Chapter 28

The folder closes as Veronica finishes signing the contract. She set the pen down on her side then took a peek at the hallway Cedric disappeared to. After confirming that he's yet to return, Veronica slumps on the sofa comfortably while gawking at the high ceiling of the living room. So, this is what an expensive apartment looks like. She remembers only seeing this on magazines and televisions and now she's actually sitting in one. It still feels bizarre how she got from being a make-up artist to an actress in just a few days.

Her fingers accidentally graze the closed folder before it completely slides off her thigh spilling its contents. Darn. Thinking of the mess she made, she quickly gathers the scattered pieces of paper on the floor. The arrangement stated in the contract was simple to understand, pretend as Cedric's wife for a year, get paid, part ways, and never see each other again. This also means that getting emotionally attached to the other person is prohibited which makes the job easier for her. But ultimately her main job is to make his grandmother believe that they're a couple in love.

How should she do that? Now that she thought of it, reality began to hit her. She's never been with anyone before. As she grew up, Veronica realized how being in a relationship is easier said than done. She watched April get one heartbreak after another and just thought that romance is too complicated for someone like her. What her parents have only happens in like one in a million so what are the chances that she's going to have a love story like theirs? Aren't there better things to do than fall in love? She rather enjoyed art and painting than deal with guys who will only bring her heartache like April's.

Although now she's in a great dilemma because of her inexperience. Should she tell him? No. no. He'll get mad and they just made up. She'll just study. There's nothing Veronica can't study and learn. If there's anything she's good at other than doing art and listening to people's woes, it's studying.

Veronica glances at the watch on her wrist before moving her gaze at the hallway where Cedric went. Where is he? It's been almost half an hour since he left but he's not back yet. Veronica was done reading and signing the contract so she's only waiting for him to come back to let him know of it. She's even done some self-reflection but he's still not here.

A loud sound of crashing reached her ears and Veronica hurriedly ran to where the noise came from.

Cedric looks like a deer caught in the headlights as he stands at the center of an empty kitchen surrounded by boxes fallen on the floor.

Veronica looked him over before sighing in relief. He didn't seem to have broken another arm like she first thought. Her lips unconsciously went up as he looked like a lost child while looking at the toppled boxes around him.

"Do you need help?"


"I'll do that. Can you go over there please," Veronica points at the entryway of the kitchen then continued to pick up the items that got knock over along with the boxes. They were all kitchen items from spoons to ladles, little metal bowls, and other smaller kitchen gadgets. Luckily, the box with fragile items was sealed, or else, broken glass might have been scattered by now.

"What were you looking for anyway?"

"I'm looking for the coffee cups. I know George placed them in one of these boxes."

"No wonder George ran away after bringing me here."


"Did you made him do all these alone?"

"No, I only made him pack the items in the kitchen."

Veronica's hand stops from what it's doing before turning to look at the man standing behind her. " You're moving? I thought you just moved in…"

"What are you talking about? Didn't George tell you?"

"He didn't tell me anything."

Cedric sighs, running his free hand through his hair. "We're moving."

"Huh?" A growl coming from somewhere interrupted their conversation. Realizing that it was coming from her stomach, Veronica lowers her head in embarrassment. What timing…

"Nevermind the cups, I'll tell you all about it while we eat. Come on."

"Wait," Veronica stands to her feet, following Cedric who already walked out of the kitchen. "Where are we going?"

A furrow forms on Cedric's forehead as he looks at the woman in confusion. "Outside."

"B-but the reporters…"

"We'll be quick and besides we'll wear a disguise so we won't get recognized."

"Isn't that dangerous? W-why don't we just order something?"

"Relax. I've done this before. We can sneak out without getting found out. How do you think I buy my groceries?"

"Are you really sure about this? I mean, you have a broken arm, Cedric."

His smile was relaxed and slow revealing an easy-going side Veronica never expected but something felt odd, she isn't just quite sure yet. "Isn't it better if we get found out? Now that we're done with the contract, a little publicity is a good start to show both my grandmother and the general public of our relationship."

Understanding registers on Veronica's face and she crosses her arms over her chest. "Oh, so that's what you're going for?"

Cedric smirks before his expression goes back to being business as usual. "Yes. I assume that you have no issues with starting today?"

"Yeah. I'll…uh…I'll do my best."


Cedric went back to his room to change while Veronica waited in the living room. Is she ready? Obviously not. Veronica won't ever be ready. How much publicity does he want though? Just thinking about it gives her cold feet. Aren't they supposed to practice first before showing themselves to the public? Goodness, what if she trips over air? How embarrassing would that be? She may have promised to do her best to not disappoint him but she sucked at acting. She did remember once during primary school that the role they can only give her is to play a tree since all she had to do was stand in the background.

"You ready?" Cedric's voice ended her train of thoughts. He's wearing a casual jacket over a plain shirt paired with denim pants and white sneakers. Veronica stands up and straightens the creases of her shirt before nodding her head. "D-do I have to do something special?" she asks trying not to sound as nervous as she's currently feeling.

Cedric looks at her funnily as they step outside to ride the elevator down. "Just be yourself. Think of how you usually act when you're going out with friends," he said and Veronica bites her upper lip to hide her panic. That's the problem she doesn't have many friends and it's been a long time since she went out with April. Veronica can only hope that she doesn't screw up on her first day on the job. They rode the same elevator Veronica and George used while going up to Cedric's unit earlier. At the corner of her eye, she saw him put on a black baseball cap on his head before he turns to call her.

"Roni," he began, "You don't mind me calling you that, right?"

"Huh? Yeah. Of course. We don't want to sound like strangers to others, right…and my best friend calls me that so…like friends…" she rumbles off while staring at her shoes then he carefully places something on her head.

Veronica raises her gaze and saw from her reflection on the elevator mirror that it was a bucket hat with a matching color as his baseball cap. A warm hand touches her cheek to turn her face to the side, bringing Veronica's attention to the culprit and Cedric fixes the sides of her hat with his free hand. His face was so near to her that she can now see his eyes up close. They're of a lighter shade than she thought. When he caught her staring, Veronica quickly averted her gaze to the side as if caught red-handed.

Stupid. There's nothing wrong with what she did. She's just doing some research. Yeah, cos what if someone asks her what the color of her fiance's eyes is? She can confidently tell them that it's a lighter shade of brown and not just simply color brown…Veronica mused trying to make herself feel better.

Looking closely at their attires, they did look like a couple with matching outfits. And now that she thought of it, George did mention that Cedric had these clothes bought for her. So, it's a part of his plan...

And as if on cue, the elevator dings before the door slides open and Cedric intertwines their fingers as he leads her outside to the entrance of the building.

_to be continued_