Time For Some Discipline!

Chapter 96 Time For Some Discipline!

T-Mo's Spherical Building:

While still holding Pap in his grasp, reaching down with his free hand, Boey grabs a white and tan pistol from his slim green pants pocket. Pointing his weapon at Pap's dizzy face, staring at the defenseless gunman with an unmoved expression on his face, Boey says with a calm unnerving tone, just remember this before you die! No one greets T-Mo unless thei- Blam! Coming in hot like a torpedo with his right foot, his whole boot slamming into Boey's jaw, Ver says with a cocky face expression, sorry can I cut into this dance! Releasing his grip from Pap's shirt, Boey goes sailing passed a bundle of gunmen grunts before thrashing into the wall with an enormous thud. landing softly on his feet, turning his head toward a damaged Pap, helping him up off the ground Ver says, hey kid look alive out here man! If I hadn't shown up you would've been dead!

Gazing over at Ver with teary eyes, Pap says, I'm sorry you had to save me Mr. Ver! Looking at Pap with a plain face Ver says in a don't start getting soft on me tone, hey! Hey! Kid this ain't the time for apologizes just buck up and beat the mother fucker I just kicked like a soccer ball! Wiping his watery eyes with his right hand Pap says in a weak bitch tone, I don't know if I can sir! He's really strong!

Placing his hand on his left shoulder, inching down close to Pap's face, Ver says in a kind but dickish tone, don't give a fuck! Plus he's only a B rank gunman and your a C rank! But the rank doesn't matter just show him just because your a C rank! You can still kill bitches like him alright! Shifting his head forward to where Ver had kicked Boey, pulling out his green pistol, brimming with a little more confidence Pap says, your right sir! I have to show this guy that I will never say die! Patting him on the back with a smile on his face Ver says, that's the gunman spirit little Pappers! Now go beat that weirdo's ass! After hearing Ver's some what up lifting pep talk, Pap dashes to confront his opponent.

Seeing the youngin filled with a little pep in his step. Gazing over at the open entrance that Charlo and Boey came from, zooming over to it in a blink, Ver says in his mind, while Rint and the kid are handling things out here! It's time for me to deliver some discipline!

End of Chapter 96