"The gatekeeper… Baskar! He's fighting back!" whispered Mavale.
"The Coconut vendor too? What the heck is going on ?"
Pavitrine had been watching the trio fight for a while now. Ever since he saw Baskar and Ethambaram he knew they weren't any ordinary people.
"They're actually giving him trouble! They might get us out of this mess!" said pavi.
"Yeah but whoever both of them really are… they put their lives at risk to save yours." Mavale said as she looked at them fighting.
"I don't know who they are, but they seem awfully familiar. It feels as if... they've always been there for me. But I don't recognise them." said pavitrine as he was trying to remember something about these mysterious men.
"How is this even possible ? They look too old to be even moving around and they're fighting?" said DuPuddingi from the corner of the room in which they were hiding.
The three of them stood there near the windows of the empty classroom looking at the intense battle going on outside. Cuck had become really nervous about this situation, he really wanted this to end soon but it just wouldn't stop.
"Why are these weak geezers taking this much time to restrain a kid on a tantrum!" shouted cuck arrogantly.
Pavitrine had lost it now. He was already furious about Cuck not cooperating with them, now he wouldn't stop shouting as if he was inviting the henchmen along with his own doom.
"Listen here you little-" Pavitrine exclaimed as he was interrupted by Mavale.
"Not now pavi…" she whispered while holding his hand firmly. Pavitrine stopped shouting for a second and looked outside in the corridor and to his horror it was one of the henchmen. He had probably heard cuck screaming and had now started searching the classrooms.
There was a nervous silence, the four of them tried to stay low without making any sound. As the henchman was passing by the classroom in which they were hiding, Pavitrine's eyes caught the angry Cuck on the other side of the room. He glared at Cuck, and so did he. Mavale knowing what was coming had to do something to stop these two from giving away their location.
The henchman finally left the floor after what felt like an eternity. Surprisingly Pavitrine didn't lose his cool. Cuck got up, looked at Pavitrine and asked him "What were you saying again?"
"Nothing. Nothing at all…" said Pavitrine restraining himself.
Meanwhile the duo kept pummeling the beast down with blow after blow not giving it the time to react.
*huff* *huff* "Baskar! Go for the kill before he's conscious! I'll hold him down!"
Baskar nods.
"It's time to end this Gopesh. You were very if not the most formidable foe I ever fought and I acknowledge that. Saying that, I WON'T HOLD BACK!"
With bloodthirst radiating from his blades, Baskar holds his breath, releasing it slowly. His eyes locked onto the target, he readies himself.
Baskar leaps forward shaking the ground beneath. For a brief moment Gopesh locked his eyes on Baskar. Watching the blade closing in for his head. For that brief second the beast's expression changed. With the grim reaper behind him he felt the fear of death.
Elani lets go and jumps back just before the slash. And then it happens. The blade meets the beast's neck, a loud noise followed with shockwaves spreading out shattering windows. The blade collided with the flesh and was stuck with blood dripping down. Both of them struggled.
"Just fucking die you monster!!!"
"BASKAR!!!" the beast roared.
"AAAAAAAH!" their screams radiated towards the entire area.
One more push and either Gopesh would live or be beheaded.
There was a sudden pause in their screams. A moment of dead silence.
Baskar had reached his limits. He feels his broken ribs and tendons before spitting out blood and then letting go of the aruval.
A silence fell upon the land.
Gopesh surprised by what just happened, takes a second to realise the situation,
"Hahahahahahahah" he bursts laughing.
He gets up towering over the baskar who was lying below, gasping for air.
"Baskar get up! Run!" -Elani screams
The beast lifts Baskar up by his hair then proceeds to drag him across the ground.
He throws the barely conscious gatekeeper in front of the campus watching the fight from the top floors.
"And here I was at death's door when you lunged at me. Jeez! All that buildup for nothing."
"It seems like I overestimated you, old man." he adds in a serious tone.
"GOPESH!" Elani rushes to him.
"Baskar you son of a- you better not kick the bucket. Stay put, I'll take care of him."