Yo Lighting!

Chapter 97 Yo Lighting!

T-Mo's Spherical Building: Hallway

Sprinting down the corridor of the massive building, turning his head to the right, Ver looks outside through massive glass windows aligned throughout the huge hall that show a picture esc view of the city of Tevia. Thinking to himself while still on the move, Ver says, damn this view is magnificent! But to bad for me I can't enjoy it! Gazing forward as he suddenly sees a door coming into view, his eyes focused and ready as he heads toward it, Ver says with a fore sure tone to himself, I can feel some serious guneregy coming through that door! Well here goes nothin! Time to kick some ass and get some info! Flying through the entrance of the open door frame, Ver enters a brightly lit room with everything resembling lighting bolts, from the walls interior to the ornaments hanging up on the ceiling.

Coming to a stop from running, looking all around him with mesmerized eyes Ver says with a calm voice, yo lighting! After making his comment and gawking at the room, Ver gets a tiny shock to his hand that came from the smooth yellow hard floor. Seemingly coming from nowhere a young man shows up, staring at Ver with his lemon-colored eyes, brushing his spiky pompadour with his hair faded on both sides, his rich looking caramel like skin shinning from the brightness from the lights in the room. Wearing a tight leather jacket with lighting bolts on it, moving down to his pants as he walks up slowly to Ver with lighting bolt symbols streaming down the sides of them, opening his mouth as he still mean mugs Ver like a high school bully looking at a nerd, the yellow and brown haired pompadour kid says in a immature tone, who the fuck are you geezer?!

End of Chapter 97