Intoxicating Power

In a stroke of what can only be described as a crazed bravery combined with an intoxicating burst of adrenaline, Fel lunges into the pit of mangled Slithering beasts, wielding her sharp sword above her head in an insane aerial attack.


Her battle cry resounds and echoes within the canyon as she slices through a web of mangled Slithering beasts, soaking herself through and through in disgusting slime and beast entrails.

This is her final chance at Redemption. She would perform a heroic deed. She would beat the odds.

She would fight endlessly till her last breath until she redeems herself from the disgraceful state of a fallen god.



The 5 Executors, led by Fiyah, rank "S" Keeper of Fire, are ushered into the throne room.