***Someplace, even farther away than The Keepers' Hold, out in the Cosmos.***
*2 months, 8 days, 3 hours and 41 minutes after Gorak's last Escape Attempt. Minutes before the little princess explodes.*
Time: *** 3 AM in Havillah, Daytime at The Hold.***
Shrouded in a sea of vivacious flames of virtually all the colours of the rainbow, the Enouka burns bright and beautiful, threatening all of existence.
The Apocalypse; a great disaster of cataclysmic proportions, was coming. Even the gods were wary! The GODS!
But that will be in another 20 years. Yes, the Enouka is not exploding just yet. For now, she is preparing to burn out the last of the hydrogen in her core in a massive final outburst that will find her a worthy host.
*Whoooosh, Whoooosh*
With each noisy breath, the Enouka builds up momentum for her final scream. It would be a mega outburst, coupled with extremely powerful stellar winds and ultraviolet radiation that would tear through the entire Cosmos. If she hoped to reach the ends of the Multiverse to find a new body, it had to be great. Phenomenal.
So she prepares, and so do these ones...
...a group of powerful beings gradually taking position around this burning star. Although they are great giants, they seem tiny in comparison to the Enouka's incredible mass. They examine her.
These giant beings are the Keepers, charged with the responsibility of guarding and managing all that exists. Now all of creation was in danger, they had swung into action, taking measures to protect it.
Being gods, only they could withstand the fearsome radiation coming out of the old star without flinching.
Duty calls and so they answer. They would do everything, to keep the balance.
Now, it was rumoured amongst the Keepers that the Creator seemed to create some things just to humour himself...
If that be true, then the Enouka was one such creation, for not even the Keepers knew what purpose she served.
She was just one massive ball of light in a dark and empty part of the Multiverse, that had remained dormant up till the point of her death when she suddenly became active; a late bloomer, panicked about leaving a legacy before she dies.
Don't get me wrong, the Enouka has always possessed an unfathomable amount of power, but the sheer magnificence of her power was only brought to notice when she activated it to find a host.
Even more distinct and unusual is the fact that with the sudden activation, she has become volatile, extremely dangerous, and she poses a threat to all existence.
Ever since her immense powers were activated, the Keepers had been monitoring the activity of this mysterious burning star mostly out of interest and curiosity, and they had indeed noticed the astounding fact that each successive heatwave that came from her was stronger, more explosive, and travelled much farther than the last.
More and more of her power was being released for her search and she was growing more dangerous by the day!
But no amount of monitoring could prepare them for the magnitude of heatwaves in the Enouka's last outburst; the unexpected destructive outburst of 2months ago that shook the Hold.
It turned out to be a cosmic natural disaster that inflicted great damage to the galaxies nearby, destroying several planets, and harming several endangered creations.
The explosion seemed to shake the Cosmos, and the galaxies closest to the old star were affected, with reports of burning planets and combusting suns!
The gods had had to come to the rescue of all the alien races situate in those galaxies, even to the point of having to relocate them to other galaxies with planets with more bearable and more stable climates, to keep them in existence.
Thankfully, the affected planets were home to just a few races of living creatures and a few other life forms that could withstand the heat, (mainly because over the recent years, the old star had made it too hot and unbearable for living things to survive anywhere around her), so no species was wiped out as the gods were able to save and preserve all affected species in the nick of time.
If the Keepers had not timely swung in to save everyone, a lot of endangered creations would have been completely wiped out! They made it in time, but they cut it too close.
After such a massive disaster, the Keepers would no longer take the Enouka so lightly.
They knew there would be another blast soon, and that the next explosion would be greater and more dangerous, it could potentially take out most of the galaxies in a three hundred million light-year radius.
No. They would not let that happen. It must be stopped.
So they thoroughly examined the old star, monitoring its stages and strength, looking to cure the problem at its source to avoid another cosmic natural disaster, and had successfully determined the occurrence of the next mega heatwave to the next 5 hours.
Yes. There should be one within the next five hours. This is why they are here, surrounding her, and setting up a shield capable of taking on an impact of at least 100 times stronger than the last blast.
This time, they were prepared.
Suddenly, a great heat wave bursts out of the star in a 360° radius.
This is the blast that would change everything. Gorak in the Hold, the little princess in Havillah, the damned red-head...
Their fates would unexpectedly be transformed by this blast!
Receiving the terrible impact first-hand, our Keepers are flung in different directions as far as into different galaxies; some crashing into a conglomeration of planets or into a galaxy of stars in full force, rendering enough damage to break some to pieces, utterly destroying them.
The explosion heatwave tears through the Multiverse, utterly decimating all that it comes in contact with in a split second. Despite the fact that they set up their defences and had constructed some sort of shield to curtail the potentially destructive nature of this star, the sheer power of the explosion shatters the divine shield to pieces like a fragile sheet of glass.
Completely unhurt by the blast, the Keepers reassemble immediately.
You'd think they'd at least be bothered by the power of this sun, but on the contrary, they seemed quite excited to be facing a worthy opponent.
But their excitement would not last, as the massive heat blast had rent through the Cosmos, cutting through everything in its path, including the closest prison for Immortals; "The Hold".
Home to the most treacherous prisoner known to the Council of Keepers. Most heinous, most despicable, this prisoner is equally a Keeper, one of a high rank, regarded as incredibly powerful amongst the gods... Gorak. god of Negative Energy.
Wearing power-limiting bounds around his neck, arms and feet, Gorak had waited patiently for this moment... the opportunity to be freed of his imprisonment by the Council of Keepers and Chalding; Keeper of Retribution and Punishment. A true torturer he loathed.
The Council was merciless. They had left him to the best. The god of Punishment himself! How ever could he escape?
Imprisoned for over 2,000 years, he had all but lost hope. But of recent, he had noticed a strong wave of electromagnetic waves and ultraviolet radiation come through the area of his imprisonment, causing tremors and the last time, they actually made his power limiters flinch in a millisecond.
During that simple flinch, he was hit with a surge of power... such great power!
His powers had returned for just a millisecond, only to be quickly and completely drained out again.
He had wanted to roar in the pain of the realisation that he might have just lost his only chance to escape, but he realised he had to contain himself and not give away this secret. His captors should not be allowed to suspect a thing.
He knew that certainly, whatever was strong enough to cause these tremors would cause them again. He would wait patiently. He would be alert.
His hope for escape was renewed, oh what joy! He would not miss his next opportunity to escape.
And he did wait. 3 days. One week. 3 weeks. 1 month... 2 months and 8 days.
And then...
The Hold was hit. It was happening again!