Naveen and Yuva are born as conjoined twins to Lakshmi and Ramalingam, a scientist. But, they have a risk.

Both of them share a common heart(Thoracopagus). This process occurs when, "Two bodies fused from the upper chest to lower belly. The heart is always involved in these cases. As of 2015, separation of a genuinely shared heart has not offered survival to two twins; a designated twin may survive if allotted the heart, sacrificing the other twin."

Doctors recommend a sacrifice surgery. But, Lakshmi refuses and brings up the twins. Years later, the ​twins grew up with different personalities. But, one common point is that, "They are brilliant in academics and sports."

While Yuva is soft-spoken, happy-go-lucky and carefree guy, Naveen is loud-speaking, feared, smart and responsible youth, who cannot tolerate injustice, happening in the society.

Ramalingam is now a successful scientist, running the company Lotus Nucleo Center, makes huge profit through "Specialized Atom-Nuclear: 360", specialized to Indian Army, especially in the period of wars.

Harini, a middle class girl, joins their company as a translator with her close friend Iraa, an aspiring scientist, who aims to find a Hydro-Atom bomb(made without making any impact for human beings), taking Ramalingam as her inspiration.

Yuva gets smitten by Iraa. While Naveen falls in love with Harini. Both spend their time with Iraa, Harini and their Japanese friend Aika, a journalist, spend their time with the brothers.

Meanwhile, Iraa falls in love with Yuva. Naveen feels bad that, he is not bold enough to propose his love to Harini.

Seeing to his upset mindset, Yuva makes a plan and brings him to a theater with Iraa and Harini also.

Yuva asks Naveen to sit besides Harini while, Iraa sits besides Yuva.

"Hey. What should I do now da?" asked Naveen.

"Have we come for school? Asking me what to do? Hold her hands da" said Yuva.

"Hold ah?" asked Naveen.

Yuva holds Iraa's hands after which, Naveen holds Harini's hands. She smiles at him.

"Now, kiss her da" said Yuva.

"Dei. She will think bad da" said Naveen

"Oh! I think you are an outdated-fuse bulb da" said Yuva and he kisses Iraa in the lips.

She beats him and they have a cute romantic fight.

"This is too much da, Yuva. You told that, you will help me in reuniting my love and making romance with your partner" said Naveen.

Yuva hits Naveen in his leg and as a result, he kisses Harini accidentally. She stares initially and accepts his love.

Later, Aika is revealed to be a spy who tries to steal the trade secrets and formula of "Specialized Atom-Nuclear: 360." She is exposed and sent out by Ramalingam.

She henceforth, takes the brothers to their center under the pretext of an interview where she takes the pictures and collects the Nuclear samples from their farm.

On learning this, Ramalingam admonishes and confronts both Yuva and Naveen. He tells them that, "Aika is a spy and double-agent, sent by a Japanese company."

Naveen questions her, "Are you a double agent working for Japan company, for gaining cheap profits?"

An angry Aika replies, "No. I am not an agent. But, indeed a journalist to uncover the secrets behind the bomb grenade and weapons, that your father produces. If this persists to be sold for Indian Army, in the next 10 years, India would face severe consequences of getting an n number of cancer patients, due to the chemical, present in the bomb."

She further, gives him the evidences about the bomb's side effects. Aika further reveals that, "Their R and D department's head was killed by Ramalingam's aids, when he discovered discovered truth."

In addition, she reveals that, "It was he, who first gave her and warned about the consequences of the bombs. He was concerned a lot about the country's welfare."

But, he was subsequently murdered. Consequently, Ramalingam learns about this and he orchestrates a group of henchman. Aika is murdered by them. Before she dies, she swallows the pen drive containing evidences of the foul play, before dying.

Naveen becomes anger upon hearing Aika's death and he confronts his father. But, Yuva stops him and brings him back. There, he makes peace peace him telling that, "Without any evidences, they cannot fight with Ramalingam. They have to wait."

Naveen asks Iraa to take the pendrive from Aika, by bribing the postmortem officer. She goes, along with Harini to take the pendrive.

Naveen and Yuva plans to go for the hospital and get back the pendrive. While they gets the pendrive and are escaping from the hospitals, Ramalingam's employees sees them and informs this to him.

Left with no ways, he orders his employees to get back the pendrive, even if it costs his son's death. Sensing the henchman, Naveen and Yuva escapes along with Iraa and Harini. But, Yuva thinks that, they have come for robbing them. But, they plan to take back the pendrive. Though, Harini escapes, Iraa gets captured.

Iraa gets stabbed in the abdomen and chest, by a henchman.

"Iraa" said Yuva and he goes along with Naveen to save her.

"Yuva. There's no use to save my life. Please save your life" said Iraa and she dies in his arms(with her eyes, going up).

"Iraa...Iraa..." Said Yuva.

Now, the henchman attacks Naveen in his head brutally...

"Naveen" said Harini and she runs towards him....

Nearby people also comes to rescue them(sensing the frishy events). Seeing them, they somehow manages to pluck the pendrive and runs away.

Naveen and Yuva are admitted in the hospital.

On examining Naveen's head injury, doctors sadly tells Ramalingam and Lakshmi that, "Naveen is Brain-dead. They have to make an open heart transplant to Yuva, so that his life can atleast, be saved."

They sadly agrees and the surgery is completed successfully. The Twins also gets separated after the surgery.

Harini comes to see Ramalingam, where she tells him that, "Someone is behind Naveen's death and they got a pendrive from him." She asked for a police complaint to be given.

But, he refuses and asks her to leave the problem as such. Since, it would damage the goodwill and image of the company.

Yuva is depressed worried about Iraa's death. He is consoled by Ramalingam to forget the incident, since it would spoil his life.

When Harini comes to see him he tells her, "I don't know how to console you. I loved Naveen a lot, as my brother. Now, he have left me. But, Iraa's death pains me a lot."

He breaks down. She sadly leaves from the place.

Yuva begins to take drinks in-order to forget Iraa's death. But, Harini slaps him and stops his drinking habits.

She tells him, "Are you senseless? For you beloved one's death, will you go to drinking? If you have wished to finish the unfinished mission of Harini and Naveen, I would have been happy. But, you...."

Yuva reconsiders her advice and plans to investigate the reasons for Naveen and Iraa's death and avenge the persecutors. He slowly gives up his drinking and moves on.

Harini falls for Yuva and proposes him, to which he accepts. Meanwhile, R & D department head's mother one day comes and meets Lakshmi.

There she tells her that, 'She saw the reports of his son's research on Nuclear bombs, that their company does. As a chemistry and Physics teacher, she guessed that something is wrong in "Specialized Atom-Nuclear: 360"'

She confronts her husband, who asks the Ministry of Chemicals to raid their company. To her surprise, "Specialized Atom-Nuclear: 360" is declared as a safe weapon.

Meanwhile, Yuva discovers that his father is behind Naveen's, Iraa's and Aika's deaths by tracking his assistant Ramesh. He gets hold of the pen-drive, that contains several photos, where apparatus used as chemicals, in order to prepare the bombs are unsafe to India and it would cause huge impacts, in future. Upon seeing it, Yuva feels angered. But, he hides his anger to his father.

Later on, he meets Harini.

"Harini. See this pendrive. It's the one, which the henchman tried to get from us" said Yuva.

"How did you get it?" asked Harini

"I got it from my Father's office" said Yuva.

"I informed about this pen drive to your father. But, he stopped me to proceed with further actions" said Harini.

"How will he allow? He is mastermind behind everything. Can you see these pictures? These apparatus and chemicals are not allowed to be used in our countries. It's given no use certificate. See" said Yuva.

"For that, why you are concerned Yuva?" Asked Harini.

"No use means, the banned ingredients and apparatus are not supposed to be used in any side of our country. But, my father uses it from Japanese export companies" said Yuva.

"My God. What's the link between Japan and this Specialized Atomic-Nucleo 360?" asked Harini.

"That only, I am also trying to investigate. But, after a few lines, rest all are written in Japanese language. Can you analyze the words?" asked Yuva.

"If Specialized Atomic-Nucleo 360 is used in India, cancer patients are likely to be increased. It's dangerous to be used in war periods" said Harini.

"Yuva. These pictures are a depiction of Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We have to go for Japan to know the further details about this weapon" said Harini.

They decides to go for Japan to solve the mystery. There they gets a help of Indian consultate of Japan Aravinth's help.

They goes to meet Ramalingam's business expertise and partner Mr. Akimitsu in Hiroshima.

There, Yuva questions him about Ramalingam and the Specialized Atomic-Nucleo 360, to which he murmurs and he informs Ramalingam about this.

Later, he calls him and asks, "You told me me that, you are going for Russia. But, Why did you go for Japan da? Why did you meet Akimitsu?"

"You only told me know, dad. You have to conquer the mastermind behind the death of Naveen and Iraa...bring him to justice, etc...that only, I am doing now" said Yuva.

"So you have been smart. I thought, atleast one of my son son survive. Come back to India sooner" said Ramalingam.

"I have to know more about your weapons. After that only, I would come back to India" said Yuva.

Ramalingam asks Dinesh to go for Hiroshima and watch the activities of Yuva.

There, Aravinth gets killed in a blast, orchestrated by the gangsters of Japan. The photos are revealed to be the army officials and civilians, who were fighting a war with USA on August 6 and August 9, 1945 and again on September 9, 1992 and September 12, 1992.

Before they can research in further about the Specialized Atomic-Nucleo 360, Japanese Army arrests both Harini and Yuva by a cruel army officer named, Akihito.

They are taken to the army prison, where Yuva tries to explain about the reasons for their investigation. But, it goes in vain...

Later on, they are taken to a scientist named, Aito by the army. There, Yuva explains the reasons for the investigation. As he communicates in Japanese language, Harini translates it in English and tells to Yuva.

There, the duo learns that, "The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict. By the time of the Trinity test, the Allied powers had already defeated Germany in Europe. Japan, however, vowed to fight to the bitter end in the Pacific, despite clear indications (as early as 1944) that they had little chance of winning. In fact, between mid-April 1945 (when President Harry Truman took office) and mid-July, Japanese forces inflicted Allied casualties totaling nearly half those suffered in three full years of war in the Pacific, proving that Japan had become even more deadly when faced with defeat. In late July, Japan's militarist government rejected the Allied demand for surrender put forth in the Potsdam Declaration, which threatened the Japanese with "prompt and utter destruction" if they refused. General Douglas MacArthur and other top military commanders favored continuing the conventional bombing of Japan already in effect and following up with a massive invasion, codenamed "Operation Downfall." They advised Truman that such an invasion would result in U.S. casualties of up to 1 million. In order to avoid such a high casualty rate, Truman decided–over the moral reservations of Secretary of War Henry Stimson, General Dwight Eisenhower and a number of the Manhattan Project scientists–to use the atomic bomb in the hopes of bringing the war to a quick end. Proponents of the A-bomb—such as James Byrnes, Truman's secretary of state—believed that its devastating power would not only end the war, but also put the U.S. in a dominant position to determine the course of the postwar world. Still more, the places are prone to nuclear rays and cancer, which affects the people for so many years, till now."

"Then, why did you prepare this Specialized Nucleo-Atom 360 again, despite it's danger?" asked Yuva, which is told by Harini, in Japanese.

"It was found by your father and not me"(In Japanese) said Aito and upon hearing this by Harini, Yuva is shocked.

Aito further explains him, "When USA declared a war to us on September 1992 again, we consulted Ramalingam. He prepared a bomb made with Uranium-270, High rays of Atomic and Nuclear cells. As we got the weapon and gave to the Japanese Army, they used it and won the war with USA. A few days after the peacetalks with USA, some of our army General, Colonel and Captain started to vomit bloods. When we took them to the hospitals, they told that, it's cancer. At that time, Akihito made a plan to kill them considering the national shame. But, I begged him not to do like such and we prepared a separate bed rooms for those cancer patients in our army office."(In Japanese)

Yuva further asks, "In their country, upon researching the Specialized Nucleo-Atom 360, they declared it to be safe. Why?

"This chemical(made with Uranium) is not used in your country for testing. See, the chemical have got separated from the bomb. Atleast, save your country from this" said Aito.

Yuva tries to persuade Aito to see the Army officers, who suffers from Cancer. But, he refuses.

He pretends to go for washroom and sees the cancer patients. However, Aito brings him back and they are taken by Akihito. While they are going, Ramesh(with the help of Japan Mafia) attacks Yuva and the army men. However, he manages to thwart the attempt and also kills Ramesh, as a means of revenge for killing Iraa and Naveen.

Later, Akihito have a change of heart and gives the evidence to Yuva (hugging him) and tells him, "Their country suffered a lot till now, due to the cancer from the bombings. We doesn't want to do the same mistake to India also."

Yuva lands in India and tells that, "Specialized Atomic-Nucleo 360" is dangerous and is forbidden to be used for war purposes." He submits the evidence to prove the truth.

As a result of this, Ramalingam is issued an arrest warrant. As Ramalingam went to his company(to the research lab), he doesn't knew this. Lakshmi informs him and further tells him that, "She is aware of the truth" and asks him to surrender.

However, Yuva and Harini enters into the office of Ramalingam and he confronts him.

"Traitor. You traitor. Spoiled my whole dreams" said Ramalingam.

"Beat me, dad. You beat me as much as you can. But, people won't forgive you. Please surrender to the police" said Yuva.

"Surrender ah?" asked Ramalingam.

"I will take you to the police, dad" said Yuva.

"What mistakes did I did da? Why should I surrender?" asked Ramalingam.

"I felt very proud about you, at the beginning dad. How could you be able to invent this kind of cruel weapon, dad?" asked Yuva.

"Ramalingam, king of Nuclear Science. Ah! Who gave me respect? One minister asked me bribe for taking the file. None of the companies helped me in research. They asked me, Why am I doing these research. Then, I prepared this weapon and sent it for research. Idiots...donkey idiots...believed as such and they sent for Army uses" said Ramalingam.

"They believed you as God, dad" said Yuva.

"God itself makes mistakes da. I am rectifying it now using the world as my research lab" said Ramalingam.

"For that, will you use Army for the research? One whole generation would get spoiled dad" said Yuva.

While they are speaking, a kerosene accidentally pours from the lab.

Ramalingam tells him, "Nothing is successful, without any side effects. Tell me about any products, without side effects. If a generation goes means, let it go away da."

"The scientist have gone away from you, dad. Now, you are a psycho. Behaving like an animal" said Yuva. He calls the police.

Upon seeing this, Ramalingam grabs a nearby knife and says to Yuva, "You destroyed my whole dreams. Aren't you a psycho?"

Sensing this, Harini alerts Yuva and he goes a result, Ramalingam accidentally steps into the kerosene water, after which he gets thrown out from the window. Thus, killing him instantly.

Later, Specialized Atomic-Nucleo 360 is declared unsafe and is banned from being used in India. Yuva is honored for his bravery and also for exposing his father's cruel deeds. Finally, he marries Harini and they leads a happy life.


I have been inspired from several true incidents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 bombings. Other than this, I have been inspired from Siamese Twin Concepts to write this story. A few scenes are adapted from 2012 Film Maatraan, written by K.V.Anand sir. Hence, I give due credits to him...