Today I am going to go shopping. To be exact, I am at Leghorn City—one of the 3 cities that is within the Montampes duchy—and buy myself a weapon.
Even though I'm a slave, I'm not treated like one. Because I'm Rosaline's butler, they gave me a salary. To be honest, I never expected to even have a salary. I almost fell to my knees when I received 20,000 lumens. And apparently, it was supposed to be 30,000 lumens, but considering how I'm still technically a slave and a 10-year-old child, it was lowered by 10,000.
From the lessons taught by Weiss, the average salary of a butler in the kingdom is actually between 10,000 and 15,000. Considering how 30,000 lumens is the "normal" salary of a butler in the Montampes household, it just really shows how rich they are. It also explains how the servants in the manor are all happy with their jobs and look up to Duke Montampes. Despite looking like a cold-hearted tyrant... he's quite kind to his subordinates huh?
I peeked inside the pouch containing my money as I walked down the streets of the city. There was one small gold coin and ten large silver coins, totaling 20,000 lumens.
I looked around, appreciating the fantasy-esque environment of the city. Despite living for 10 years in this world, I still couldn't believe that reincarnating in different worlds exist, and I'm the living proof of it.
Maybe I'm still on that stretcher, currently being rushed towards the hospital and this is just one very long dream?
I put these thoughts at the back of my mind before I got an existential crisis.
I saw a weapon store nearby and walked towards it, being careful to keep my hood up and prevent people from seeing my eyes. I didn't want to cause trouble.
There were a decent number of people entering and exiting the store. Most of them wore various kinds of armor, which gave me the assumption that they were either adventurers or mercenaries.
Shrugging to myself, I entered the store. What greeted me was the sight of many different weapons on display, either racks, tables, or hung from the wall. The place was quite spacious as well.
I started to think about the weapon that would suit me. I felt like a short weapon would suit me more as I'm still a kid and long weapons are heavier. I wouldn't have a problem using, let's say, a standard sword if I use Aura. However, I don't want to depend too much on Aura. If I suddenly run out of Aura right in the middle of a fight, a sword would become unwieldy and heavy, which could prove quite fatal.
I thought about it more, and as I expected a dagger is best suited for me, for now at least. It's short and relatively light compared to a sword.
The door violently swung open, revealing a young man with a smug grin plastered on his face.
"Now then. What can this little shop offer this great me? I've heard great things about this place, don't disappoint me!" The young man said in a loud enough voice that everyone in the store can hear.
Everyone in the store turned their heads to look at the person that came in. Immediately after, everyone started to murmur and gossip. Was that someone famous?
I listened in to the whispers of gossip while I looked for daggers. It seemed that the guy was called Aaron, a 4-star adventurer. They started talking about miscellaneous stuff about Aaron that I didn't care about so I just ignored the useless info.
I quickly found where the daggers were displayed. There were a couple of different daggers, some with the same design while some were a bit different from the rest. I randomly picked a simple dagger and went to the counter.
"How much for this dagger?" I asked the girl stationed at the counter.
"U-umm, it's 500 lumens."
Five hundred? Is that cheap or is it the appropriate price? I still don't have a sense of money in this world's currency. The girl didn't seem like a bad person, so I guess it's the right price.
I paid for the dagger with a large silver coin and got change with 5 small silver coins. It was a quick transaction, no muss no fuss.
"Pfff, a little brat like you bought a weapon? As if you can even use that! Go home to your mommy little twerp."
That Aaron guy suddenly decided to provoke me. What the hell did I even do?
It seemed that Aaron harassing people is quite common, as the other adventurers looked like as if they've seen enough, I could even hear sighs.
Well, I may be a kid, but I'm an adult inside. So I decided to be the bigger man and just ignore the idiot's taunts.
When he realized that his taunts weren't working he quickly gave up on provoking me and quickly started flirting with the girl over the counter.
I exited the store building when I realized something strange.
The sky was... purple. The people were panicking, and there was a raspy voice echoing in the distance.
What the-
What is happening?!
Overwhelmed by curiosity I dashed towards the direction of the voice. The city was surrounded by a tall stone wall and the voice came from outside.
Ignoring the city guards telling me to stop, I channeled Aura and climbed on top of the wall and saw it.
Hundreds of skeletons, zombies, and grotesque monsters were marching towards the city.