Oi Swabbies!

Chapter 138 Oi Swabbies!

On The Open Sea Traveling South: Ver's Ship

Fairing on the open seas as the tide's pickup as it down pours, braving the elements like a true man, gripping the helm firm as the wind and droplets of rain pelt his face, smiling with an adolescence type of grin creased on his cheeks.

Ver says as he yells out so Rint standing next to him can hear, aye Rinty boy! All hands-on deck, tell Pap it's going to get a little bumpy! Gazing at Ver with an unbothered face as he hears his instructions, answering back with a yell of his own too, Rint says, roger that! And by the way I think your enjoying yourself way too much in this situation. Glancing back with a happy joy boyish expression on his face, Ver says with a tickled tone of voice, you might be right about that! Not every day a man can buy a boat and be a pirate and conquer the forces of nature like this!

With his lips sealed as he listens to Ver's enthusiastic speech, staring at Ver for a couple more seconds, Rint then takes his leave to go alert Pap of the predicament they are in.

30 Minutes Later:

As the clouds clear up and the rain and waves of the ocean settle as the sun peeks out slightly, letting his hands finally go of the helm after 30 minutes of fighting the waves to keep his ship from capsizing, with his lips dry and eyes looking a little drowsy, Ver says in a light tired sounding tone as he lets his body drop to the poop deck of the vessel, man after a tough battle with this fair sea. I captain Ver be hungry for something to eat and thirsty.

Coming from out the blue as Ver rest on the poop deck with his eyes closed, a manly voice roars out, OI SWABBIES! WHO'S VESSEL BEIN THE WAY OF MY SHIPS A TRAVELIN?!

End of Chapter 138