The Reason Why!

Chapter 137 The Reason Why!

Vice Lords Hideout: Kitchen

Placing his finished plate of food down at the counter next to Arti, grabbing the back of a seat, Kip pulls it out and says in a coolly and unbothered tone, time to feast and time to spill the beans on my thoughts on this little topic were having. Now seated with his utensils neatly placed on the right side of his plate, picking up his silverware, poking at his veggies first with his fork, lifting up a good fork full of the micronutrients with an easy-going face as he takes a wholesome bite of his meal.

Staring at Kip chowing down as he waits patiently for him to swallow his first bite, unraveling his tongue in an eager but polite manner, Arti says, so your answer Sir Kip. Swooning back into reality after tasting his cooking, Kip says, my bad! I was just to in the zone on this tantalizing meal that I prepared with my divine hands, but back on the subject we were discussing. I think and this is me personally on the Diya matter, at first, I was of course all gung-ho on getting him and bringing him here and all that jazz for the boss Ya know. But after seeing and feeling that scary and super dark gunergy of his when he mangled Teco, I think big boss Vice needs to be a little more cautious of the kid, but that's just my take on it.

Focused on every word that was said from Kip's opinion as he listened, with Kip finished with his sentence, conversing back with an upfront type of tone, Arti says, hmm interesting you mention the dark energy and scary part, that's funny. Because our good Ol leader Vice has a dark gunergy as well.

Whipping his mouth with a napkin with both hands as he glances at his plate and then at Arti, responding back, Kip says, trust me I know that...but I just get a gut feeling that, that Diya kid's power is just a little to sinister, to where I think his overall flow of abyss like darkness of power might be more of a detriment to us than a beneficial asset. I mean big Bossman Vice's power is great and horrifying too, but it's nothing like what I felt at the arena with that kid, and believe me you know for me to be stating this, you know it's something serious with me being as laxed as I am. So long story short to end our little chat here Arti my scientific chum, that's the reason why.

End of Chapter 137