Chapter 30

Veronica's mouth gape open in shock. Okay, maybe she underestimated her work a bit. This wasn't going to be easy at all. Pretending and showing fake smiles was one thing, planning for a whole wedding is another. And did he just mentioned something about finding a house? For who?

"-the house…" Veronica did not even get to finish as Cedric intervenes.

"Is for us." He knowingly stares at her and she understood what he meant. Ms. Ravens didn't and shouldn't know about their arrangement so they not only have to be careful but they also have to pretend even in front of her. The look on Cedric's face was like telling her to show him her acting. Great. Even after signing the contract, he's still testing her. Of course, she sucked at acting. What is he expecting? She promised to do her best but that doesn't mean that she'll miraculously be good at it. Anyway, she can do this. Show him what you can do Veronica. You acted before this. You played as a tree before, remember?

She held his hand that was resting on the table. "How can I forget? Of course, darling." Her voice came out louder than she intended while she squeezes his hand affectionately. The people at the other tables turned their heads upon hearing the high-pitch sound, making Veronica want to facepalm herself for the embarrassment. "I-I'll make sure to find a house that would suit our taste." She quickly added before her remaining confidence breaks into pieces.

A half-smile forms on Cedric's face as if he's trying to hold back a laugh.

What? Is that not good enough for you? Veronica says in her head while she eyes her pretend fiancée sitting across from her.

As if he understood what she meant, Cedric cleared his throat to cover up his urge to laugh before replying.

"As long as you're happy." He says, also affectionately squeezing her hand back over the table.

"Still, I think the assistant is too much. Ced-"

This time, it was Mikaela's turn to interrupt. She grasp Veronica's hand to hers, "Madam, please let me help you. I have worked as an assistant at Price Industries before so I'm confident that I can meet your needs and demands well. I can also be with you 24/7 at every waking hour just please don't kick me ou-"

"I understand, Ms. Ravens." She interrupts her passionate speech before sighing in defeat then looking at Cedric. "Then I'll take you up on that offer, darling. I will take Ms. Ravens as my assistant."

Cedric nods his head in approval. "I'm glad you've finally agreed, babe. I don't want to stress you so much with all the upcoming events and things to do that's why I had Ford send over an assistant for you." His tone sounded worried that Veronica almost believed his words to be true.

"Anyway, think of her as having someone like George," Cedric added, taking another sip from his glass. Veronica seemed to notice Mikaela stiffen beside her but she decided to shrug it off.

"Another thing, I have something for you." Cedric continued, looking at Mikaela to which she replied with a nod.

Mikaela raised the familiar paper bag in her hand and placed it on top of the table. Cedric then slid the bag over to Veronica. "-you left your phone when you changed your clothes back then. I noticed that it needed to be fixed so I had George bring it for repairs before returning it to you."

Veronica went through the bag and found her phone. She clicks the power button and the screen lightened up to her lock screen. Thank goodness. There were several call and message notifications but she decided to check them later when she doesn't have company. "Thank you." She tells him before putting the phone back inside the bag.

The food arrives and the two began to eat while Mikaela excused herself to wait in the hotel lobby.

"By the way, about your parents…" Cedric trails off as he wipes a napkin on his mouth.

"What about my parents?"

"They'll be well taken care of at the hospital so you don't have to worry about them." he places the napkin back on the table, setting his eyes on the woman in front of him.

Veronica stops slicing the meat as her hand freezes midair. She doesn't say anything but confusion shows on her face.

"What I meant to say is, I want you to refrain yourself from visiting them for a while or at least until our contract is not yet over. If they're completely recovered then I can send someone over to help them settle back to your hometown."

"That's not included in the contract." She places the fork and knife down the plate, her attention completely on him.

Cedric continued to calmly eat, "Unless you want to drag your parents in our farce, I suggest you take my advice, Veronica."


"Daniel told me that the security assigned to your parents reported to him that some photographers were snooping around the VIP ward of the hospital. It won't take them long to try other ways to get what they want. There's also my grandmother who owns the hospital itself. One snap of her fingers and she'll find out about your parents who are clueless about our agreement. Once they say something out of the ordinary about our relationship, everything will be over."

"So I won't see them for a year?"

"Well, you did promise that you'll do anything for me in exchange for saving them. Not seeing them for a whole year is nothing compared to not seeing them ever. It's not like you won't be seeing them again, Veronica."

She can't even be mad at him because what he said made sense. Saving her parents didn't come for free. Now she has to fulfill her end of the bargain no matter the conditions are. She'll see her parents again after their contract is over and besides, she's also doing this for their safety. Cedric did have a point and she didn't want to involve her parents in this. She's going to protect her family even if it means not seeing or contacting them for a long time.

"Then I'll do what you said."

Cedric nods his head in approval. She glances over at him and he already went back on eating but Veronica already lost her appetite.

_to be continued_