Chapter2: Mysterious boy

Charolette's POV

The alarm buzz was the first thing to wake me up. The sun rays slowly entering my room through the windows. I slowly cracked open my eyes and made my way towards the portico and met with an mesmerizing and amazing view. What a good thing to start a day right!!

Slowly i made my way towards the bathroom and after brushing and bathing i came out of bathroom nothing but just a towel around me. I went to my wardrobe for my outfit. I still had one week for school to start but I wanted to take a look around the city. I was still wondering on what to wear but then decided to go on a casual look. I wore a white tank top with denim shorts.

I go downstairs to grab a breakfast. I make myself 2 pieces of toast and eat them along with nutella. Then I go towards the living room to find both mom and dad ready for work. Oh well forgot to mention both my parents are surgeons and then came here to work in the local hospital( most likely they were requested here to come).

As they see me my dad greets me"Good morning kiddo". "Good morning pops" I say and give him a hug and he ruffles my hair which earns him a smack on his hand.

" Don't forget to lock the doors before going out and lunch is in the refrigerator and behave" My lovely mom says with a stern look. "Aye aye captain" I say with a small salute which earns me a chuckle and a high-five from my dad and a almost mad look from my mom but she eventually gives up and smiles.

Few minutes later, after saying our bye's , they leave for work and I am left alone in my house. I don't know what to do. So i just decide to go for a walk around the locality.

I put on my white converse and come out of the house (completely locking everything). I put on my headphones and start roaming around. After a few minutes of walking I reach near a park. I decide to go inside and sit on of the benches. The weather was pleasant. Cool breeze was flowing and I close my eyes with peace and a small smile forming on my lips. Suddenly I hear a girl's shriek and I jolt up. As my eyes search for the voice I see a small girl has fallen down from the swings and is having a bleeding knee. I start going towards the crying girl, before i approach her someone approaches her and start talking with her. It's a boy who looks almost my age and he has his back turned on me and is wearing a hoodie with a big green dragon print at the back. He says something and suddenly the girls start laughing showing her perfect white teeth and nodding. Seeing this whole scene brings a big smile on my face and as i start walking towards them to see who this boy was, he suddenly gets up and carries the girl in bridal style and starts walking. I follow him. I watch as he takes the small girl inside a small ice-cream parlor and gets her ice cream and while she is eating her ice cream he cleans her wound and bandages it. Then as she finishes her ice-cream he lifts her again and takes her in another direction and after a few minutes walk I see they stop in front of a house which I think is the small girl's house, as she drops her she starts going towards her house and waves him bye.

This whole time I was not able to see his face, I am damn curious to see the boy's face. So, I follow him for a few minutes more. As we go round a corner I see he bump's into a man and starts cursing and fighting. The fight was getting bigger and bigger, I started to get frighten so I start running towards my home. After I reach home, I go to my room, I remove my converse and lie down on my bed. My thoughts are still going towards that boy, how could he be so nice to the small girl and the next minute he is cursing and fighting with an man. Ugh.. such confusing personality, but I want to get to know about him. I don't know how but? maybe he may come tomorrow also to the park at the same time. Yeah i will try at that time.

After a lot of thinking about the guy I drift off to sleep. I wake up and see the time is 4 o'clock. I go down and start watching Netflix. I have pretty much watched everything in it so I decide to watch P.S. I love u again. Peter is so damn hot.... so damn hot. But the boy in the park was even more hot than Peter.

Wait what...What is wrong with me. I don't even see the guys face and I am saying he is hotter than Peter. Ugh.... Who is this mysterious boy and what is he doing to me.