Taste Despair!

Chapter 157 Taste Despair!

Crisga Jamon's Island: Base Camp: Ver and Zel's Battle





As their battle intensifies to a grand level after only going at it for 5 minutes, separated for the time being as Ver and Zel fire off regular basic shots. With neither gunman using gunergy in their respective attacks, thinking to himself as he dashes away to find some cover between the slew of tents surrounding them, taking cover by one of them as he leans up against the sturdy material, Ver says as he peers slightly out to see if his opponent is still in view, this guy's pretty strong. To think we both haven't unleashed any gunergy based attacks yet at one another. And if this mofo is this combat oriented, then my boy Rint might have a good ol time with the main man Crisga then, if his boy is skilled like this.

Scanning the camp to find where Ver disappeared to with serious and vigilant eyes, walking through the maze of tents with his strap clenched in his left and his katana in his other hand, cautiously and patiently turning his body in a different angle to not get snuck up on by Ver. Keeping his mouth shut but thinking to himself, Zel says, where did you go? But while I have some time to ponder while I'm guarded up at the moment. I feel like I've seen this person I'm battling right now before but where.

Stepping on a twig on the ground with his thick clunky red military boot, emerging from his hiding spot among the tents, Ver swiftly charges behind a facing the opposite way Zel in a rapid like manner, smiling with his mind already thinking victory as he almost nears the short man, Ver says in his psyche, well this shits a dub! Grabbing his right pistol, pointing it at the back of Zel's head. With his finger on the trigger ready to fire as he aims, getting a sixth sense as he feels something nearing him, unconsciously pointing his firearm behind him without even so much as a look back, Zel fires off six good rounds with no hesitation at all, caught by surprise at the sudden gesture as he is the one trying to end his foe first, Ver immediately dodges all six not so clear shots.

Hearing Ver being forced to make noise a tinge to dodge his unfocused bullets, quickly swiveling his body toward the back of him, Zel instantly spots the cunning gunman, saying not one word at that moment, Zel without pause dashes at his target, seeing the fast short ninja dressed man with a bland face zooming at him with killing intent aroused, Ver says, shit. Now upon Ver with his face expressionless, briskly tucking his gun into his holster like a smooth badass, still holding firm to his blade, Zel beings to throw light speed like slashes at Ver with his precious katana.

Bobbing and weaving like a hyped-up bunny on a monster energy drink, trying not to get diced, Ver says, whoa! Whoa! Not fast enough to dodge the last fast slash, Ver gets cut right on the left shoulder cleanly, spurting out like a broken water fountain as blood enters the air, Zel says with no emotion expressed on his face, that was only the first taste of despair from my blade.

End of Chapter 157