Chapter 29

Disguise he said, but the media flocked them like moths to a flame when they went outside the building. They weren't celebrities but it felt like they were as cameras flash around them non-stop. The only good thing here is that the number of media people present is less than she expected so they were slightly bearable than the other night. They also kept their distance giving them adequate space to tread on.

As they walk across the street, Veronica felt Cedric hold her hand tighter. She raises her head to look at where they were going and it was another fancy building. Only this time, a restaurant is situated by the entrance. It's no wonder that luxurious hotels are everywhere though since Cedric's penthouse is at the center of the business district.

Even with his so-called disguise, the woman at the reception who was secretly retouching her lipstick is still able to recognize Cedric as her eyes widen in shock when they enter the premises. "Mr. Ford!" she greeted, her voice raised higher than intended. Her lipstick was slightly smudged on the side, She must have messed it up when she saw Cedric. Veronica can't blame her though. Even she would be surprised when someone like Cedric suddenly walks in front of her one day. "D-do you have a reservation for the private rooms, sir?" she stammers while trying to wipe the corners of her mouth.

"I don't. A table for two by the window is fine."

"Of course, sir. Please follow me." The woman glances at Veronica curiously realizing that she must be the mysterious fiancée from the news. Trying her best to do her part, she made sure to give the woman a friendly smile when their eyes met.

"M-ma'am, sir, please enjoy your stay and let the server know once you're ready to order." She said leaving the menu on their table before walking back to her post.

The table Cedric chose was placed just beside the restaurant windows and although there were curtains for privacy, some area is still visible from the outside, enough for the media to be able to capture a few photos of them dining together.



Her thoughts were interrupted while she looks outside the window by Cedric's voice calling her name.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said what would you like to order?" Veronica moves her gaze from Cedric to the menu on the table.

Despite living a frugal life back in the countryside, Veronica would occasionally treat her parents out for an expensive dinner in their town's most high-end restaurant, or at least by their town's standards, it is top-tier. She would often order her parents' favorite bottle of wine and the most premium steak the place could offer. Yet the cost of their meals combined can't even compare to the prices written on the set menu of this restaurant. It's so ridiculously expensive that even a glass of water is worth a few hundreds.

She wets her lip out of nervousness. "Uh...I think water-" Should she pick the cheapest one on the menu?

"One thing you should always remember while you're with me is to not look at the prices when ordering especially if we're eating out with my grandmother." He lowers his voice so she'd be the only one to hear that. "-pick whatever you like. It would look more unusually suspicious to my gran if my supposed girlfriend turned fiancée is not used to her own lover paying for her meals." His voice went back to normal as he also turns the page of the menu he's holding.

Veronica clears her throat, "I see. Then I'd like this filet mignon in herb butter with sauté potatoes." She picks the first dish that caught her eye while covering the price written on the side of its name.

"Excellent choice, madam." Veronica would have jumped out of her seat upon hearing the waiter's voice suddenly. Cedric must have called him right after talking her out of ordering an expensive meal.

"Sir?" the waiter turns to Cedric this time and he responds to him right after looking at something on his phone.

"I'll have the same as hers and bring out the usual bottle." The waiter closes his notepad as he nods his head both in response to Cedric's order and to excuse himself.

When the waiter was finally out of earshot, Cedric turns to face Veronica, a smirk appearing on his mouth. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Veronica forces a smile on her face and Cedric chuckles. "Anyway, I'm introducing you to someone today." He says putting his phone back into his pocket.

It was always easier to assume the worse for Veronica so that when the real thing happens, her expectations would be considerably low and her heart is already prepared to face anything miserable.

As if sensing her tensed demeanor, Cedric immediately clears up the misunderstanding. "Relax, it's not my grandmother."

The obvious way her shoulders fell to her sides made Cedric let out a small laugh in amusement. And on cue, a tall woman wearing a turtleneck top and pencil skirt walked towards them. Her skin is pale and complements her face's sharp features while her auburn hair is cleanly swept to the side and is tied in a bun.

A million questions ran through Veronica's head as she watches the woman make her way over to their table. Is this the part where she meets his real girlfriend and she'd warn her to not cross the line with him because Veronica's just Cedric's hired fiancée and she's the real thing?! She exclaimed gasping in her head. Her hands form into fists as she braces herself on what's about to happen.

As soon as the woman reaches them, Cedric began, "Veronica, this is Ms. Ravens. She will be your assistant from now on." Okay, so she's not what she thought to be after all.

Ms. Ravens steps forward and extends her hand to Veronica. "Hello, Mrs. Ford. I'm Mikaela Ravens but you can comfortably call me Mikee for short."

"Oh, we're not married yet so calling me Mrs. Ford already is a little..." she trails off thinking about what to say. "Just call me Veronica."

The expression on Mikaela's face quickly changed to that of alarm. "A-apologies madam," she stammered moving her gaze back and forth to the couple, "S-sir...I mean, Mr. Ford,"

Sensing her panic, Veronica quickly tried to calm the woman. "It's alright, Ms. Ravens. There was no harm done."

A server was pouring wine on Cedric's glass when Veronica faces the man for a talk. "Cedric, I don't think it's necessary for me to have an assistant."

Cedric took a sip of the dark liquid while looking at the woman sitting across from him over the rim of the glass. "Trust me, babe. You're going to need her. After all, you'd be busy planning our wedding while going house hunting."

_to be continued_