For Neon, it really didn't feel long for him to wait for before he knew it, the next day had arrived. The time to meet the killer was starting to begin. Neon knew the gravity of this day and to his surprise he didn't really feel all that frightened, instead he felt excited more than anything. Maybe it was because he could test out his skills or on the fact that he was getting stronger and could put up a fight now. Nonetheless, Neon got out of his bed and went the bathroom to wash his face. Once he did that, he headed to the lunch hall to have his breakfirst. He took the first table he saw that had no one on it and sat there. Riyu however said that he wanted to meet a friend he hadn't talked to for a while. So Neon sat there alone but this was good as he wanted to have a chat with FH alone. "Hey FH." Neon said calling to him "Yeah, what is it?" He responded. "You know when I got my abilities, there was another thing I noticed, it said that demons have immortality which means they'll never die." He said looking down at the table completely absorbed in thought. As soon as he got the message from his subconscious that demons were immortal. There was just one question that was lingering in Neons mind. "How did you die FH?" Said Neon insisting him to tell him. "I guess I don't see why I can't tell you, well if I am, I might aswell start from the beginning." He said taking in a deep breath. "So, when you here the word Demon or Iratheon. It should be familiar to you that they are beings that need a vessel to go and travel on Earth. This is by demonic possession and the vessel needs to have no ability otherwise it will not be compatible. We Iratheons normally pick the organisms that are similar to a reptile for a vessel as they don't have an ability and because they are much faster and stronger than humans. Although humans can be vessels too as some don't have an ability, yet the drawback is that they are far too weak. When I was alive, the vessel I picked was that of a beast which looked like a human but wasnt as the features looked monstrous. Also I was very powerful, in fact I was in the rank of a Demon Lord and almost surpassing the Demon King himself. However my thirst for power felt like it would never end. I needed more so I decided to learn the ancient Demon arts which was also known as the forbidden magic. So I was exceptionally powerful, but the thing about this was that this power scared the others to the bone, it frightened them as they thought that I would get too big headed and start to invade on the demon territories and its land and take it for myself. They knew my hunger for power was great, so they thought I would then go on to take the throne of the Demon King by killing him and then taking control of the whole Demon kingdom.
So with this fear in their hearts, it drove them to act as puny scum as the Demon king and all the others plotted against me and killed me. And as for how I died, I know there's numerous ways for demons to be killed despite the fact of immortality, but I just can't remember them for some reason but I do know one way of demons to be killed other than excorsism and this is the deaths scythe which is similar to my shadow scythe I used in the attack with the Iratheons, this was the weapon that was used to kill me. It had the power to kill demons. This weapon is so monstrous that it negates the demons immortality traits. However, as you know, I used forbidden reincarnation magic to revive myself but I lost my previous vessel so I had to find another one and in my search, I came across you and although you were a human, something about you called out to me, something about you showed me you had the potential on achieving me greatness, I sensed that you were strong and I wasn't wrong. When I entered your body, the person I was then is nothing compared to what I am now. Back then all that was in my heart was anger which is still the case now, I will always hate them but what I felt then was poisonous. I was obsessed with revenge, the thirst for it was like a hunger that couldn't be satisfied. Nothing left but the desire to eradicate every last Iratheon, everything I knew was a lie, my own kind turned against me. Yes people may act like they are your family, but as soon as you have the potential to cause them harm, they won't hesitate to get rid of you. That's the only thing I knew after that. All I felt was irratation, rage, fury and to kill the people who betrayed me. I was blinded by this until the time came when I met you. Thanks to you, you saved me from ignorance and those poisonous desires that once filled my body. All those years in your body, although I was dormant I could still make sense of what was going on and I learnt something so precious and more valuable than power. Ever since I was inside you, I had a hunch that the staff of the military school knew you were a demon. What came as a real shock to me wasn't the fact at how they knew, but was the fact that despite knowing what you were, they still kept you alive. All I knew was that if someone felt like another person had the power to do harm to them, even if they were kindhearted, they would kill them without a second thought just to save themselves. But the humans, they had a different mindset to mine because they kept you alive. Yes for fighting the Iratheons, but now I know the true reason why. It wasn't for survival, or power, but what it was for, was peace. That's what being with you taught me. To abolish all the feelings I had because what was better than power and revenge, was maintaining peace and avoiding death and destruction." After hearing all these words, Neon couldn't help but put a warm smile on his face. He couldnt believe that FH being in his body saved his life. "I'm happy FH, that we could change you for the better, I'm really glad." Said Neon wiping a tear of joy of his face. Just then, Neon had another thought rushing to his mind. "Hey, when you were talking about yourself learning the ancient Demon art thingy, why is it called forbidden magic." He said curiously. "Well ever since we were alive, we were under the control and protected by a demon King. And the first ever Demon who ever lived became the first demon King who was known as the father of all demons, he lived a very long time ago and was very strong and mighty. In fact he had so much power that he had control over nearly the whole universe. He was so powerful because of the amount of Chi he had. Everything that a demon could do was based on their Chi level. Everyone had a limit to how much they could withstand in their body but the more Chi your body could withstand, the more powerful you become and the more uses it has to you. And for him, his Chi level was immeasurable and the uses of it was amazing. And with the Chi he had, he made the ancient Demon arts which only demons could learn, he did this to make his kind have unfathomable power but he did put drawbacks to the demon who uses them and he made the drawbacks so they wouldn't abuse the ancient Demon arts, otherwise everything would be out of control. However, despite this, the mighty power which could slaughter countless nations corrupted the hearts of the demons and made their thirst for power even more aggressive and vicious. So pursuing and learning on the ancient Demon arts only caused death and destruction and when the next demon King arrived. He banned the arts from usage and the magic was then known as forbidden magic and was also known to curse the users with insanity."
"Wow, that's a pretty dark story. I guess making the ancient magic was the wrong call. What happened to the first demon King then, is he still alive?" "We don't know." FH said bluntly making Neon think a little. "Hey what was the drawback for you when you used the reincarnation magic to revive yourself into another body" Neon asked making FH pause for a moment before speaking. "I hated the drawback but it was price that had to be paid. As a result of using the reincarnation magic, I lost half of my power and parts of my memories and these two things were sealed away on a far away planet called Parafox." FH said irritatedly. "Hey what if you lost memories about the first demon King." Neon said. "No that's impossible, if that was the case, then other Iratheons WOULD know what happened to the first King, but in fact ALL the Iratheons don't have any knowledge on what happened, so as I said, it's not possible."
"Okay, I have one last question I want an answer to" Said Neon making FH sigh. "What is it now." "I want to know how Demons are born. We were all brought up to believe that demons can be born through offsprings. They are usually known as shifters. But what we were all brought up to believe doesn't make sense anymore, I mean I'm a demon now but I wasn't born a demon, I only became one because you wanted a vessel and entered my body." "Yes you are right. What humans believe is a false idea about how demons are born. They can only be made by demonic possession with one that has no ability. They cant be born any other way unless a living organism gets transformed into a demon and has a baby. They are transformed while the vessel isn't fully controlled by the demon who possessed him or her. Most demons don't normally choose to do this as they want full control over the vessel. But because I was so weak after reincarnation, I couldnt take a vessel and have full control it, I only had power enough to have partial control which is another reason I chose a human as if I chose a reptile or beast. It would just be a mindless beast until I gained the power to take full control. Now your an actual living organism who is a demon, so whether or not I'm in your body doesn't make a difference for your just like the Iratheons now. And because your a demon, your also the key to making a child who could also be a demon, So If you impregnated a women, only then will a demon be born." "woah, I can really have offsprings who can be demons, damn if only demons wernt hated, then they could live in peace." He said clenching his fists knowing that he would ruin his children's lives forever by stripping them of having a normal one. "Well that just means I can't have any children till this world changes." He said in quite a sad tone. "Hey cheer up would ya, look at it this way, with the power you can achieve, the way I see it, we can do whatever we want and if we wanna change this world, then we have the power to do it." FH said lightening up Neons spirit. "yeah your right, I'll make sure to change the world so that demons can live in this world and be safe but only the ones that seek peace and don't cause death everywhere they go. I'll save them If its the last thing I do." He said thinking that this could be his purpose. The reason for becoming a demon.
A few moments later, breakfirst time was over and the time to meet his killer was starting to begin.....