Two Options!

Chapter 139 Two Options!

The Open Sea South:

Sitting up halfway on the deck as he blinks his eyes lazily from hearing the shout, Ver says, who the fuck was that? Getting himself to his feet, sluggishly moving over to the left of his ship, Ver sees two large vessels, swaying calmly in place on the clear blue waves, letting his overbearing voice boom once more as he looks up at Ver with his light bright purple eyes, a man with gray spiky hair wearing a green pinicish pirate hat with light brown Carmel swirled skin says, ARE YOU THE CAPTAIN OF THIS HERE VESSEL LAD?!

Thinking to himself quietly as he stares down at the ruff neck piratey looking fellow, Ver says in a sarcastic tone, great just what I need while I'm thirsty and hungry, actual pirates. Exiting his thoughts, conversing back out loud to the man, Ver says, WHO WANTS TO KNOW?

With his weathered face crinkling up with an irritated expression, the gray-haired pirate says, I YOU GOT A SLICK TONGUE THIER LAD, BUT I'LL BITE. IT IS ME CAPTAIN LINWELL SOOKS OF THE SOOKS PIRATES, JUST WANTING FOR YOU MOVE THIGH VESSEL OUT OF THE WAY OR GET SUNKEN!

Staring at the man with unfocused eyes, pondering to himself once again, Ver says, so this goof of a captain is giving me two options, either I move my ship off course to where I'm trying to go or get my ship sunk. Before he can break from his inner thoughts and speak outwardly back, coming out of a wooden door to the base of the ship, Rint and Pap step out on to the deck, with both their faces looking at Ver with confused stares. Holding a long, tall glass of ice water in his right hand, being the first out of the two to speak his mind, Pap says, what's going on out here Mr. Ver? Me and Mr. Rint heard some yelling.

Instantly focusing his eyes on the water with condensation dripping off the glass, zipping over to Pap without any thought, Ver snags the glass from his hand like a thief in the night and begins to down the cold liquid. Once finished from decimating the refreshing fluid, Ver responds back in his usual and confident and cocky tone, oh just some crazy lookin pirate just talking about moving our vessel or we get sunk or some crap.

Gazing at Ver with concern expressed on his face, Pap says with an animated tone, did you say pirates?! Lifting his right arm bending it slightly as he points back with his thumb behind him, Ver says, yeah pirates. Go see for yourself. Hurrying over to the left of the ship, Pap and Rint stop their feet to peer at the large ships with different expressions formed on their faces, leaning on the banner of the ship, Rint says with a serious and laxed tone, so what do you choose on how to handle this situation Ver?

Feeling his body feel more energized after inhaling the water, Ver says as he stands like a model, of course since I got some life back in me after downing that water. I'll tell you what we're not doing is changing our course, just because some dumbass pirate bastard says were in his way. So, to say all that were blasting those bitches to Davey jones locker!

End of Chapter 139