9 : Departing for the Northern Supreme Sect! - Bone Marrow Cleansing pill

3 Weeks Later.

''Huu! Haa! Huu Haa!'' Cory was panting heavily while practicing his technique and almost fell to the ground but suddenly a explosion of power erupted inside his body and Cory instantly stood back up, ''I Broke through to the fifth rank!'' Cory said happily and instantly something clicked inside him which quickly turned his mood sour, ''I Forgot i at least have to be a rank 8 to join that sect. since i don't have much time left, i gotta resort to that'' Cory said and two white pills appeared in his palm, 'Gulp' Cory gulped just by looking at the Pills it was like the pills were whispering in his ears, to 'eat them out'

''I Already know this is gonna hurt like hell'' Cory said knowing that cleaning one's body of impurities is already painful,but cleaning their own bone marrow ''I Can't even imagine'' Cory said but just shook his head and gathered his courage and put the two pills in his mouth and both of the pills instantly melted. ''Huh, tastes actually kinda good- Wait what is that FeeLi-aaaaaAAAAAAARHG!!!!'' Cory was talking but soon began to feel a little tingle but soon the tingle turned into a pain that felt like his bone's were being opened and being closed and broken and healed, this pain redid it self for Three hours until Cory fainted from the pain, but it was still going on until an hour later the session stopped and Cory's unconscious body stopped shaking

Not to long after...

''Ugh?, Why the hell was i so stupid to not prepare myself'' Cory said in a half asleep state while rubbing the back of his head, but suddenly felt like everything was lighter and he could hear and see more clearly, ''Oh yeah! i broke through didn't i!?'' Cory said while checking his watch and saw [1-9] ''Oooh SHIT!, Four Ranks! Ha! take that!'' Cory said to no one.

''This is truly amazing now, i have enough power, skill and Rank to enter the Northern Supreme Sect!'' Cory said since in those three weeks Cory completely forgot to train in martial arts and was just training his Martial Technique : Earth Shaking Strike, to the Fourth level.

''What if i'' Cory was thinking about eating the other three Pills, but quickly shrugged it off remembering the pain he had to go through and was thinking about the pain that three Marrow cleaning pills could cause, but the reward was also gigantic...