"...The voices in my head were urging me to run! To leave Havillah immediately, and find the Enouka.
I was going to leave, but then, I heard someone scream "help!"... a woman with a child. Whoever she was, she needed help.
Though it was dark, I knew people were being attacked by the beasts. How could I leave her there?"
The welling tears had begun to fill her eyes. Riuka took a moment to sniff, blinking them away so she could continue telling the story.
"I...I felt I could help the woman. But there she was, her guts being eaten out by one of those beasts. She had stopped screaming. It was too late for her...
...and the child... I couldn't find the child."
*sniff, sniff*
She recounted the assault on her:
"... And then I saw it... a terrible, terrible beast. A gigantic monster. It spotted me and chased me down.
"What? It attacked you?!", exclaimed her mother.