Chapter 1

"Breaking News! Ford Heir Remains One of the Country's Most Eligible Bachelors.

After a shocking revelation a week ago, model and rising actress Lilibeth Peyton's pregnancy claims turned out to be fake. Ford Enterprises has released a statement that they have settled the issue with Peyton. It can be traced back a month after the rumored relationship when Cedric Ford's side claimed that the heir and Peyton never officially dated and were only sighted going out along with Ford's circle of friends- "

Not bothering to finish the news, Beatrice Ford threw the remote from her desk to the wide-screen HDTV plastered on the wall of her office causing the display to turn completely dark. The old woman wiped a jewel-clad hand on her face in frustration. She caught her reflection on the glass window as she turns her swivel chair to face the city view below her. A knock then echoed inside the wide room before the sound of a door creaking open followed.

"Madam, Is there anything I could help you with?" a young woman in a black pantsuit carefully entered the room, her eyes quickly darting to the broken television on the wall.

"Where is Cedric right now?" the old woman asked, her voice stern.

"He's in a meeting for the annual Ford charity event on the 10th floor."

Beatrice clicked her tongue. She cannot deny that her grandson is an extremely talented businessman, ruthless even. But she cannot truly fathom why in the world such rumors always stuck to Cedric wherever he went. Surely her grandson would not be careless to do something so irresponsible.

She trusted and know him enough that he won't ever do such. Even so, this is the fifth time already that someone faked a pregnancy claiming that it was Cedric's. It would have been better if it was only the fifth time ever but no, it was the fifth time it happened this year. Last year as well as the previous ones were bad enough but this year turned out to be the worst out of all of them. It just is disturbing to hear women claiming such things to the point that Beatrice is tired of hearing it herself.

In fact, it is a mystery even to Beatrice if her grandson truly is capable of having a romantic relationship. Of course, the pregnancy claims from those bimbos are untrue. She knew that nobody has really ever caught Cedric's eye much less melted that boy's heart. All he ever did was work. She's only seen him interested in going out if his cousin forces him to. If the rumors were directed to his other grandson, Lucas, she would have believed it even in the slightest.

This has to stop, she whispered to herself thinking of both the rumors and his workaholic grandson.

She then turned back to her desk and was now facing her assistant. "Did you prepare what I asked for?"

The young woman nodded her head once. "I'll leave the folder on your desk."

"Call my grandson's office and tell them to let him know that I want him here by lunchtime," Beatrice ordered with a sigh before waving a dismissive hand to her assistant who then swiftly went out of her office.

The whir of a fan inside the projector and the steady hum of the air conditioning seemed unusually loud as silence covered the boardroom. The events team assigned for the charity project looked anywhere but at the center of the long mahogany table, careful not to make eye contact with anyone but him.

"Proceed," he said without lifting his gaze as he sorted through the pages inside the folder, his fingers sliding over the smooth sheets of paper while leaning back in his leather chair. The man in front almost jerked back in surprise. Beads of cold sweat continuously formed on the top of his lip which he shakily wiped with the handkerchief on his hand.

"Y-yes." the poor guy presenting wanted to answer confidently but the word came out more of a stutter. Never mind crying over spilled milk. No one can ever be calm in the presence of Cedric Ford. The man exudes raw power and confidence with an intensity that can make anyone's knees tremble.

"The a-annual c-charity e-event," he cleared his throat in an attempt to cover up his stuttering mess. "-will be done at the opening of Edward Ford Academy as per the chairman's wishes."

Not even 5 minutes into the presentation, Cedric Ford began to interrupt, making everyone in the room sit up straighter and feel warier more than ever. "So you're planning to hold a charity ball at the academy..." he stated as if the idea did not sound appealing to him and truth be told, it wasn't really.

"Yes, sir. The ball has been a yearly tradition of the foundation." The head of the team said after finally finding the courage to speak.

"Do you suppose the ball or should I say a black-tie event would be appropriate for a school?" Cedric suddenly asked the man presenting whose face immediately turned white. If any, his eyes looked like it's about to roll to the back of his head.

Another moment of silence passed and the only sound that continued to reverberate inside the room is the tapping of Cedric's finger against the hard wooden table.

The team leader cleared his throat, "No, sir. I-I believe a fundraising event that involves the students would be more suitable. This should also appeal positively to the media. Sir." he swallowed but his throat felt dry.

Cedric Ford let out a small grin that did not reach his eyes, "Excellent. I expect the revised plan on my desk this evening." he said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Well then, I take it this meeting ends here so I'll be leaving first," he added while standing up from his seat.

He noticed everyone visibly relaxed from his announcement so he swiftly walked to the door with his secretary in tow. Loosening his tie, Cedric was out of the boardroom in large heavy strides.

"Your grandmother called, sir. She wants to meet you in 5." Cedric nodded at his secretary before changing his direction to the other wing of the building.

While on his way, he ran a hand through his thick brown hair, not bothering if it turns disheveled. He plans to be in his office the whole day anyway after meeting his grandmother. He walked along the corridors of Ford, ignoring the stares from his employees who couldn't even look him in the eye when he's near them. He sighed while wondering why they seem so scared of him.

"Should I cancel your 1 o'clock meeting, sir?"

Cedric went to an abrupt stop when his body faced a massive wooden double-door with the words 'Chairman' carved on the gold metal plate beside it. He took a brief look at the young man who's been following him diligently.

"No, don't cancel it. I won't take long." He said before turning the knob on one side of the entrance before smoothly sliding inside the room.

Moving her sight from the paper she's holding to the door, Beatrice slightly lowered her head to pull down her glasses far down her nose to observe the figure who entered.

"You called for me?" Cedric began as he walked straight to the black drape sofa at the corner of the chairman's office.

Upon seeing his grandson look seemingly calm and unconcerned, Beatrice couldn't hold in anymore the gush of displeasure inside her. She stood up from her desk and walked over to where her grandson is. Showing a cold impatient smile she began, "I want you married by the end of the month."

_to be continued_