8 : Training the Earth Shaking technique Non-stop!

''Hmm, Yes this is the place.'' Cory said after arriving in front of a plain looking building, but the building was pretty big ''So this is the place father told me where i can live for these next weeks'' Cory nodded and entered the building.

''What the?'' Cory said in confusion since all he can see is a single black door and all white walls, Cory just shrugged and entered the door.

After entering Cory saw a Dining room, Living room with a soft sofa and a Big Flat TV A Fancy Kitchen and a bathroom and of course the bedroom ''Huh, Just like a normal house... and let me guess that door right there is the training room?'' Cory said after looking behind all of the rooms and seeing another door at the end of the hall.

Cory slowly walked up to the door and opened it and it showed a Giant Empty space with reinforced walls which makes sure that no sound escapes to the outside.

''But this, this does but a smile on my face'' Cory said and went to the bedroom and changed into some comfortable clothes for the training later, But first, he needs to cut his hair.

-Some time later-

''Ah, now this... this is much better'' Cory said after cutting his hair all the way up to his neck, and went to wash his hair.

After drying his hair he left the bathroom and went straight for the training hall, ''Alright so the first part, is me training then i'll eat one of the Bone Marrow Cleansing pills'' Cory said and nodded then went off to train!.

''Alright, since i learned the 1st level of this technique, lets go straight to the second no need to master the first since it's a waste of time'' Cory said, and began to train the 2nd level of the Earth Shaking strike for a very very long time