Chapter 27

That night, Veronica wasn't able to sleep. She's been tossing and turning on the couch for god knows how long already but their conversation kept playing in her head and it eats away at her conscience. She shouldn't care that Cedric's mad at her but a part of her is pretty bothered by it and she's not even sure why.

"Can't sleep?" she turned to see her mother awake.


"C'mere." Lucia pats the space on her side as she moves back to give her daughter some room to sit.

Veronica let out a sigh giving in to her mom's wishes. She gently lies down on her side, careful to not touch the hanging IV tube.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She told her mother once they're both settled on the bed.

"Me too, baby."

"Dad's going to be okay, right?"

"Your dad's a strong man."

Minutes of silence passed by with the two of them just staring at each other. "I was so scared, ma." Veronica's voice broke as she tries to choke back her tears. "-More than my own life..."

Lucia wiped the tear that escaped her daughter's eye. "I was afraid too." she began also trying to hold back her tears. "I was afraid of not seeing you or your dad again."

"But someone almost died because of me…and I-"

"Do you mean, Mr. Ford?" Veronica nods to her mother in response.

"He was kind enough to help me find you guys and I only got him into more trouble. Did you see him? He's wounded all over and-"

"Roni, listen to me." Lucia began while holding her daughter's face. "-whatever happened is not your fault. Did he ever tell you that he regrets doing what he did?"

"No. But-"

"Please treasure yourself a little more, honey." Lucia breathes a sigh, "Now, why don't you buy Mr. Ford something nice tomorrow and give it on behalf of our family. I at least want to thank him for doing so much for all of us." She started again, changing the subject of their conversation.


Morning came and Veronica got ready to meet Cedric. After talking to her mom, she still couldn't sleep, so she just decided to wait for daybreak to get in line early at the bakery shop she saw in front of the hospital. She didn't know what he liked so she bought one of each item. Indeed, what she got for him isn't much compared to what he did for her family but she does plan to repay him well by acting as his fiancée and she'll do her best to not disappoint him.

George arrives before noon while Veronica is talking with a nurse that will be attending to her mom while she's away. "We'll be fine, Roni and besides I'll be visiting your dad today. Don't make Mr. George wait for you any longer so go."

Upon getting the doctor's approval, Veronica moved her dad to a closer room to her mom so she could look out for him. She remembered her mom telling her how she can sleep better knowing that her husband is just a few doors away from her.

With one last look, Veronica finally waves them goodbye before following George to the car.

Unlike the other night, they used the entrance of the building to get out this time since the clothes George brought for her shouldn't catch as much attention compared to the gown she wore before. Once outside, George expertly hailed a cab with just one whistle, "Apologies for the car. I suggested we use a cab instead of the car owned by Mr. Ford so we won't catch the eye of the press. They're still in hot pursuit of you and Mr. Ford so we're trying to be inconspicuous as possible."

"No, this is okay. Thank you, George."

Contrary to what she expected, the car stopped in front of a tall building but it wasn't Ford Towers. The luxurious exterior of the building can't even compare to those of 5-star hotels and Veronica wondered where they're going this time around.

"Mr. Ford will be meeting you at his apartment. Please follow me, ma'am." George briefed her once they drove past the reporters camped out in front of the place.


According to George, the only way to Cedric's apartment is through a private elevator. When Veronica asked him for any emergency exits, he pointed up the ceiling while saying that a helicopter is on the roof of this building.

"Who'll drive it during emergencies then? Is there a pilot waiting there all day?"

George stops in his tracks as he turns to face Veronica, his face seemed exhausted from her nonstop questions, "Mr. Ford has a license to drive it." he uttered curtly before scanning his ID on the door.

Veronica wasn't even able to react to what he said as he gently pushes her inside while he utters in a hurry, "Please wait inside. Mr. Ford should be with you shortly."

The apartment opens up to a large living area with floor-to-ceiling windows that shows off a skyline view. Surprisingly though, the only furniture there is an enormous block corner sofa. No center tables, paintings, luxurious items, or decorations one would expect of a billionaire's place. Aside from the sofa, a fireplace and a carpet are all there it is to see. One would wonder if someone really lived here. Or maybe he just moved in?

She carefully sat on the white sofa while still looking around.

"You're here...Where's George?" as if on cue, Cedric walks out of a room wearing a white v-neck shirt and black sleep pants. He's holding a folder in his uninjured hand.

Veronica rose to her feet to greet him but he motions his hand for her to stay seated as he settles himself beside her. "He…uh…left." She suddenly falters moving a little to the left to create a space between them.

"Did you just move away?" Cedric suddenly asks out of nowhere. Did he notice that? Damn it.

Veronica tried to keep a straight face, blinking her eyes as though innocent of his claim. "I don't know what you're talking about," she says before avoiding his narrowed stare, grabbing the paper bag of pastries she brought then shoving it to his lap. "My mom wanted to give this to you by the way."

He took a peek inside the bag before handing her the folder in his hand. "Here. Make sure to read it before signing." Cedric is up on his feet in just seconds while holding the paper bag in his hand. "-you can also list down a few conditions of your own if you think the ones in there aren't enough. We'll look into it before signing to make sure we're both getting what we want here."

He started walking away from her before stopping to turn and look at her, "-And did you say that you wanted coffee with this?" he says pointing at the bag with pastries.

"Anything is fine…Cedric." She isn't sure if she just saw his lips curved upward before turning to leave, but Veronica doesn't mind calling him a few more times if that made him smile. She fought a grin, feeling glad that her 'husband-to-be must have finally accepted her apology. After all, she did promise to herself to treat him well for everything he has done for her.

_to be continued_