Kaveri Empire, the kingdom is the powerful dynasty, which rules parts of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It has been ruled by King Kulasekhara Chakravarty, the most powerful ruler in the empire. His wives Kaikeyi Chakravarthy, Radhika Chakravarthy and Yamuna Chakravarthy chides him with a lots of love and affection.

Kulasekhara has four sons namely: Indrajith Chakravarthy, Sujith Chakravarthy, Bharath Chakravarthy and Shasank Chakravarthy. Among the four, Indrajith Chakravarth is the most favorite for Kulasekhara and his wives, who chides him a lot.

Indrajith's brothers like him a lot and indeed, worships him as god. Since, Indrajith has attained the age of 20, Kulasekhara plans to get him married to his friend Janardhanan's daughter Mithula Sri, the princess of Vaishnava empire.

While having a conversation, Mithula's mother, under the orders of her daughter, comes in between the conversation of Kulasekhara, to whom she tells, "Greetings Kulasekhara Chakravarthy. I heard that, you wanted Indrajith to get married to Mithula. But, I have a condition for the marriage. Your son has to break his bow and if he succeeds in it, then my daughter will get married to him" to which, he agrees and expresses this to Indrajith and the latter also agrees and goes to Vaishnava empire with his brothers.

While staying in the place, the four prince learns about the culture and livelihood of Vaishnava empire and are touched with them, a lot. After some days, the test day comes for Indrajith. Initially, he fails to break his bow. But, however, at that time, Lord Shiva, in the form of fire, blesses Indrajith, after which the latter breaks his bow and the marriage is fixed between him and Mithula.

At that time, Lord Shiva's wife Sakthi asks him, "Lord. Why did the bow failed to break at initial times?"

"It's all because of fate, princess" said Lord Shiva.

After this, Indrajith's younger brothers falls in love with Mithula's younger sisters, Pratyusha Sri, Varshini Sri, Harini Sri and Kamali Sri and henceforth, the marriage is fixed for them. The four brothers get married and comes back to Kaveri Emperor.

Everyone is living happily in the empire until Kulasekhara announced a news to all. Kulasekhara reveals about his retirement and in further expresses his wish to crown Indrajith as the next successor for Kaveri empire, which makes everyone happy, except an old lady named Manthra, who is very vengeful against Indrajith, since the latter had humiliated and tortured her, when he was a child.

Henceforth, she meets Kaikeyi and brainwashes her by telling to her that, Kulasekhara is showing partiality for her son Bharath while, he respects Indrajith by crowning him as the next successor. Angered, she fights with Kulasekhara and demands to crown Bharath as the next emperor, to which he agrees.

At the same time, she wants Indrajith to go for forest life, which he have to lead for three years. Initially, he disagrees to this and expresses the wish of Kaikeyi to Indrajith, which he happily agrees. His younger brother Sujith Chakravarthy decides to accompany Indrajith and they wears an ordinary man dress.

For one year, Indrajith, his brother and Mithula stayed in the ashram of some great sages, who cared them a lot. Besides these things, he felt the exposure of natural sceneries surrounded by beautiful rivers, beautiful waterfalls and trees, which they all missed all these years.

The next year, Indrajith shifts to Kashmir and while seeing this, Lord Shiva's wife again asks to him, "My lord. This is a cruel place, being ruled by King Eshwara-I"

"Yes Sakthi. This place is ruled by this cruel king and indeed, this is a fate, which we cannot change" said Lord Shiva.

"I am unable to understand what you say, my lord" said Sakthi.

"When time comes, you will realize what I came to said" said Lord Shiva, to which she reluctantly agreed.

King Eshwara-I is the cruel ruler of Kashmir, who believes in god and is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. In further, he is also a deep womanizer and as a result of this, many has cursed him a lot. But, the evil king never bothers about those, thinking that, he is dominating the death. Though being a womanizer, he is also a skilled warrior, who has done so many good services to many of his people. But, has a bad sides of womanizing nature.

Meanwhile, Indrajith takes shelter in Himachal Pradesh, because of the tiredness to go for Kashmir. With his brother and Mithula, they takes rest for few days in Himachal. At that time, Eshwara comes and sees Mithula, after which he is instantly attracted to her beauty.

He plans to have sex with her at any cost. But, in order to do that, he plans to divert Indarjith and his brother and he discusses this with his accomplish Veerendra, who agrees to divert them since he knows mimicry. At that time, Lord Sakthi says, "Lord Shiva. What's happening there? I am unable to understand anything"

"Eshwar has planned to kidnap Mithula. The fate has started to dominate them, from now onwards" said Lord Shiva.

"Why it's like such, my lord?" asked Sakthi.

"Indrajith and Eshwar should meet each other, because it's fate. In the previous birth, Indrajith was a ruler in Hyderabad kingdom. Like Eshwar, he got attracted with a women in the garden and he instantly raped her. Out of anger, she cursed him that, a same fate will come to Indrajith and commits suicide. Now, the fate starts to show it's reaction" said Lord Shiva.

This leaves Sakthi shocked, who plans to wait for sometime to know the further problems, that were faced. Meanwhile, Veerendra manages to divert Indrajith and Sujith after which, Eshwar enters and kidnaps Mithula. At that time, the duo realizes the foul play and kills Veerendra for fooling them. Later on, Mithula is held captive in Kashmir. However, Eshwar is unable to touch her besides his try and at that time, Sakthi asks Lord Shiva, "My lord. What happened? Why Eshwar feared to touch Mithula?"

"Because, he had got a curse from a man named Kalakeya in the Himalayan ranges. Before few days, Eshwar announced a war with Kalakeya and his army surrounded them. At that time, he saw Kalakeya's wife Harshini, to whom he got attracted. Besides her kind words, he brutally had sex with her and out of rage and anger, Kalakeya cursed him that, his heads will burst, when he tried to touch any women" said Lord Shiva, to which Sakthi smiles.

Meantime, Indrajith and Sujith searches Mithula for three months in Himachal Pradesh after which, they accidentally enters the region of Uttarakhand, which is ruled by a ruler named Krishna and his son Rama. On seeing the duo, Rama misunderstands those to be a warrior and informs it to Krishna and his associate Naveen. Suspecting them, the duo kidnaps Indrajith and brings them to their empire.

However, they apologize to the duo later on, after learning that, the guys are in search for Indrajith's wife Mithula, who have been kidnapped by Eshwar(an information told by Veerendra, before his death). But, they doesn't know the directions of Eshwar's empire.

"Indrajith. We know the region of Eshwar and his dynasty very well. Come. We will show the map directions" said Rama and Krishna.

"Can you see this? This one is the entrance of Eshwar's empire. Both the sides are having heavy armed forces. The symbol of tiger is also drawn, in order to show his power. After this, we have to enter into his Younger brother Lingeshwaran-II and Lingesh-I's palace. Only this area proves to be difficult" said Krishna and Rama.

In further, while hearing to this, Lord Shiva comes and tells to Indrajith that, "Though he can kill Eshwar, he should cure a curse, that he got in his previous birth. For that, Indrajith should bow his head in the Satluj river near to the place of Krishna's empire for thirty times" to which he agrees.

"Indrajith. That's not easy. The river is surrounded by a big python. It has made the river's water poisonous. Many of us fear to enter into the river" said Krishna to which, Naveen says, "I am ready to take risk for the sake of Indrajith's welfare. If the python comes for attack, I will kill them."

As told, Indrajith bows down his head for thirty times in the waters of Satluj while Naveen with his arms, beats up the python and manages to make it's poison go down and in further, chases it out from the river, after which, it turns pure, while Krishna worships Lord Shiva since, he had made the water to turn pure after a long years and in further, rains pour down in Krishna's place after a long year.

After three days, Indrajith, Sujith, Krishna, Naveen and Ram prepares their group of armies and makes their weapons ready, with a special weapon, that was given by Lord Shiva as a gift, to defeat Eshwar. The team takes a journey of 15 days to Kashmir from Uttarakhand, with their army and horses, after which they reaches the place.

An informer meets Eshwar and informs about the war announcement of Indrajith, to which he replies, "Tell them they cannot be able to defeat me. No one can defeat this Eshwar. Because, he dominates this whole world" to which Indrajith replies, "A common man should face his death, no matters of his domination, etc…"

The war is announced and in the first day, Eshwar's elder brother goes in replace of Eshwar to fight against Indrajith. In the fight, a very few army men among Krishna-Naveen-Ram's army and Indrajith's army gets killed while, a majority of deaths occur in the sides of Lingeshwaran. After a three and a half hours long fight, Lingeshwaran is killed by Indrajith and Sujith.

Eshwar is shattered with the death of Lingeshwaran after which, he asks Lingesh to go for the war. But, he advises Eshwar to surrender in the hands of Indrajith by handing over Mithula to him, to which he refuses and left with no way, Lingesh reluctantly agrees to go for the war, since it was Eshwar who took care of him since childhood and henceforth, he decides to stay loyal for him, till his death.

Before going to the war, Lingesh writes in his palm leaf that, "His weapons and skills should go for Indrajith after his death" and after a five hours long fight, Indrajith kills Lingesh by beheading his head.

Angered with the death of his brothers, Eshwar plans to go for the war and vows to kill Indrajith, Krishna, Ram, Sujith and Naveen. In the war, Eshwar's weapons, which he got as a gift from Lord Shiva are tarnished by Indrajith's weapons and later on, he is stabbed by the latter.

"King Indrajith brother!" exclaimed Sujith for which, his armies, Rama, Krishna and Naveen says, "Live longer, Live Longer, Jai Kaveri." Later, Indrajith asks Sujith to meet the dying Eshwar telling him, "Sujith. Though Eshwar is a cruel womanizer, he have served a lots of good things and skills. Besides that, his evil nature has brought him down. Go and meet him" to which, Sujith agrees and goes to meet Eshwar.

He stands in front of Eshwar's head and tells, "My brother Indrajith has sent me to learn about your war skills and ethics" for which Eshwar replies, "Go. Go and learn it from your Guru" and angered with the reply he goes to Indrajith and expresses this reply to him for which Indrajith asks to Sujith, "Sujith. Where will we use to stand whenever we meet our gurus?" for which Sujith thinks while Indrajith replies, "Whenever we meet our guru, we should stand besides their leg in a kind manner. Go and meet him now. He will tell you" for which he agrees by greeting Indrajith and goes to meet Eshwar by telling, "I am greeting you King Eshwar. I has come to gain the skills of ethics from you."

"God bless you, Sujith. In my life, you have to follow these three ethics in your life. Respect women, Be genuine and Be respectful. Or else, you will face my same situation in your life's end. Bless you. Om" said Eshwar and he dies.

Later on, Indrajith rescues his wife Mithula from Kashmir after which, she has been asked to prove her virginity by entering into the Indus river, which is holy. The signs of her virginity will be confirmed once the river's water chides upon her. As told, the water chides on her and later on, the duo is reconciled.

While watching this Lord Shiva tells to Sakthi, "Queen. Now, Indrajith-Mithula will have a colorful and beautiful journey. Let's bless them" and they blesses the couple with some flowers. After this, Indrajith comes back to Kaveri Empire, where he meets his father and brothers Bharath and Shasank, who invited them warmly.

Indeed, Bharath too has become a sage for these three years disowning his mother for sending Indrajith to forestry and is now very happy for meeting him. Later on, Kaikeyi and Mantra apologizes to Indrajith for their rude decisions while, Indrajith asks them to forget all those and be happy. After this, Indrajith is crowned as the next emperor of Kaveri Kingdom and everyone has an applause after he(Indarjith) has finished taking his oath of becoming the next king.