Getting My Swag Back!

Chapter 197 Getting My Swag Back!

Vice Lords Hideout: Training Room

Blasting away as he fires his orange and brown pistol with swiftness and fluidity, taking out a good chunk of training bots, moving fast as he lets his gunergy come forth.

In the zone as his body moves quicker and nimbler as he amplifies his aura, zipping and zapping as he destroys countless bots in his wake, making his face turn serious with his teeth clenched, thinking to himself as he darts all around, Teco says, I need to get my swag back.

Sweating profusely as he doesn't let up on his training, unleashing more gunergy out of his body, seeing one more big horde of bots, pointing his gun with his grip firm, Teco yells out in a heated manner, EARTHEN DESTROYER BULLET!

Pulling the trigger to let loose his first power attack since his training began, small like a pebble, but then magnifying like a small planet as the rocky bullet moves with crazy speed.


Crashing into the horde as it obliterates the entire unit, panting like a dog after it just ran a couple of miles, with his gunergy still enveloped on his person, Teco says as he manages to catch his breath, system stop the bots from spawning, I'm done for today!

Sounding like an African butler, as a computerized voice hears the request it says, initializing...bots ceased. Training session over.

Standing in the middle of the widespread area with dismantled pieces of bots littered all about, dissipating his gunergy, Teco says in a silent manner, I can't fall behind. I can't let the boss throw me aside, just because he's got Diya a part of our crew now.

Entering the room with his face looking surprisingly not psychotic, Slazer says as he ganders at the presence of Teco in the arena, should have known your toothpick chewing ass was going to be here. So, how's it going trying to surpass your limits, any luck?

End of Chapter 197