It was time for all the students to return to their dorm rooms to sleep, Riyu went to his and Neon went back to his dorm room which Is dorm room number 10. As he entered he saw Mercey who was fast asleep and Nate sitting on his bed. He looked to see Neon enter the room. As he saw him, his face was filled with disgust. "What are you looking at twerp!" He said enraged. Neon didn't want to cause an unnecessary battle between the two, so he ignored Nate and went to his bed while he glared at him. Neons plan was that he would sneak outside and into the woods which wasn't far from where he was right now, and train for the rest of the night using the abilities he received earlier. Neon couldn't wait but for now he had to wait for his room mates to go to sleep, well only Nate as Mercey was already fast sleep.

A few hours had past and Nate was finally fast asleep, which meant it was time for Neon to go and train. "Finally we made time to train, this will be very useful with your battles in the future especially the upcoming one tomorrow." Said FH as Neon slid up the window and snuck out of it making his way outside. He then slowly walked forward away from his dorm room, and headed to the woods. "Hey I can see clear as day in the dark." Said Neon with a surprised tone. "Well since your transformation completed, your eyesite too has changed, you can see just as fine in the dark night as if it were a sunny day." A few more minutes past until the two of them found their training spot, FH demanded Neon to perform some stretches before training to loosen his body and become more flexible. "So what do we start of with first." Asked Neon. "Let's start with the basics first. Test your strength out by punching that tree that is on your right. When he looked he saw the humongous tree which towered above him. It looked very thick and really durable. "Are you sure I can even put a dent into that thing" "Well let's find out shall we, be sure to use your full power." Said FH as Neon approached the tree. He looked at the spot he was going to connect his fist with for a few seconds. He then pulled back his left arm while bending his left leg, then when he was ready, pushed himself towards the tree using his left leg to give him a speeding boost and swung his arm with full force using his hips to fasten the speed of his punch. The sound of wind being cut could be heard until a huge bang was created.

When Neon was in classes. The teachers would often show them how to fight close in combat more than fighting from a distance. Because of Neons fizique and his unnatural strength, he was successful in executing the punches the teachers demonstrated and came out superior to most of the students. He applied everything he learned with his teachers to the punch on the tree and when he executed it. He looked to see a huge dent which was deep as it reached the middle of the huge tree. "Wow, that was a pretty good punch." Said FH a little surprised as he knew that his physical strength would be greater than it was before, but he never could have guessed his strength would be this great. "many people can only make it so far in this world, but you Neon, you can climb to heights no one could possibly ever climb." Neon was even more impressed with his strength than FH was. "I'm surprised too, I never would have thought I got this much stronger after receiving all those skills from becoming a Demon." Said Neon impressed with his performance. "Well its because you acquired super strength which added to your unnatural strength which you already had. I knew you would've gotten stronger but for a low level demon, this is far more than what I expected and with that said, you can make your strength even more aggressive by multiplying it." FH exclaimed. "No way, I can multiply my strength, how." Neon said getting excited. " The technique is called power inhalement. It converts the oxygen from which you breathe, into Chi. This grants the body an instant kick boost in energy and this energy with enough concentration can be transferred to any part of the body for example the arms. This multiplies the strength and the force of your punches depending on how strong you are. However, using this too much makes your body stiff which limits your speed and certain movements so be careful." "I can try this now right?" He said eagerly. "Yes." Neon jolted up with excitement but then breathed heavily calming his body down. He then got into a comfortable stance to charge his body with Chi. As he was doing this he closed his eyes seeking concentration until a few seconds passed and Neon slightly opened one of his eyes thinking that he needed a little more guidance. "Wait, how do I know when I'm in the process of converting oxygen into Chi." Said Neon scratching the back of his head. "Ah, you will know when you start to feel a tingly sensation within your body and feel your power growing." "Alright, let's do this." He said with determination in his voice. He then got into his stance, closed his eyes and breathed in the oxygen from within the air. He then made an expression on his face which produced wrinkles between his eyebrows showing even more concentration until a tingly sensation was felt within every part of his body. "I feel it, I feel it, I'm doing it FH!" He said laughing ecstatically. "Yes that's good, keep that up and reduce the talking, otherwise your concentration will break and you will stop producing Chi. Once you think you have enough Chi, try and transfer it to your left arm." commanded FH. Neon nodded and when there was enough. He lifted his left arm into the air and concentrated his mind on thinking about the Chi travelling to his arm and within a few seconds, he could feel his left arm overloading with power. He opened his eyes to see it cloaked in an aura which was red in colour. "Wow, you did it, and on your first attempt." FH said impressed with Neon. "Woah, I can feel my arm bursting with energy, it feels like I can crumble down a mountain with just a single punch haaha." Neon declared admiring the immeasurable power he could feel. "Okay, let's do this." He said walking to an enormous tree which was even more bigger than the tree he previously punched. With the same technique he used before, he pulled pack his arm and thrusted it towards the tree with all the strength he could muster. The punch was fast and harsh moving like a bullet which pierced the tree making it tumble to the floor. When Neon looked to see what he had done, he saw that he had punched the tree with enough force to cut it clean off. His jaw dropped in response to what was revealed before him. "What the....just how powerful does this technique make you, I just cut the damn thing clean in half." He said with such a shocked impression on his face. "You've impressed me yet again Neon. It appears that you are more powerful than I thought, it's just unnatural. How are you so strong for a low level Demon." He said pondering on the matter but came to no conclusion on why he was so strong. "Anyways, I think this is enough training for now, the sun is starting to reveal itself." Said FH

"Yeah your right, but before we go, I wanna ask you something that's been on my mind. When I punched the tree, you mentioned me being a low level Demon. Does that mean there's a ranking system." Asked Neon as he walked back to their dorm room. "Yes there is. When you became a full demon, you acquired your skills and abilities and you of course gained abilities those that were of a low level demon as that's what you start of with obviously before progressing further. When you become stronger, you will become a mid level demon and then go on to become a high level demon when you push your strength even further." "Alrighty" Neon said with a chuckle. "Its amazing that I have a long way to go, it just shows how stronger I can get. I'll push pash my limits and become the strongest." He said clenching his fist with grit and determination. Neon jumped to the window of his dorm room, entered and went to bed pretending to sleep till it was time for the day to start...