Chapter3: New friend

Charolette's POV

I woke up with the similar smell of hot chocolate and pancakes in the house...yumm

I think mom is in good mood today. After finishing all my morning routine, I decide to go for the casual look.

I went down towards kitchen to find my mom humming and baking pancakes while my dad is reading his newspaper, as I approach them my dad spots me and with a high-five says, " Good morning kiddo" , " Good morning dad". I turns toward my mon and greet her good morning which she replies back.

"So what's with the good mood mom?" I ask her.

She smiles but my dad replies "Well it happens to be that our new neighbour is your mom's highschool old good friend, well more life best friends. So she was planning to call them today for dinner". Well that's good so I just reply them by saying it's good .

Shortly after breakfast they leave for work leaving me alone. Without having any idea what to do I plan to go for a walk. I quickly go upstairs and put my Converse on.

As I was about to turn the corner i collided into someone, as I composed myself I saw it was a girl almost about my age. She has blond hair and black eyes, she is looking cute and has a good figure. After she composed she saw me " I am really sorry I was not looking which way I was going."

"It's alright", I replied." Well, forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lily." She said while extending her hand. Shaking her hand I said " Hey, my name is Charolette."

"Well I guess you are new to the town, never seen you before here." " Yeah just moved 2 days back here from New York.", I replied her. " So where you are heading to" I ask her. " Oh, I was actually going to the city library, got to know new romantic books have come". " Wait, you actually have a library over here?",I asked her with pure excitement. " Yeah, you want to join me?" She asked. " Yeah sure, if that's ok with you?" I didn't want to intrude her time. " Are you kidding me of course I will mind if you don't come with me. There are very less people in mystic falls who actually go to library." And with that we both started towards the library. On our way there I got to know that Lily was like me a senior in the Salvatore school and that she liked reading romantic genre books more.

As we entered the library I was immediately covered by the smell of books, which was feeling very good. Lily started dragging me towards the end of the library where an old lady is sitting.

As we approached her I saw she was wearing big rimmed glasses on her nose, as she saw Lily and me approaching her she smiled. "Ha! See who it is my dear Lily, so good to see you dear." " Well same goes to you Emma", Lily said. " So who is this pretty girl beside you Lily?" She asked glancing towards me. Blushing I reached forward and shaking her hand said "Hi, my name is Charolette". " Well hello Charolette, I am Mrs.Anderson, but you can call me Emma. I guess you are new to the town". "Well yes I am"."Do you like to read?". I replied by nodding my head. " Do you read any particular genre, Charlotte?" " No, I just read the books which ever grabes my attention and I am interested in every genre" I said with a smile. " Well that's a very good thing, exploring every thing" she said with a wink which made me giggle. As I remembered Lily was next to us when I turned she was no where to be found. "Um... Excuse me Emma I will go and find Lily." And with that I went to the romantic section.

When I went to romantic section I saw Lily sitting on the ground with so many books scattered around her. I smiles seeing the scene. When I approached her she lift her head up and gave me a smile. "So what are you doing with all these books, planning to borrow everything?" I asked. " No, I am just confused which one to take from all of these books" she sighed. When I went through all the books one books caught my eye it was Always you. Taking that book I handed it to her "Well this is a nice one I already read it, give it a try". She took the book from me. While she was reading the story at the back side I went in search for my book, but I settled with The Selection series. As I was taking the books Lily was standing beside me with a smile "This book is interesting, I will definitely read it. So you selected the book?" She asked. I showed her my books and we made our way to Emma to borrow the books

As we made our way to my home Lily accompanied me and while saying my goodbyes we exchanged numbers. As I entered home I made my way towards my room and started reading my book feeling happy about making a new friend .