rishi to DGP John David.

"Happy new year, Rishi," said John David and in the process, Krishna also wishes Rishi, the same.

Later on, the media people questions Rishi. "Sir. In today's world, what do you think regarding women's safety?"

"Women are not having a safe environment in our country. That's especially because of men. Due to their psychotic acts, especially because of the guys like Christopher and many others, our women are facing a miserable kind of life. By killing Christopher, we have only killed the rapist, who has the disorder of lust. But, not the disease of lust. We too have such an animal in our mind against women. We shouldn't let it grow. To our best, let's respect and celebrate the welfare of women. I am wishing you all a happy new year and thank you," said Rishi and he leaves from the place to go with his friends in order to join again in the Indian Army.

"Rishi. Stop!" said Akshara and Krishna.

"Yes Akshara," said Rishi.

"Wish you many more happy returns of the day and happy new year, Rishi," said Krishna and Akshara.

"Oh! I forgot. Thank you so much Akshara and Krishna and wish you a happy new year," said Rishi.

"I also wanted to tell you one more thing Rishi," said Akshara.

"Yes. Tell me, Akshara" said Rishi.

"I love you, Rishi," said Akshara.

After thinking a minute, Rishi replies to her, "Let's celebrate our new year Akshara," implying that, he has accepted her love and the duo with Krishna, his friends and some other Rishi's friends rejoice to celebrate the new year, happily.