Among the courtroom spectators, one figure stood out—a young woman named Karla. She was a close friend of one of the demon's victims, someone who had witnessed the aftermath of its brutality firsthand. Karla's eyes were filled with both fear and determination as she approached the witness stand to testify.

"Mr Aurelius," Karla began, her voice trembling, "I can attest to what I saw with confidence and conviction. I stumbled upon the lifeless body of my best friend, brutally chewed up as if by some ferocious beast. It was a sight that will no doubt haunt me for the rest of my life."

Gasps of horror rippled through the courtroom as Karla recounted the harrowing scene. "But that was not all. The demon, Neon attacked me next, with his unholy strength and fury. It broke almost all the limbs in my body, leaving me battered, traumatized, and lucky to be alive." The courtroom fell into a hushed silence, the weight of Karla's words hanging heavy in the air. Mr Aurelius leaned forward, his expression grave. "Miss Karla, are you certain of your claims? "Yes! the demon that attacked my friend and me...was Neon." As she said these words she looked to Neon who wore a face of dread and utter rage. "That's it....I've had enough....just wait till I get my hands on this demon..." Neon thought to himself in frustration. The fact that Karla was harmed to THAT extent tipped Neon of the edge of his patience. He didnt care if she hated him in this moment. Right now....he was full of rage that he let this happen to her.

Without warning, the head of the first years, Mr Cardinell Stormborne, began to speak. "Are you sure that the demon you saw WAS in fact Neon. Yes he may have looked like Neon, however, don't you think of the possibility that a demon may have taken his form as a way to frame him, because when I look at the boy now, he seems completely oblivious to the claims you make." Said Mr Cardinell, his aura emitting confidence. Mr Cardinell was the one who told a select few of the teachers that Neon because of his unnatural strength and healing despite not having an ability, he urged the teachers to consider the possibility of Neon being a demon. Although he was siding with Neon now, he was still cautious in his own way. However, Karla was still adamant that FH was behind it all. She wanted to say it so badly but the look on Riyu's face made her unable to say the words. He knew what she was thinking and the look he gave her rejected that idea. Just as the audience came up with more and more speculations, the head of the second years Mr Xander valerian, also began to speak his mind "Why would it choose to be in HIS form of all forms anyway, it only proves he's involved with the demons in some way...." "Now now...all will answered soon, so bear patience. Now then, let's here what the other witness has to say." Said Mr Aurelius as he took control of the situation.

The courtroom was steeped in tension as Riyu, a quiet and unassuming individual, stepped onto the witness stand. All eyes turned towards him, their gazes filled with curiosity and skepticism. Riyu took a deep breath, his voice filled with determination as he prepared to share his testimony.

"Mr Aurelius," Riyu began, his voice unwavering, "I stand before you today to shed light on a grave injustice. I firmly believe that Neon, the accused, is innocent of the murder he is charged with."

Whispers of surprise and disbelief rippled through the crowd. "Just kill the bastard. Its clear that's he's a demon!" One of the audience spectators Shouted. Neon, a man whose demeanor had been clouded with despair since the trial began, looked up, his eyes shining with a glimmer of hope.

Riyu continued, his words measured yet impassioned. "I have known Neon for years, and I can vouch for his character. He is a kind and gentle soul, incapable of committing such a heinous act. I am certain that he has been framed by a malevolent entity—a demon that took his form to perpetrate this crime."

The courtroom fell into a stunned silence, absorbing Riyu's unexpected declaration. The head of the 4th years, his brow furrowed with contemplation, regarded Riyu with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "Mr. Riyu, do you have any evidence to support these claims? This is a grave accusation to make."

Riyu met the judge's gaze, his eyes filled with unwavering conviction. "Your Honor, I understand the weight of my words. I do not possess concrete evidence, but I urge you to consider Neon's character and the lack of motive he has for committing this murder. There is no history of violence or ill-intent in his past. It is simply inconceivable that he would take another person's life. Now as for my encounter with the demon..." Everyone in the court including the heads, leaned forward, desperate for more detail on the matter. "I arrived just in time to stop the demon from killing Karla, upon seeing its face reveling in the pain and agony Karla was in, I knew that it couldn't have been Neon, as he would never hurt his friends like that....I tried to stop its onslaught but my powers alone was not strong enough to stop it and I myself would have died by it's hand if it wasn't for Master Hiro's help."

As Riyu's testimony concluded, the courtroom remained hushed, the atmosphere heavy with uncertainty. Neon, his face etched with a mix of gratitude and despair, locked eyes with Riyu, a silent acknowledgement passing between them.

In the following moments, the heads deliberated, weighing the evidence presented before them. The burden of proof rested heavily upon Riyu's words, as he had placed his trust in Neon's innocence. After what felt like an eternity, Mr Aulerius's voice cut through the silence.

"Neon," the judge began, his voice resolute, "while the lack of concrete evidence is concerning, Mr. Riyu's unwavering belief in your innocence and his understanding of your character carries great weight. Before we proceed with making a final decision, do you wish to say anything in regards to this matter?" He said looking towards Neon. The courtroom held its breath, eager to hear what the condemned man had to say.

With a tremor in his voice, Neon began to share his story, his words carrying the weight of truth and an underlying fear. "Your Honor, esteemed members of the court, I stand here today not to defend my actions, but to reveal a sinister truth that has been hidden from all of you."

He paused, searching the faces of the heads and the spectators for a glimmer of understanding. "There is a traitor, a person among us who has aided these demons in breaching the sacred barrier that protects our schools from their influence, and as for the attack, before I arrived to meet Master hiro and Karla, I encountered a demon myself, it was strong, but I fought it long enough to hold my own and force it to flee." Of course Neon didn't want to tell them that he killed the demon because they would be very skeptical as to how he killed such a being which was immortal. He couldnt say radiation as they didn't have any in their school, so they would only grow more suspicious of him. "This demon had a Master and its name is Mordred the Ranvanger, I heard this from the demon I encountered ; that was the very demon that used a shape shifting ability to take my form with the intention off attacking the school. I tell you again.... I was framed...!

The room erupted with murmurs and shocked whispers. The notion of a traitor among them shook the foundation of their belief in justice and security. All eyes turned to the the heads, awaiting their response.

Mr Aurelius, a figure known for his unwavering commitment to truth, raised an eyebrow, his piercing gaze fixed on Neon. He couldnt tell if this was a cheep trick to take advantage, or if he was genuinely being serious. "I'll prove to you that I'm not lying dammit. I'll find the demon and when I do, it'll prove my innocence." Said Neon hoping for the heads to trust him, however, Mr Aurelius continued to stare into Neons soul searching for an ulterior motive. As Aurelius was absorbed in his own thoughts, Mr Cardinel began to speak, in order to come up with a strong solution "Why don't we give him a chance to prove his innocence. Think about it Aurelius, if he's telling the truth, we can use him to save humanity from cowering in fear, he could be the key to us fighting back against the Iratheons." "Are you implying he has some sort of hidden power?" Said Mr Aurelius with a raised eyebrow." "I'm not just suggesting, I know that he's hiding his power or hes got to at least have some sort of importance, I mean, why else would the demon take his form of all forms. I can feel it, this could be the starting of a new age. An age where humanity starts to fight back" He said confidently. "By the strong aura I'm sensing off of him, I'm almost certain that he's a demon. But I also sense another power from within him thats dormant. How is this even possible.....Hahaha...a demon that sides with humanity. A possible outcome like that would aid us tremendously. As much as I hate to admit it, we are going to need Neons power if we want to win against the Iratheons." Thought Cardinel as he felt a glimmer of hope for humanity.

From taking in what Cardinel had to say. Mr Aurelius had come up with a solution. Aurelius leaned forward, his voice stern yet tinged with curiosity. "Neon, these claims are grave, and if proven true, they could have far-reaching implications. I will grant you the opportunity to search for this demon you speak of." A murmur spread through the courtroom as people exchanged hesitant glances, grappling with the possibility that Neon might be speaking the truth. Karla also looked towards Neon with hope, but she just couldn't commit herself to trust him after what had happened. The murmurs of the audience was suddenly cut of by Mr Aurelius's words which cut through the wind. "However! let it be known that false words and accusations can have severe consequences for if we find that you are lying to us. We won't hesitate to kill you where you stand." He exclaimed, his words emanating fear and authority into the air.

Neon nodded, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. He knew that the truth he sought to unveil came with risks, but he had to expose the darkness lurking within their midst.

"With that said, I hereby call for the conclusion of this trial." The echoes of Aurelius' words lingered in the air, serving as a reminder of the delicate balance between the pursuit of justice and the duty to ensure fairness for all who entered the halls of the courtroom. After a brief moment of contemplation, Mr. Aurelius turned to each of his colleagues, observing their expressions as they nodded in agreement, but Xander still wasn't happy as he didnt trust Neon one little bit. However, as his gaze fell upon Mr. Maximus Whitewood, the head of the 3rd years, he noticed a subtle change in his demeanor. There was a flicker in Maximus' eyes, a hint of something otherworldly. Aurelius's heart skipped a beat as he realized Neon had spoken the truth. But the Demon had now disguised itself as the head of the 3rd years, Maximus Whitewood. Suddenly, a bone chilling grin could be seen from the Demon.

Without warning, chaos erupted as the demon unleashed its demonic powers, causing havoc within the courtroom. The air crackled with dark energy as students and teachers scrambled to find cover, their lives hanging in the balance.

However, the heads of the school were not ordinary individuals. They possessed immense power and unwavering dedication to protecting their students. With their own formidable abilities, they swiftly sprang into action, shielding the students and teachers from the demon's onslaught.

Aurelius, Xander, and Cardinel combined their powers, creating a barrier of pure energy that repelled the demonic attacks. Their united force formed an impenetrable shield, safeguarding the innocent from harm. The demon, enraged by its failed attempt, fixed its gaze on Neon, eyes filled with malice and fury. "I was hoping to see you and Open Wound perish here. How unfortunate, I would have had a front row seat to look at your pathetic demise. No matter, at least I'll get to kill you both with my own hands." It was right under our noses this whole time. How did I not sense it. Was it that good at concealing it's aura?" Exclaimed FH in a frustrated manner.
Neon, who was still bound by Master Hiro's chaos, stood amidst the crumbling court room, his heart consumed by rage. The demon that had tormented him for far too long now stood before him, a sinister smirk playing upon its grotesque face. It reveled in the chaos it had sown, the lives it had taken, and the pain it had inflicted upon innocent souls. "I promise you Mordred. I will kill you!" He said, as his eyes blazed with a fiery determination. Master Hiro upon looking at Neon, he knew that he was itching to fight the demon. He knew that to prove his innocence, HE should be the one to kill the demon. Hesitantly but surely, Hiro waved his hand and upon doing so, the shackles of chaos that once bound Neon to the ground, crumbled to pieces. Upon being freed. Neon stood his ground. He had trained for this moment, honing his skills and steeling his resolve. He locked eyes with the demon, his gaze filled with unwavering determination. "I may not have the power, to defeat you, but I have something you lack," Neon declared, his voice steady and resolute. "I have the will to protect those who cannot protect themselves. And with the strength of unity, we will overcome you!"

With those words, Neon summoned his inner strength, channeling his Chi of determination into a focused energy. The power surged through him, infusing every fiber of his being. The energy blast shot out from Neon's hand like a bullet, however, the demon was able to dodge the attack with ease. "Tsk, if you wanna kill me, you've got to try harder than that HEHEHAHA!" Said the demon as it taunted Neon.

With a sudden burst of supernatural speed, it bolted from the Courtroom, heading towards and breaking through the ceiling, making its way to the outside area of the school. Chaos erupted as Neon, his instincts sharpened by the truth he had discovered, immediately gave chase, determined to bring the demon to justice and avenge the innocent life it had taken. He quickly assumed into his shadow form. Dark energy started to cloak around his body enveloping it in darkness. Using this form he went after the demon, following it to where it had escaped....