The atmosphere was electric, charged with anticipation and adrenaline, as Neon gave chase to the malevolent demon. The heads of the school, seated in a prestigious section, watched in utter shock as the revelation unfolded. Mr. Aurelius, Mr Cardinel, and Xander valerian, respected figures of authority, found themselves grappling with the unexpected truth. Their student, Neon, was not who they believed him to be, however, others were not too surprised at the outcome as they had suspected that he was a demon. One of these people were Mr Cardinel. He may have had a shocked look on his face, but it was because he didn't expect so much power to be coming from Neon....after all, if he was fueled by rage, of course his aura would cover the entire underground building....

"Knowing that two demons were apart of this situation is enough, now we find that Neon is also a demon. This is....just absurd!" Shouted Mr Aurelius in bewilderment. As they struggled to grasp the gravity of the situation, the heads of the school gathered their composure and quickly assessed the situation. The priority now was to protect the innocent spectators and restore order. The four heads, their individual powers formidable, joined forces, summoning their combined strength to shield the crowd from further harm.

Whispers spread through the crowd, disbelief, fear and confusion evident on every face. The gasps turned to fear, and the atmosphere shifted from anticipation to despair. How could someone they were close to everyday, someone that seemed utterly normal, turn out to be a demon?

Nates body froze in place, he was no longer able to move as he realized what the students had said earlier turned out to be true. " What the hell! So Neon....That brat!....really is a demon!? This can't be real." Nate thought as he refused to accept the reality of the situation.

everyone had a face full of confusion and shock, but no one was more affected to this horrendous turn of events than Karla. As the realisation sunk in, Karla's heart sank as the truth unfolded before her. Regret flooded her being, washing away the anger and accusations that had consumed her. She had falsely accused Neon, someone she once trusted, for a crime he did not commit. Her words had torn at his soul, leaving scars that may never fully heal.

Tears streamed down Karla's face as she realized the gravity of her mistake. She fell to her knees, the weight of her regret too heavy to bear.
"All this time.....I was wrong? I was so sure....but....dammit, he must hate me so much...I hate myself!" Whimpered Karla as she dug her fingers In her hair until a sensation of a hand could be felt touching her shoulder. "Its okay Karla, it's not your fault, the demon deceived you, anyone would have fell for that so don't beat yourself up." Riyu said attempting to save her from her own despair. "That doesn't even matter anymore....after everything he did for me, I still didn't trust him....well I'm pretty sure he wants nothing to do with me now..." She said as tears continued tricking down her cheeks. "He wouldn't do that. Even now, believe it or not...he still considers you a close friend, because that's just who he is. Even if you messed up 100 times, in the same way, Neon would continue to hold out his hand for you because you Karla....are his friend and this is not your fault." "Karla looked towards Riyu with hope glistening in her eyes. "Can I really be forgiven for what I've done" She thought to herself."

Meanwhile, outside the colosseum, Neon chased after the fleeing demon, his mind clouded with anxiety. The revelation of his own true nature being shown to everyone rocked him to his core, Conflicting emotions such as fear and anger, raced throughout his body, echoing like a tormenting storm.

As the chase continued, a startling voice could be heard from Neons mind. "Hey kid....It's time" FH said in a serious tone. Neon relaxed his body allowing FH to take control....

As Neon summoned his inner strength, an otherworldly power surged through his veins. His jet-black hair transformed, turning a stark shade of white, like a moonlit snowdrift. The iris of his eyes blazed a fiery crimson, mirroring the inferno that burned within his soul.

With a primal roar, Neon unleashed his newfound might, his body morphing into a fearsome creature. His form grew taller, more muscular, as his demonic essence coursed through every fiber of his being.

As the transformation came to an end. A bone chilling roar could be heard from FH as he paced towards the demon ahead with ease. The pandemonium battle ensued, a clash of power and will. FH's strikes were swift and precise, fueled by the dark energy that surged within him. He dodged the demon's attacks with agility, countering with devastating blows that rattled the very foundations of their battleground.

For a time, FH had the upper hand. His demonic strength proved overwhelming, his speed unmatched. He unleashed a tempest of fury upon his adversary, each strike carrying the weight of his determination to vanquish the darkness.

Summoning on his inner might, FH pressed on in hopes to make the enemy crumble in fear. "I havn't used this one in a while. Hopefully it works" He said as he commenced drawing upon his photokinesis, FH immersed himself in the darkest recesses of the demons mind, embracing the essence of fear. Shadows coalesced around them, intertwining with their form until they appeared as a nightmarish figure, black as the void and pulsating with ethereal energy.

With a single thought, FH unleashed a wave of terror upon the powerful demon. It thrashed and writhed, ensnared in its own darkest fears. Illusions of torment and despair twisted its perception, rendering it helpless against the onslaught of photokinetic manipulation.

FH's power grew with each passing moment, feeding off the fear emanating from his foe. He conjured nightmarish visions, manifestations of the demon's deepest nightmares. "HAHAHA, What's wrong Mordred. Are you already at your limit!?" FH said as he reveled in the demons pain. As the demon stumbled and faltered, FH pressed his advantage, relentless in his pursuit of victory.

With a final surge of power, FH condensed his photokinetic energy into a concentrated blast, aimed directly at the heart of the demon. The blast struck true, shattering the demon's defenses creating the opportunity for FH to hit the demon with a devastating blow.

With a surge of determination, FH launched himself into action. His form transformed into a swirling vortex of shadows, exuding an aura of darkness and power. Eyes glowing with malevolence, FH summoned his inner strength, ready to unleash his most potent weapon—the shadow scythe.

Upon calling the name of the powerful weapon, The shadow scythe materialized in FH's hands, its obsidian blade gleaming with an otherworldly radiance. FH swung the scythe with precision and force, aiming for the heart of the opponent. But as the scythe passed through the space where the demon stood, it found only emptiness.

A jolt of disbelief coursed through FH's being as he realized the truth—"Dammit, I got careless. If he can use it too then he definitely is an upper rank demon" FH thought as he composed himself. The demon had also used its photokinetic abilities to create an illusory projection, fooling FH into thinking he had struck a lethal blow. The demon's true form remained unscathed, untouched by the phantom attack. "HAHA, how do you like the taste of your own medicine. Annoying isn't it" Said the demon creating a radiance of despair as it Snickered and cackled. "Don't get too cocky, I assure you it won't happen again!" FH raged as he charged towards the demon once more.

FH unleashed his powers again, surrounding the area in an inky darkness, attempting to ensnare the powerful demon within his grasp. But to his surprise, the demon merely cackled, reveling in his impending transformation. "HAHA, It's been a while since someone has pushed me to use this transformation. You should be proud Open Wound, but its my turn now!" With a surge of malevolent energy, the demon underwent a metamorphosis, becoming an even more formidable and monstrous entity. Undeterred by the demon's newfound power, FH sought to employ his telekinetic abilities, manipulating objects and energies with his mind. But as FH focused his powers, his attempts were met with failure. The demon, with a wicked grin, revealed its own ability. "Youll never defeat me with those weak powers of your Open Wound. Allow me to demonstrate.....what real power is.....MOLECULAR COMBUSTION." Mordred screamed as he raised his arm. The demon's molecular combustion powers allowed it to ignite and disintegrate matter at the molecular level. FH's telekinetic attempts were futile against this destructive force, as the demon effortlessly turned FH's powers against him. Objects that FH attempted to control burst into flames or disintegrated into nothingness.

Desperation and frustration welled up within FH as he realized that his biokinetic abilities, the power to manipulate living organisms, were also useless against the overwhelming might of the demon. The demon had achieved a level of power that defied his attempts to manipulate its molecular structure or disrupt its biological processes. "Your embarrassing yourself Open Wound. Just let me kill you already!" Mordred yelled as he taunted FH. With a triumphant roar, the demon rampaged through the battlefield, unleashing destruction with each step. FH, battered and drained, fought valiantly but found himself outmatched and outclassed. The demon's raw power and its ability to negate FH's abilities left him at a severe disadvantage.

As the battle raged on, FH fought with every ounce of strength he possessed. But despite his resilience, his attacks were futile against the demon's impenetrable defenses and devastating assaults. It was a clash of titanic forces, but ultimately, FH could not overcome the overwhelming might of his adversary.

Defeat washed over FH as he collapsed to the ground, his once formidable form now broken and battered. The demon stood triumphant, its malevolence emanating with a chilling intensity. FH, though defeated, refused to succumb to despair. He retained a flicker of defiance within his eyes. He wasn't going to give up that easily....

(Wondering what photokinesis is?
Photokinesis is the ability to manipulate light energy. Those who possess this power can control, generate, or bend light to their will. With photokinesis, individuals can manipulate the intensity, direction, and color of light, creating illusions, blinding their opponents, or even projecting beams of concentrated light energy as weapons. Photokinetics can also manipulate the speed of light, making it appear to move faster or slower, and can even create solid constructs made of light. This power grants them a wide range of abilities and can be a formidable asset in combat or other situations requiring manipulation of light energy.)