
"This will be the fate of your kingdom and every other kingdom of your pitiful world!

Wait your turn."


The alliance attempt had failed!

Not only that, there was a direct threat to the kingdom of Angyura. A battle was inevitable.

Whilst still gazing at Gorak's horrid response to her proposal for an Alliance, a new report is delivered to Queen Delara.

"My Queen, the kingdom of Uri has fallen to the strange armies!"


This enemy was much worse than any enemy she had ever faced before. Killing off Angyurian messengers in such a gruesome way...

It was evil, ruthless and unfeeling.

She would not let such bloodthirsty hands touch her people. No.

She would not sit and wait to be destroyed. She would not wait her her turn. She would not do battle within her precious city. No.

She would ride out with the entire military forces of Angyura to attack the strange armies first!

Angrily rumpling the letter in her hands, she orders;

"Send this message to every kingdom in the West World, be they friend or foe:"

'The strange army has declared war on all of West World.

Bakkar has fallen. Uri has fallen.

How much longer until Eris, Alba, Deyon, Heribon, and Xota fall?

Angyura calls for a united army of all kingdoms of the West World, small or great, friend or foe. Together, we stand a better chance of defeating our assailants.

What is your answer?

Deny us, and watch your city burn to ashes at our hands, even before we march on the strange armies.

You have 3 days to decide. United we stand, divided we fall.'




Delara's letter is effective as within the next 3 days, armies of every kingdom in the West World gather at Angyura.

Apparently, every kingdom prefers to ally with Angyura than to face the strange armies alone.

Altogether, they form a mighty army of over 2 million battle-ready troops.

Surely, they outnumber the strange army.

"Victory will be ours!", the allied soldiers celebrate in advance.

Addressing the horde of 2 million troops, all her generals, and the heads of the allied armies in her military training camp, Queen Delara announces:

"Prepare yourselves. Tonight we feast, and tomorrow, we march on the strange armies!"


The soldiers cheer pumped up.

Tomorrow, they defend their lands, their families, and their honour.

They were sworn to protect and defend their people. It is their duty, and they are well aware of their position:

As Queen Delara's allied armies, they are the last hope of the West World.

They must face, conquer and vanquish this bloodthirsty terror before all of West World is invaded.

So, at first light the next morning, Delara leads her armies to attack!

Bravely, she charges into battle on horseback, leading the horde of over 2 million soldiers as they march on the Fortress of Tortures.




*** The Fortress of Tortures, Earth. ***

Gorak is briefing his generals on their next attack (an attack on the kingdom of Xota) when he senses something.

A chilly sensation runs down the entire length of his body, leaving him in absolute wonder. His senses were picking up on something he did not understand.

Forced to stop his breifing for the moment, he tries to make sense of the message he is receiving:

'Something you need is nearby.'

Something he needs? On this planet? What could he possibly 'need' in an insignificant mortal existence as this??

"Great One. Is all good?", asks his highest ranking general, concerned as Gorak is caught in the middle of his speech.

"Yes", Gorak responds, regaining his composure.

Just then, a guard approaches him with a report.

"A large army of mortal humans marches on the Fortress, my Lord.

They are still a great distance off."


"Eager to meet their doom, I see", Gorak is impressed to see mere mortals daring to challenge him.

"Prepare to march out! We'll meet them in the middle.

They wish to die? We'll make it quick."


From the horison, Delara can spot a bit of darkness gathering. She wonders if she's imagined it.

Instantly, the weather changes. The clouds go dark with red lightning tearing across the skies.

She knows now, she has not imagined it. The strange army had to be using some insane levels of magic because, dark skies and red lightning followed, wherever they went.

"Prepare yourselves! The strange army is upon us!", she warns the horde following closely behind her.

In a flash, Gorak's entire army is right before Delara's unified army, floating in the darkened skies!

They had transported themselves by some magical way from as far away as the horison in a flash!

Their leader floats right in front of the horde, sparking of red lightning; his appearance, godlike and menacing.

This is the first time any living member of the unified armies has laid their eyes upon Gorak.

The hearts of the human soldiers sink as they realise...

...they are up against an actual god.


Gorak looks down upon the people...

The moment he spots Queen Delara, it is like he is struck by a bolt!

A bolt of electricity that goes straight through his heart, trasverses the entire length of his body 3 or 4 times, and then condenses into the chilly sensation he had felt run down his body earlier.

Shocked stiff, Gorak stares at Delara for a moment too long, unmoving.

'It's her. She's the one.

She's my... fated lover!'




***** KNOW YOUR GODS! *****

LOCATION: Chalding's screen room. The Hold.

Chalding, Gorak and the guards of The Hold are preparing to watch the scenes of the last two Chapters on Chalding's large screen when Empyrean walks in.

Empyrean: Hi guys! *smiling*

Gorak: (To Chalding) You invited him??

Chalding: Of course I invited him.

Empyrean: (To Gorak) I've been quite curious about your activities on the mortal planet, Earth. So when I heard that Chalding had footage of it, I came. *happy*

Chalding: Me too! I think all gods are curious about planet Earth ever since Gorak's legendary 'visit'.

After the last episode, I wanted to know what happened next, so I requested footage of the rest of it from the presenter. *proud smile*

It is indeed rare footage.

Gorak: "..." *speechless*


Lilyak: Hellooo? I'm here!

Gorak: (to Chalding) You invited her too?? *shocked*

Chalding: 'Course I did.

Gorak: I thought you said no one was allowed into the Hold, except Keepers specially approved by the Council to fortify it or improve conditions within the Hold.

Chalding: Exactly. Your sister's treats improved our conditions the other day. So of course I invited her! *smirk*

It's starting!!

(to guards) "Quick, Let her in."

Gorak: "..." *stunned speechless*

....To be Continued.