21 : Inside the ''Rift''

''Fin- Finally we found this goddamned Rift!'' Cory complained and then collapsed to the ground followed by the other three, And then an old Chinese man dressed in a Black tuxedo walked up to them and smiled saying ''Welcome to the Rift Location, It seems that the rest arrived You're fellow Senior brothers and sister have already entered and with the four of you it'll be a complete 10 Of course excluding the Elders who will be there if you need any help''.

''Oh Well thanks but... Mind telling us why we had to come here on foot, i mean it's already night!'' Noah Commented.

''Ah, That i do not k'now'' the old man replied, ''But what i do k'now is that all you need to is follow me to the Rift and all will be good, Oh Yeah i haven't told my name to you Younglings have i... Just call me Elder Nie'''Elder Nie said and the four nodded.

''Alright let's go'' Elder Nie said and the four groaned and stood up to follow Elder Nie.

After walking behind Elder Nie for a few dozen minutes they reached a giant mountain with a big hole in it, '' Well from here i will be in hiding in the shadows in will only appear when you're in a near death situation so don't expect help from me or the other elders, also don't think that you're gonna be the only one, there are gonna be a few other sects disciple's there... Good Luck, Oh yeah also once you enter the rift you will be teleported randomly into the other dimension, but no worry's all of the elders including me can sense an area of 5 KM Wide'' Elder Nie said and suddenly at insanely high speed went into the mountain Hole and a bright blue light shone Causing the others to put their arms to protect their eyes.

''All right then let's go'' Noah Said and Oliver, Mia, and Cory followed with a nod, All of them ran into the Hole and saw a giant Crack in the air, As they were approaching they were pulled in 'What the hell! It's like i'm being pulled by a giant hand' Cory thought and the others had the same thoughts.

''AAaah~ Noah screamed as he was pulled inside the rift and his voice dis-appeared just like his body.

''''AAAH~'' Both Oliver and Mia were pulled in at the same time after Oliver and cory was not to long after.

After Cory was pulled in the rift he looked back and saw the rift closing up from the inside and turned around to see a large Grass Field.


A loud crash happened as Cory landed just in time to use his legs to stop him self from losing all of teeth, As the dust cleared and Cory looked around what he saw shocked him A Red Sky and Three Blue Suns?!