Chapter 4: Hello neighbour

Charolette's POV

While reading the book with soft guitar music playing in the background I was lost, I didn't even recognise my parents coming home. While I was about to finish reading the first book in The Selection series, there a soft knock on my bedroom door.

''Come in'' I said. My dad entered while looking the room.

''I think you already arranged your room completely" he said." Yeah, you like it?" I asked.

" Yeah it's nice and calm, just like you", he said while smiling." Thanks dad".

" So I think you remember that today your mom has called her childhood friend to dinner today so she forgot to tell you that she wanted you to wear a dress?", he said.

"Come on dad it's just a dinner not even a formal thing why I have to wear a dress" I whined. Dad just shrugged and left my room. I sighed in frustration and went to my closet to search for a dress, and I got the perfect one.

When I am applying my nude pink lip gloss I hear the doorbell ringing and my mom laughs. Checking myself for the last time in the mirror, I go down towards the dinning hall.

As I enter the dining hall I am greeted with my mom laughing with a lady of her age and my dad playing with a cute little girl. Seeing the sight of my dad playing with her reminds me of my childhood and a small known smile on my face. I really miss those days.

As I reach them, mom glances up and notices me and says " Ha, there she is, Linda meet my daughter Charlotte." As my mom introduces me I move forward to shake her hand but she engulfs me in a warm hug and I hug her back smiling.

Linda pats my back and says " You have grown big Charlie, you were a little cute girl when I last saw you. Now, look at you how beautiful you have become." I blush at her words and say " Thanks Mrs. Black, it is nice to meet you too." " Oh dear call me Linda", she said.

While turning to the little girl I bend down to her height and say " And who is this little princess?" And tickle her lightly on the stomach. She giggles immediately and says " My name is Ruby." "Well hello Ruby, I am Charlotte", and shake her hand.

I pick her up and start tickling her again. When my dad places a hand on my shoulder and asks me to take Ruby in the living room and play with her there.

I take her to the living room and place her on the couch.

" Which Disney movie you want to watch Ruby?" I ask her. " Frozen, Frozen", she says excitedly while jumping on the couch. Smiling at her excitement I put Frozen movie and go and sit next to her. ( Well don't look at me like that every girl even after becoming big is a Disney movies fan)

As we were at half in the movie I hear someone ringing the doorbell. " I will go check it", I scream to my parents and open the front door. There standing was a very good looking boy of almost my age and his mesmerizing blue eyes, there was something in those eyes that made me kept looking into them.

Who is this boy?