Chapter 2

The calm expression on Cedric's face slowly turned into a confused frown. What was his grandmother saying?

Sighting the irritation starting to form on his face, Beatrice smiled in satisfaction and continued. "I have already chosen some young ladies from well-known families," she tossed the folder in her hand that Cedric did not notice she was holding. "Whomever you choose does not matter. These families have all agreed with me anyway."

Cedric hoisted himself up and got ready to leave to ignore whatever his grandmother is saying. He wondered what she's up to again. Aging is not doing her any good.

"I'm stepping down as chairman next month." Cedric immediately stopped in his tracks and pivoted to face the old woman.

Beatrice wore a straight face before smirking in triumph. "I finally have your attention."

She then continued, "Of course, you'll be the one replacing me as the sole heir-" she paused, "-only if you're married within the month before I resign."

Cedric couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows, "Have you gone mad, Gran? That's ridiculous." he let out in disbelief.

Beatrice let out a humorless laugh while turning her back to him to face the massive glass windows of her office. "Oh, I will go crazy soon if you don't agree with what I'm telling you."

Cedric ran his fingers through his disheveled hair in frustration. "I told you, I have no intention to get married."

She glanced behind her and saw his grandson massage his forehead while his eyes are closed, "It's been years, Cedric." she faced him once again, her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to find the right words to say to him.

Beatrice then affectionately cradled her grandson's cheek. "I want to see you settle down. I'm not getting any younger, you know. If it's the company, you've already made Ford more successful than ever. Now, I want you to have your own family. Build a home, my boy."

"You are my family, gran." she heard him say with a resigned sigh before the sound of Cedric's phone went off. He excused himself to look at the screen and gave his grandmother a swift kiss on the cheek.

"I'm late for my next meeting. I'll call you when my schedule clears up, gran," he said in goodbye before quickly turning to walk out of his grandmother's office.

"A month, Cedric. Humor this old lady's last wish." his grandmother reminded in a loud tone knowing that his schedule will never clear up as he says. Beatrice Ford's voice then gradually disappeared as he shuts the door behind him.

Cedric raked his fingers through his now messy hair for the nth time while he trudged back to his office. His secretary followed suit in a hurry. "Sir, your 1 o'clock me-"

"Let's go." he cut him off before his secretary finish, "Great save by the way," Cedric added and his secretary can only look at him in confusion.

As soon as Cedric walked out, Beatrice was immediately on the phone with an important person who'll play a big role in her plan; her husband's most trusted friend, Dr. Allan Fritz.

"I appreciate everything that you'll be doing for me, doctor."

"Do you really have to go this far, Beth?"

She laughed, "Of course, you know us Fords. We're stubborn mules. My grandson will only ever listen to me once he sees me on my deathbed."

Allan can't help but let out a sigh of surrender. How his best friend Edward was able to handle this woman has always been a mystery to him. "Alright, I'll see you in a few days then."


As usual, Veronica woke to the sound of laughter and the smell of onions frying in butter.

"Morning," she greeted as soon as she reached the kitchen where the voices are.

"Oh, stop it. You'll wake your daughter." the woman playfully slapped her husband's arm who only chuckled in reply.

Veronica can't help but grin at the sight of these two who seem to be in their own little bubble. She sat by the counter after making herself a cup of coffee, "It's nice seeing you lovebirds having fun."

Lucia Renarth almost jumped in surprise when she heard her daughter's voice. "Roni! How long have you been there?" her face was flushed when she turned around. She then tried to fix the apron she's wearing in an attempt to look okay.

"Since you two started making kissy sounds at each other." she jokingly said but her mother's cheek started turning pink again while she shyly whispered shout at her husband, "I told you to keep it down."

Veronica's eyes widen in shock, "Mom! too much information and that was a joke. I just got here."

Upon hearing her daughter's words, Lucia's mouth formed into an 'o' in understanding before she let out a chuckle of relief. "Would you like some fried bacon, sweety?" she soon asked Veronica like nothing out of the blue happened a few minutes ago.

She nodded her head in reply.

"You going to attend the interview April called you about yesterday?" Benjamin Renarth asked his daughter as soon as he's settled on the seat beside her.

Veronica, who was chewing on a piece of bacon, couldn't help but gape at him, "How did you even know that?"

He shrugged, "A little birdie told me."

Veronica took a sip at her coffee to hide the smile on her lips, "-And does this bird go by the name of Lucia?" she said after putting the mug down.

Ben laughed and Lucia made sure to glare at him. "I didn't say anything, Luce," he told her while his hands are up in surrender.

Putting the spatula on her hand down, Lucia walked and sat beside her daughter before letting out a sigh. "We heard that you got an offer to work at April's company. Your dad and I want you to know that we'll support whatever your decision is," she explained in her usual calm and comforting tone that Veronica really liked.

"It's just an interview, mom. There's no offer yet." she began with a smile, "-but I already turned it down...the interview, I mean." she lied. She hasn't turned April down yet but she's planning to do that later anyway so might as well tell them now.

Lucia and Ben knowingly looked at each other. "I know I just said that we'll support you with whatever you decide on doing but we don't want to hold you back either."

Veronica stared at the couple in front of her and she was brought back to the time she first met them.

_to be continued_