22 : ''Mist of death''

''Three suns?, And why the hell is the sky red it's scientifically impossible, literally'' Cory remarked but then saw a Purple Mist coming towards him in the distance.

''What the hell is that?'' Cory questioned but before he could ponder more the System notification came in.


[ Sign-In! Does host wish to Sign-in at the Field of Death? ]

''THE WHAT NOW?!'' Cory said and quickly thought and suddenly his face became pale... '' If this place is called Field of death and that Mist... oh shit, oh shit, oh shit'' Cory focused and he could see skeletons of dead humans, as his eyes widened and fear struck his heart Cory quickly turned around and ran as fast as he could from the mist but it sped up and came closer.

''Fuck me!, Sign-In NOW!'' Cory Ordered and the system obliged.


[Host has Signed in at the Field of death,

Host Got ( Book of ??? 1/4 -Book- ) ]

''What the fuck?! A book?'' Cory said, 'a book? but it is just 1/4 part of something so i'll see what will come from this' though he just shook his head and put the book in the inventory and ran even faster than before.

- 3 Minutes Later -

3 minutes only passed yet it seemed like hours for Cory as he was running away from the mist be he couldn't notice that he already left the Field of Death.

''Ah!'' Cory Tripped over his own feet and fell on the ground face first, As Cory stood up he looked around and saw that he long has left the Field of death and arrived to a empty field close to a forest Cory said ''Oh... I didn't even notice i left that damn field... Good God, that was scary'' Cory dropped down on his ass and took a couple dozen of deep breaths.

''Now what the hell is this book even about'' Cory said as he pulled the book out of the inventory, Cory looked at it. the book had an empty black cover with Black Pages. As Cory opened it a Bright white light came out of the first quarter of the book and slowly the light dimmed.

''Alright, now what is this'' Cory said curious as he opened the book and sat in cross-legged position and read the first page.

~The Two Races that always have been at war for 5000 Years on this accursed planet i live on, The Humans and Demons though i have been fighting on the human side for... i don't even know how many years i have been fighting but i know for a fact that it was a couple Centuries, after Decades of research i have finally found out the way to stop those feral beast's I Present to you the...~

''What...'' Cory said dumbfounded as he looked at something that was a complete game changer...