Finally here

My breathe hitches inside my throat due to nervousness.

I don't know the organism and the reason behind their arrival.

Animal? Or may be... another human?

By the description, the forest people are too dangerous for us— the city people. They consider us monsters— as that boy has described, so they want our whole living to vanish off from the earth. My insides burn at the only thought.

*I think it's an outsider.*

I hear someone's whisper as the crunching of leaves  leaves now becomes more louder than my heartbeat.

*If it is then the person is dead.*

I don't want to die.

At least not now.

"Oh, a lady guest, I see."

A group of tribal people appears in my sight while pushing the bushes gently away from their path. My eyes follows their each and every move.

"Keep your eyes down, peasant," One of them roars. I so want to growl at him but right now it will have a deadly response.

"Wait... isn't she strange?" A child, merely 6 years old, steps out of the group as soon a frown forms on everyone's forehead.

"Free her out and put her into the prison!" The man, who I assume is the leader of the group, shouts as the net is suddenly loosened.

I scream in fear while thinking of the situation where the net just falls down and I break a bone or two— but gladly that doesn't happen. They place me down gently on the grass as when the blades touches my skin, I relievingly sigh. They grab my hands and legs as tightly as they can, making me whimper. The pain caused by their grip actually results in my reflex action as I try to kick them away in order to loosen their tight grip on me.

There is no chance of running back now so I am not thinking about that. I close my eyes tightly, just wanting to escape from here— if that is even possible.

They keep on dragging me through the deadly sharp bushes and thorns, trunks of trees brushes pass my body making deep cuts and scratches all over me.

They don't care if I am getting hurt, they are just blinded by the rage.

But even though I am scared to death and half of my body wants to escape but I don't forget on looking inside the beautiful forest.

The light is fading— creating new shadows and dark patches around me as whenever the eyes glimmers from tree hollows, I focus on the darkness even more. The wind blows between distorted trunks and carries the sickly stink of wood rot. The people who are carrying me walks faster, ignoring the branches that are entangling to my jeans as well as their own clothing, the damp leaves that grimes my skin.

I lift my face and let the light and shadow dance across my skin. The trees stand utterly still like statues in a living museum where no leaf dares to fall. What I have though till now about the forest is true after all.  I am beyond happy after witnessing the beauty of nature inside the forest, I feel like my dream has become true.

But then remembering the situation I am in, my smile turns into a frown. The people that have caught me, their minds are wondering off to a plenty of things so I am not able to focus on a particular topic.

Mess. Oof.

But when they come to a halt, I gather all of my energy and raise my head. My eyes widens once they fall on the gigantic, old but well maintained building that is towering in front of me or us.

It is made up of forest materials— bamboo, sticks, wood logs and stones. I am totally amazed by its structure and the material it is made up of— it is beyond a normal talent. The way they can make the strongest structure with the forest products leaves me flabbergasted.

A pair of hands grabs mine which snatches me back to my senses. I am forced inside the building as the goosebumps appear on my skin due to the coldness inside.

Several guards are guarding the way that I am walking on as they all throw me a cold look. Embarrassment is not something I should feel right now but I keep my gaze down the whole way through, not wanting to have an eye contact with any of them.

One of them violently shakes the metal bars of the cage as the the guard that is guarding the chamber fumbles with the bunch of keys and opens up the prison-like room.

They practically throw me in as the dirt creeps on my body, again not caring if I will vet hurt or not. They tsk and forcefully close the gate with a loud click.

"Better stay put otherwise we will have to do something worse than you can expect."

And with that they walks away.

The coldness seeps more inside my soul as I crawl to one side of the room, the dirt sticking on my clothes from the dirty ground beneath me. Engulfing my hands around my legs— I bury my head between them to keep my body warm.

The bone-chilling weather seems to kill me slowly— I sniffle while feeling the watery substance running down my nose. I know I will probably get sick if I stay like this but I can't do anything to stop it— I am helpless.

Even though I still have my bag with me which coincidentally the people who caught me didn't notice and take it with them but I don't actually have clothes in it.

There is a small window in the farthest corner of the room from where dim rays of light enters inside, making the inside of the room somewhat visible. There is no light bulb or anything and I am totally afraid of how I will pass the night in here adding to the fact that my trauma can kick in too.

I shuffle uncomfortably as I feel something poking the side of my butt. While touching the area to feel the object, my eyes widens.

A cell phone— my cell phone which I normally keep with me— not always though but this is the best time!

My eyes secretly checks and follows the movements of guards outside the room. Gladly, no one is there in front of my chamber but it looks like anyone can pop out of nowhere. This is a chance that I have to take if I want to live long.

I secretly take the cell phone from my pocket and pull it out— but as soon as I try unlocking it, a guard shakes the gate of my room making me flinch so badly. I, in a swift move, throw the phone inside my bag as I try calming my heavy breath.

The guard slides the plate of food towards me as my eyes checks the the food that is placed in each corner. It actually looks good unlike in the movies but currently it is not something I should think of but I do need to be grateful.

"Thank y-"

The upcoming letters chokes me all of a sudden as I find it utterly difficult to let out any other word. My mouth becomes dry like my salivary glands have stopped functioning. Breathe unsteadily comes out of my mouth— as I gasp internally.

The guard casually looks up as soon when he notices my conditions as well as identity— he stiffens too. He pauses in his position and doesn't let out a word either— the same situation as me.

"Y-y-you?" I stutter— my brain failing to form anymore words. It is like my body has given up on functioning properly.

"Pepper?" Since the day we have met, this is the first time when I have got the golden opportunity to hear his voice.

He is finally here.