Devasagayam, the Local President of Meenakshipuram, near to Pollachi-Kerala borders is a widely respected man, who loves his locals a lot and wishes to provide immense service welfares for them.

For Devasagayam, his son Bala is everything and indeed, has been living a life for his sake. Bala is always a hot-blooded and angry guy, who cannot afford to tolerate bad people as well as injustice.

As a result of this, he had even punished his own mother Savitha for being so rude to his father for many years, since his birth. In further, he is ready to do anything for his father's welfare and henceforth, has put a condition to his father that, "If he has to live with him, his mother Savitha has to reform. Or else, he might stay outside."

However, Bala's father chooses to stay with her, and henceforth, he leaves away from him to an outside hostel before assuring his father that, "He will come and give him the hand of support at any time when he is in trouble."

Bala is a second-year college student studying in CIT colleges of Coimbatore district. His close friends are Harshini, Thilip, and Harsha Vardan(since childhood). In further, he also aims to achieve big in life like his grandfather, whom he respects a lot.

But, in the meanwhile, Bala's mother, who is concerned about his son and the property puts a spy with the help of her younger brother Ramesh(who also wanted to grab his son-in-law's property). The spy notices the activities of Bala and in further, informs Ramesh as well as Savitha every day.

Meanwhile, Ishika, a first-year college student at PSG College of Arts and Science is staying near to the outside hostel of Bala. She is attracted to his good and kind nature. Her father Dharmalingam is a rich and successful businessman, who is ready to do anything for her daughter's sake.

Ishika and Bala are now close friends and he doesn't consider her as his lover. One day, Ishika proposes her love for Bala, when the duo was in a park near to Coimbatore district, which has been noticed by the spy of Ramesh.

Bala eventually agrees to the love of Ishika and Ramesh is shocked to hear this and immediately he informs his sister Savitha, who becomes extremely anger, after hearing this.

And in further, she informs Bala's father, who becomes happier on hearing this and decides to speak with her father. This further fuels her anger, because she was depending on Bala to grab the whole property of his father and become a queen.

However, her son had spoilt everything.

"What is this sister? We have lost like this. I think, we may not get the property" said Ramesh.

"Why we won't get the property? My son will get married to your daughter only, da. Don't worry. But, before that, I wanted that Ishika to get killed" said Savitha.

"What sister? Murder ah? It's not at all a habit for us, right!" asked Ramesh.

"It's possible my dear Son-in-law," said Bhagyam, his mother-in-law and even his wife Haritha has come inside the place.

"Indeed, this should be a lesson for Bala. He has to think about the limitations of standing against his own mother. Hence, Ishika should be murdered. Then only, our second daughter will get married to him" said Haritha.

"But, still more I didn't get angry on Bala. I am affectionate to him. I even didn't want my husband. But, I need my son back" said Savitha.

"Don't worry, sister. Your son will come back" said Ramesh.

Later on, Savitha leaves from the place while, Ramesh and his family have a discussion.

"What son-in-law? I think your sister is ready to go to any extent in order to see her son's life happy?" asked Bhagyam.

"But, she doesn't know that, I am planning to kill Bala also in the attacks. In further, she doesn't know that, I am a silent snake, waiting to grab their entire family" said Ramesh.

"But, if Prakash Raj and Jagapathi Babu were present in this scene, even they will feel defeated on seeing your villainous role, Ramesh," said his wife.

"Enough Haritha. Over encouragement is dangerous" said Ramesh.

Meanwhile, Ramesh's henchman tried to attack Ishika and Bala, but the latter has overpowered those men and while confronting one of the henchmen, he tells him that, "His mother and uncle has sent them to kill Ishika as well as Bala for some unknown reasons."

Hearing this, he gets into extreme anger and calls to his father, to whom he reveals the entire problems that have happened and also shouts to him that, "Will a mother try to kill his own son?"

In anger, Devasagayam chases out his wife from the house to her home, besides her please of innocence that, she didn't try to kill her own son and indeed, tried to kill Ishika only.

In further, Deva tells her that, he will chop her into pieces if she enters the house again. It is at this time, Savitha realizes the value of life and love other than money. She returns back to her house, where Ramesh is angry with his brother-in-law for chasing his sister out.

He reveals the plan to kill his brother-in-law but, Savitha asks him not to do such things. Because, she wants to live with her husband as she have realized that love is all we need and also advises Ramesh to reform and have a good life, to which he agrees.

But, after the next two days, she had been found dead in her house, murdered in a mysterious way. But, before dying, she told in a letter that, her son was a reason for her death and he was merciless to kill her, besides her reformed lifestyle.

Bala's father on seeing this becomes frustrated and sends his son to prison and further tells him that, he will never bail him out. However, Ishika alone firmly believes that her lover is not such a kind of person and in further, her father also learned about her love and he stiffly opposes their relationship after which, he cuts down the freedom of Ishika to go out.

Later on, a detective named Surya Narayana Reddy is appointed in order to investigate the death of Bala's mother. Surya Narayana Reddy is an intelligent detective who will indulge rigorously in the investigation until he gets a proper clue behind the case. Now, Surya Narayana instigates Bala regarding the murder. But, he claims that he doesn't commit the murder and tells him as innocent.

Surya Narayana Reddy is convinced that Bala is innocent on seeing his face and mannerisms.

"Sir. What is this? He is claiming his innocence. Then who could have murdered his mother?" asked his assistant G.V. Naidu.

"It's our duty to investigate the case," said Surya.

Now, they decide to go for the spot where, Bala's mother got murdered and also gets the letter from the Police officers, who had collected it from the crime spot. At that time, Surya decides to instigate the handwriting of Bala's mother with the help of her notebooks and diaries, which they manage to get from Bala's father.

"Naidu. Could you able to notice the difference in the handwriting?" asked Surya.

"There are no similarities sir. All are same. I have seen it using the mirror" said Naidu.

"You are proving your foolishness cleverly by seeing it on the mirror. That's not necessary, man. Because, you can be able to notice it in some words itself, where there are differences in the handwriting of Bala's mother. Henceforth, someone have murdered her and has put the blame on Bala for their own benefits" said Surya.

He and Naidu decide to find the guy by proceeding through the investigation. At the same time, Ramesh, who have been vexed with his sister's death plans to murder Bala brutally in the prison, by sending his henchman, but he is eventually saved by some men of Devasagayam.

Meanwhile, Surya Naryana gets a lead for the murder of Savitha with the help of a local, to whom they have gone for an investigation. He claims to him that, Savitha, her brother Ramesh and his family were talking seriously in their house and were fighting. After that, he doesn't know what has happened.

Surya arrests Ramesh, Bhagya and Haritha in order to investigate them. Initially, three of them claimed their innocence. But, Surya started to investigate them individually, which is video tapped by Naidu. On investigation, everyone answers with a different comments.

Now, he threatens to file a murder charge against them, if they didn't tell them what has happened on that day. Ramesh reveals to him the scene that has happened that night.

He was not happy with the reformation of his sister. In further, Ramesh was greedy over the property of his son-in-law. And henceforth, being infatuated with the love for money, he decides to kill Bala as well as Devasagayam by sending his henchman (from North Indian states), after which he can grab their property and send his sister to jail, by blaming her.

However, the day before, she hears the conversation of Ramesh, regarding his plans after which they had a heated argument. Later on, she threatened to put them in jail for planning like such. But, Haritha and Bhagiya hold her.

"Will you complain to the police?" asked Ramesh and tells her, "For that, you should go alive, my dear sister" said Ramesh and he brutally stabs her in the abdomen and after that, he further stabs her in the chest.

"Now, I am going to put the blame of your death on Bala, your own son and I will become the king of your wealth," said Ramesh.

She dies and they had staged a drama by pretending to cry for her death. In further, they wrote a letter claiming Bala to be the reason for his sister's death. After this, Ramesh tried to kill Bala in the prison but, it failed to materialize.

Later on, this had been sent to the government by Surya, who gets praise for his efforts and when they ask him about the inference of this case, he replies: "Love is all we need, sir. Money can't give a good health and money doesn't buy pure air and hygiene."

After this, Bala is released from the prison and he reconciles with his father, who apologizes to him for not understanding his innocence while Ramesh and his family are given a life long imprisonment for their act of offense while his daughters are sent to an orphanage trust and the Government decides to take care of their welfare.

Ishika and her family also come to Bala's house and they all get reconciled. Ishika's father apologizes to Bala for misunderstanding him.