
Chapter 156 2V2!

Crisga Jamon's Island: Base Camp

With their guards up as, they wait for the person to show themselves after stopping Wink's crazy destructive attack, inching up slightly as he looks around cautiously everywhere with anxiousness expressed on his young moist face, Pap says in a fearful timid tone, you think it's just one opponent were going to be facing right now Mr. Wink?

Keeping his eyes motioning all around staying alert as well, answering back with a not to certain type of tone in his voice, Wink says, I can't call it mate. For all we know we could be fighting four or five strong buggers in this moment. Finishing his unsure statement, just a little far off in the distance standing on top of one of the tents in the camp, two mysterious figures loom in the shadows, as the wind gust slightly as leaves float about in the air, the two off putting silhouettes move like vanishing ninja's off the platform.

Popping up right in front of a guarded Wink and Pap on the battlefield, an average height man wearing white clown makeup and two top hats awkwardly positioned on his head says as he stares at the two gunmen with a creepy crawly teethy smile, look here Arwi we got some pesky pirates in our camp stirring up trouble! Making his comment apparent and aloud as he keeps a fixed stare with glee eerily present on his visage, standing next to the two hatted gent with a slow like appearance to him, scratching his short cherry red hair with tiger stripes all on the top of his scalp, with the number 8 tattooed under the right side of his pale white chin, looking to be maybe in his twenties to thirties, Arwi says as he opens his mouth to respond back to the off putting dazzled two hatted man, in a slow like twang to his voice, It seems to...be the case Pepo. So, do we kill them quick or capture and take them to the chief or your favorite play?

Thinking over the question as he smiles wide like a pedophile at a kid's chucky cheese, letting his gunergy seep out a smidge from his excitement, Pepo says in a spine-tingling manner, of course judging from that attack the tan blue eyed fellow with the goatee just unleashed that I stopped not too long ago, that oozed some fine gunergy in it! So, I choose the third always fun one, let's play with them before we send their souls to the great gun reaper my slow looking Arwi.

Taking out a pretty long pistol out of his holster on the right side of his leg, Arwi says, fucking figures your psychotic ass would choose that one, like always. Gushing out his pores as well as he releases his white gunergy just a tad, continuing his cool and levelheaded statement, Arwi says, well time for a 2v2.

Feeling just a little taste of their gunergy in the air from the two strange men, sweating even harder now, Wink says, shit you feel that Pap mate? Gulping hard as he forms his eyebrows down into a scowl like facial expression, with his left brow twitching, Pap says, ...yeah, I feel it. No doubt in my good old pasta noodle mind, these characters before us are strong for sure. Not wasting a breath after Pap finished speaking, Wink let's out his light purple gunergy ferociously and springs into action at the two men.

Seeing the eager to get this battle started Wink coming at them with a zoned in stare, tilting his head up slightly as he keeps his same uncomfortable smile present, Pepo says, He's an eager one isn't he! Looks like I found my play mate!

End of Chapter 156