All For Love

"Hello..." Sabi addresses the stunned members of the Council with a nervous grin.

"...sorry to intrude, but an unforseeable set of events have occurred on our extradition mission."


The sights and sounds of a chaotic battle can be seen and overheard by the Council members, playing out in the background.

"It is paramount that we deliver report right this moment because a new series of events prevents us from delivering report of this mission in person...

Please grant us audience, Head Keep-", Sabi entreats the Head of the Council.


The Head Keeper; Statera, Keeper of Keepers and the Balance, graciously grants her audience even before she finishes making her request.

He is eager to hear the report, and full of concern witnessing the heated battle in the background.

The envoys were obviously in trouble. 

'What could have happened?', he questions within himself.