Chapter 5

"Blade Bhaskar and Elani Ethambaram... Come, give stimulation to my existence." said Gopesh as he charged forward.

He took the slippers from his legs and held it in his hands as he walked forward. Ethi and Baskar knew this was going to be a hard fight.

"I'll make you regret doing this Baskar!" screamed Gopesh.

"Ah get done with it already! I have other stuff to do besides babysitting grandpas..."

''AAAAAA!!'' Ethi roars and dashes towards the titanous Gopesh.

He then clenching his fists went for the strike but did not make contact. The monster caught his fist midway rendering the attack useless.

'He stopped my fist before it could reach full momentum!' Ethi thinking to himself

Gopesh then lets his hand free and takes a step back, taunting Ethi to go for another strike.

He changes his stance and moves on with a kick to the face.

Gopesh, studying his movement, ducks before it could hit him and proceeds to grab onto Ethi's torso and pummels him to the ground.

With the sudden blow Ethi felt his blood rushing up to his mouth.

*cough! Gasp! caugh* he spits out blood then turns his head upwards towards the monster.

"Oh no! Did I get too rough? I'm sorry old man, I really need some idli now…"

"You aren't getting out of here alive Gopesh!"

''Ethi move out of the way I will handle this!'' Basker screams from the back.

An ominous aura surrounding him while he readies his aruvals.

"Oh? You are going to fight me Baskar? I was in your gang, you know. Is this how you treat your gang members?"

Baskar spins the aruvals before catching onto them and bashes the ground ferociously, the tiles fly with the bang at the ground. Baskar spins and hits one of them with the back of his blade, sending the piece of tile at mighty speeds! Gopesh tilts and narrowly dodges it as the piece scrapes his ear.

"Gang member or not I despised you dirty ass ever since I set my eyes on you!"

Gopesh wipes the blood off his ear and proceeds to smirk,

"Ahaha, I'm going to cry, baskar.. I thought we had a thing going"

Baskar lowers his stance and charges towards the beast aiming for his legs.

Gopesh following his movements jumps and stamps on his blade countering the strike and moves onto a kick to Baskar's jaw! Baskar pulls the blade from under Gopesh's feet making him lose his footing for a second and dodge the kick. Gopesh stumbles for a second before getting back. Both gasping take few step back, staring at each other

"huff huff''

Baskar pants and says "You are still as strong as when we fought first''

"Wish i could say the same about you old man'' Gopesh mocks.

"Pushpa! Sangeetha! don't disappoint me!" he says to himself, focusing his energy on his two blades.

"KODURAN KUNDI KLASHU!" "EAT THIS! GOPESH!!'' Baskar exclaims launching the attack!

The ground rumbles and the attack hits the target,


A loud sound followed and the dust and smoke took over.

''Did we get him?'' Ethi asks.

''B-Boss!'' the henchmen screamed.

''What da dei!''

''Oh I don't think so..'' Baskar added.

''Ya idiots think that would be enough to take me down huh?!''

As the dust settled Gopesh stood still with a torn shirt and unscathed body.

''It didn't work back then Baskar, it wont now either. You and your blades can't do shit about me!''

''Ethi get up! Take your stand!'' Baskar exclaimed.

''Looks like we made him mad didn't we?'' Ethi added.

''Ohoho don't give yourselves credit just yet, now prepare! It's my turn to strike!''

They brace for impact.

''There is still time, give me the child and you can go home in one piece.''

''Thats out of options now, Gopesh.'' Ethi added…