After several intense minutes of planning, to find out who tried to kill them. They finally came to a conclusion. "So there were three people at the scene, the first one was Keith, the other Karla and lasty Riyu." Neon gulped hard as he finished of his sentence as he didn't want Riyu to be the culprit, after all, he was the only person, who he could call a friend. Open Wound then started to explain the plan of action. "Yes, those are the three students and one of them is the target. Now then, we will find out who it is by telling each one of them a specific location, where we will go tomorrow on our day off. We will go to a restricted area where students are not able to go and this will increase the chance of finding the culprit because they wernt meant to go to that specific area for any reason unless they HAD something to do and in this case, it's to kill me and you." Said Open Wound harshly trying to tell Neon how dangerous their situation is.

"Ok" Said Neon to open Wound as well as to himself. He was preparing himself for the worst if it were to happen and if it did, he didn't know what he would do but what he was scared of the most, was what Open Wound would do, he still didn't really trust him but he had to for it was all he could do for now. A few minutes went by while Neon was trying to sneak out of the medical room but then suddenly a knock was heard startling Neon making him wonder who it was. "Hey Neon, it me Riyu, I just wanted to check if you were okay." He said in a soft tone. Neons mind started to wonder into negative thoughts, an uneasy feeling was settling into his body, his heart rate increased and he started to sweat quite a lot. Riyu was at the door and he was his best friend but all he could think of, was that is he the killer and if he is, is he going to try and kill him right now.....?

Even though Riyu was here to check up on him, the fact that he WAS here made Neon even more concerned now because his belief on him being the killer grew stronger. "Did he come here to kill me right here and now, I mean why wouldn't he, it'd just make his life easier as I'm still tired from what happened a couple of days ago, or did he come here for another reason, or maybe he isn't the killer at all." Neon didn't know what to think but he had more and more questions filling up in his head making him shake, tremble and feel agitated.

"Hey are you there Neon, please open the door, I wanna know if your okay. I want to help you" He said but this time in a kind of forceful tone but still soft at the same time. Neon snapped out of the abyss he was in, his body stopped trembling as much and he could now think rationally. He then cautiously approached the door and opened it. When he did, he saw Riyu standing there. "So you were here haha, why didn't you answer when I called you, I thought you were dead or something haha" Said Riyu in a joking matter. "Haha, your funny" Neon said trying to have an expression on himself which showed laughter while trying to also conceal his real feelings at the time. Just then, Open Wound began to speak to Neon. "Hey just talk to him like you usually would okay and try not to give him suspicions about us." Neon having heard this took a deep breath thinking to himself that he would get through this no matter what and he would do whatever it takes to keep himself and the people he cares about safe, but he wasn't sure yet if Riyu fit the category but for now, he just had to play his part.....

Neon looked to Riyu with a gentle smile. "Its good to see you Riyu, come in, I'm sure you have a lot to talk with me." Riyu stepped into the medical room and then looked to Neon. "I'm so happy that you're okay." Said Riyu smiling but then looking sad. "Neon, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me and if you hate me, I don't blame you, but please let me help you now, I'll do anything to protect you." Hearing the words that came out of Riyu's lips gave a little shock to Neon as he was not expecting this to happen. He was expecting him to be a little angry because he shut Riyu out when he was worried about him. Neon smiled once again to Riyu feeling comfort as his suspicions for him lessened because of his kindness. "Stop apologising Riyu, you're not the one who should be guilty and apologetic. I'm the one who should be sorry, sorry for not excepting you're kindness and you're warmth when I clearly needed it. I was in my darkest times when Pain died but instead of excepting you're help, I shuned you like you were some nobody, I was the one being selfish so IM Sorry. Riyu's eyes started to well up after he heard Neon, he started to lower his head and speak while tears could be felt rolling down his cheek. "I'm so happy that you're not angry with me, I don't know what I would do if you were, you're an amazing friend to have and I will never take that for granted but please, you shouldn't be apologetic either Neon." He said while lifting up his head to look at him and when he did, Neon could see his face which was going red and saw the floor which was forming a puddle from the amount of tears that was being shed from Riyu. "You were going through some tough times so I accepted the fact that you didn't want to see anyone at the time. In that moment I didn't care what you did to me, I just cared about YOU Neon. I mean heck! Pain just passed away and he was like a father to you. NO ONE could be more affected by his death but you, so don't you dare apologise Neon! Cried Riyu shaking and crying uncontrollably feeling sorry for Neon and feeling guilty that he couldn't do more to help him at the time. He fell to his knees and put his hands to his face sniffling and crying even more. "I'm sorry Neon, I'm sorry that Pain had to die and that I couldn't do anything to help you or him." Neon after hearing this felt a spear hit his heart that filled it with sadness as the reality hit him once again. He could no longer see Pain anymore, he could no longer tell him how much he meant to him and he could no longer say thank you to him for everything thing he did for him, even if it was a small action. Neon instantly cried uncontrollably with remorse, regret and emptiness. He put his clenched hand to his chest trying to contain the sadness which was impossible to do. This nightmare of misery which felt like an eternity for Neon was like a stinging pain that could be felt within every cell in his body and was also building inside him for so long. Pains death didn't sink into him until now. "Who will I go to now when I'm in trouble, or bored or when I just want attention, who's going to wipe my tears, Who's going to fill the void in my heart thats opened up once again." He said weeping while tears trickled down his face.

Suddenly, while feeling this nightmare of desolation, a wave of hope came rushing to him cleansing all the darkness and sadness. It was like something reached him from so far within the abyss, and pulled him out and got rid all the negativity he could feel in one fell swoop. "Hey kid" Said Open Wound from within Neon. He stopped crying and listened to the voice within himself "Your not alone. Remember, Pain left part of himself with you before he died, hes already filled the void in your'e heart forever, so you'll never be alone, and for more comfort, there's another person who I don't suspect anymore that has the potential to do that too, and he's standing right in front of you. Neon looked to Riyu who was still sobbing, "Thank you Pain and you too Open Wound" Neon thought to himself as he made his way towards Riyu.

Riyu's heart was filled with regret that he couldn't do anything for Neon. Darkness was starting to surround him until suddenly, a warm feeling surrounded him which felt like a welcoming hug from a mother to her child. He looked to see Neon hugging him tight while also hearing him cry. "I got you Riyu, it's okay, I'm not gonna let you go till you feel that you are loved and cared for. Stop feeling sad for me, it'll just tear you apart and besides, you don't need to be sad for me anymore for now I realize that I have someone so special to me that didn't realize I had for so long until now. So don't feel sad for me anymore, I'm just fine because I have you by my side, so I will never feel alone again." Neon said smiling and still hugging him tightly. Riyu after feeling this warmth, made all the negativity inside flush away into thin air. He embraced Neons welcoming hug and rapped his arms around him. "Thank you so much Neon" He said softly....